Releases: atlj/react-native-lightning-modal
Releases · atlj/react-native-lightning-modal
Add support for spring animations
Release 1.0.2
1.0.2 (2021-08-11)
Bug Fixes
- modal doesn't appear centered sometimes (a34e5b3)
Release 1.0.1
1.0.1 (2021-08-09)
Bug Fixes
- can't center content on modal (9d5851a)
Release 0.2.0
0.2.0 (2021-08-08)
- add basic functionality (7a5f914)
- add basic functionality to example app (cd1f97b)
- add github token for publishing (b2fd675)
- add shadow to modal (9293c5a)
- expose bottom modal props and ref (8d0c53a)
- implement backdrop color (61bf896)
- implement gestures using panGestureHandler (9acd9b2)