In this project, we have developed an application that integrates three models: object detection, human action recognition, and scene detection. The application is designed to analyze videos and provide insights based on these three models.
git clone
cd Crime_Annotation
conda create -f fyp_environment.yaml
conda activate lastfyp
Files & Folders to download from google drive
Crime_Annotation/yolov7/runs (this whole folder (proof of tranfer learning done) is 28.3 GB)
There are absolute paths here and there that you need to change, in order for the app to run successfully
our working directory: "..../Crime_Annotation"
so just change the working directory (for both files) to: path/to/Crime_Annotation
working_dir line 17
C:/Users/Tee/Desktop/FYP/GitFYP/Crime_Annotation/mmaction2 line 54 & 55
There isn't a need to change the name of the env, if the user is following the instructions of creating the env using the yaml file
the_cmd = 'conda run -n lastfyp python {}'.format(vid_file) line 60 (the name of the env this command is running on)
file_name_category line 69
file_name_IO line 80
file_name_attribute line 93
file_name_W line 100
model_file line 124
Notes about human_action_recognition model (mmaction2's UniFormerV2):
We ran our code on cpu, because our device on has 4GB of dedicated GPU memory, our har requires more than that. So if your GPU on your device has a at least 8GB of dedicated GPU memory, you can just comment line 16 and uncomment line 14 (for both analyse_vid and analyse_vid2), so that it uses that gpu, instead of cpu for a faster runtime. is for listing out top5 actions in the video is for saving the top5 actions in a json file and saving the analysed videos
Here, these requirements, e.g., code standards, are not that strict as in the core package. Thus, developers from the community can implement their algorithms much more easily and efficiently in MMAction2. We appreciate all contributions from community to make MMAction2 greater.