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Panagiotis Atmatzidis edited this page Oct 26, 2015 · 1 revision

To enable OSX notifications, first we need to install plist and terminal-notifier gems:

$ gem install mechanize plist terminal-notifier argosnap

Then we need to install to install the configuration file:

$ gem argosnap -i config

Now we need to edit the configuration file. Let's assume our config.yml looks like this:

    :email: [email protected]
    :password: tarsnap_password
    :threshold: 5
    :seconds: 86400
    :notifications_osx: true

The threshold field determines the value below which you will be notified. The seconds field determines the amount of time between checkups. MacOSX uses launchd to manage jobs, instead of cron.

Now that our config.yml has all the options wee need we have to install a plist configuration file and launch the script:

$ argosnap -i plist
Launchd script is installed. Type 'launchctl load -w /Users/atma/Library/LaunchAgents/org.atma.argosnap.plist' to load the plist.
$ launchctl load -w /Users/atma/Library/LaunchAgents/org.atma.argosnap.plist

Now launchd will manage everything for you and will notify you about your balance via OSX notifications.

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