v1.5.2 Release
The major change in this release is that worker nodes will stay in NotReady
status until ipamd is ready to assign IPs to pods. (#553)
Extra thanks to @uthark and @nithu0115 for debugging and contributing some important fixes.
- Bug fix - Fix formatting flag (#521, @uthark)
- Bug fix - Fix formatting issue (#524, @uthark)
- Bug fix - Detach ENI before deleting (#538, @uthark)
- Improvement - Adding healthz endpoint to IPamD (#548, @nithu0115)
- Improvement - Adding new m5 and r5 instances (#518, @mogren)
- Improvement - t3a.small only have 2 ENIs (#543, @mogren)
- Improvement - Updating AWS Go SDK version (#549, Nordlund, Eric)
- Improvement - Reduce the wait time when checking for pods without IPs (#552, @mogren)
- Improvement - Update start script to wait for ipamd health (#553, @mogren)
- Improvement - Hide health check output (#569, @mogren)
- Improvement - Support c5.12xlarge and c5.24xlarge (#510, @mogren)
Full changelog: 2ceb59c...e5f2b85