Lager backend for Graylog. This backend routes log messages to the graylog log server.
Include this backend into your project using rebar:
{lager_graylog_backend, ".*", {git, "", "master"}}
Then you need to add a new "handler" in lager configuration, usually in your app.config file, for example:
{lager, [ {handlers, [ {lager_graylog_backend, [ {host, "localhost:12201"}, {level, info}, {name, graylog2}, {format_config, [ {facility, "myapp"}, {extra_fields, [ {'_environment', <<"production">>} ]} ]} ]} ]} ]}
Backend configuration parameters:
host: graylog server with explicit port number (usually 12201) (string, required)
level: minimum logging level - messages below that level will be dropped (atom, required)
name: backend name (atom, required)
format_config: backend-specific configuration - a proplist with:
- facility: logging facility (string, defaults to "erlang")
- short_message_size: maximum length for the "short message" field (integer, defaults to 80)
- compression: one of disabled, gzip, zlib (atom, defaults to gzip)
- host: source hostname, defaults to the local host's name (string)
- extra_fields: optional proplist of {name, value}, they will be sent as "additional fields" to graylog. The name must be an atom starting with an underscore, while the value must be a binary.
lager_graylog_backend works with Lager version 2.0 or above.
This backend has a quite complete suite test, you can run it with rebar:
$ ./rebar get-deps $ ./rebar compile $ ./rebar eunit skip_deps=true
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