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Frequently Asked Questions

Romans Malinovskis edited this page Apr 18, 2016 · 11 revisions

Why don't you use "X" framework?

There are many good libraries designed to simplify your work with the databases, but in our opinion they focus on a single pattern too much, without giving developer enough diversity to make their own decision on how to work with the database. As a result the results are sub-optimal.

Why can't you contribute to "X" framework?

Once library/framework is released and stable it must remain consistent through the releases or it will break production code for developers who rely on it. It is also easier for us to create a new library from scratch then try and fix something that is designed to work differently.

Instead we make commitment to make it super-easy for you to use our library in any framework.

Are you coding everything from scratch?

No. We will use DSQL library (which we wrote ourselves too) for building SQL queries. We are also looking to reuse some goodies from Agile Toolkit Model code (1, 2, 3 Documentation).

All of the above code was written by us years ago, is stable but it is too rough, so we rewrite/refactor it.

Do you know what you are doing?

Yes. The project lead has been Framework Lead Developer since 2003.

Also - please take a look at the quality of code in DSQL which should give you some idea how we plan to proceed with coding.

How will this project interact with DSQL?

We have designed our own powerful query builder that will be used to put together all the queries internally for your SQL-enabled database engine.

How can I help?

We are putting effort into designing this library and making it free (licensed under MIT). You can help us by trying to use it in your project and if you like it - recommending it to others. More information on how to help can be found in main

Will this project support Database vendor "X"?

We will add support for MariaDB, SQLite and MongoDB. PostgreSQL, MSSQL, and MemSQL we will include "theoretical" support and will rely on contributors to improve support and provide integration tests.

Will you include SQL -> Model or Model -> SQL convertors?

They will not be included by default, but there are 3rd party implementation that should be compatible.

Will there be command-line utility?

No. We believe that code generation is bad. Instead we will work to make sure your business code is clean, simple and short, so that you have to type less. You can use Sublime snippets to save yourself some time.