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Helps set up a promisified polling

Interaction with a polling (i.e. a scheduled repeated action) looks similar to interaction with an asynchronous function: calling and waiting for its resolution before proceeding to other tasks. This package helps reduce the effort (and amount of code) required to set up a polling by creating an async function for a repeated action that is resolved when a defined condition is met.

Installation: npm i skdl



Let's take the following polling function as an example to illustrate the common types of pollings:

async function poll(params) {
    let response = await fetch(`/task?${new URLSearchParams(params)}`);

    return response.json();

In the examples below, this function is passed to the schedule utility as a parameter. The output of schedule is a new async function with the same parameters and return value as the original poll() function, except it is resolved only when the polling completes. The resolved value of the new function is what the polling function poll() returns in the last polling iteration.

Constant finite polling

import {schedule} from 'skdl';

let getData = schedule(poll, {
    delay: 3000,
    repeat: 10,

let data = await getData(params);

Here, getData(params) is resolved after 10 iterations have passed, with each iteration 3 seconds apart from another.

Constant infinite polling

import {schedule} from 'skdl';

let getData = schedule(poll, {
    delay: 3000,
    repeat: true,


Here, getData(params) calls poll(params) every 3 seconds after the previous iteration. Configured as an infinite polling (with repeat set to true), it is never resolved (and can be used as a background status check). For this reason, the return value of getData(params) is not awaited here.

Constant conditional polling

import {schedule} from 'skdl';

let getData = schedule(poll, {
    delay: 3000,
    // at each iteration, the `data` parameter refers to the
    // return value of the scheduled callback
    repeat: (data, iteration) => {
        return data.status !== 'completed' && iteration < 10;

let data = await getData(params);

Here, getData(params) is resolved when poll(params) returns { status: 'completed' } or when the iteration count reaches 10, with the iterations coming at a constant rate, delayed by 3 seconds after the completion of the previous one.

Non-constant conditional polling (including exponential backoff)

import {schedule} from 'skdl';

let getData = schedule(poll, {
    delay: (data, iteration) => {
        return iteration < 5 ? 1000 : 5000;
    repeat: (data, iteration) => {
        return data.status !== 'completed' && iteration < 10;

let data = await getData(params);

Here, getData(params) is resolved when poll(params) returns { status: 'completed' } or when the iteration count reaches 10, with the iterations coming at a non-constant rate, as defined in the delay option.

Interruption with an exception

import {schedule} from 'skdl';

let getData = schedule(poll, {
    delay: (data, iteration) => {
        return iteration < 5 ? 1000 : 5000;
    repeat: (data, iteration) => {
        if (iteration > 10)
            throw new Error('too many iterations');

        return data.status !== 'completed';

let data = await getData(params);

Here, the Promise returned from getData(params) will be rejected with an instance of Error if the iteration count exceeds 10, or fulfilled when poll(params) returns { status: 'completed' }.

Single delayed call

import {schedule} from 'skdl';

let getData = schedule(poll, {
    delay: 1000,

let data = await getData(params);

As an edge case, a polling can be reduced to a single delayed call. Here, getData(params) is resolved to data after 1 iteration delayed by 1 second.


The scheduled function returned from schedule() can be interrupted with a timeout, if it's set with the timeout option:

import {schedule} from 'skdl';

let getData = schedule(poll, {
    delay: 3000,
    repeat: (data, iteration) => {
        return data.status !== 'completed';
    timeout: 30000,

let data = await getData(params);
// if the polling isn't complete in 30 seconds (as configured in the
// `timeout` option), it will be interrupted with an error (see
// 'Timeout error handling' below)

Timeout error handling

The timeout error can be intercepted with the following check in the catch block:

import {isScheduleTimeoutError, schedule} from 'skdl';

let getData = schedule(poll, {
    delay: 3000,
    repeat: (data, iteration) => {
        return data.status !== 'completed';
    timeout: 30000,

try {
    let data = await getData(params);
catch (error) {
    if (isScheduleTimeoutError(error)) {
        // timeout error handling

With React

With React, it is generally necessary to clean up pollings started by a component when the component gets unmounted. It can be arranged with the repeat option, just as any other condition controlling whether a polling should proceed:

import {useEffect, useRef, useState} from 'react';
import {schedule} from 'skdl';

const Task = ({id}) => {
    let isMounted = useRef(false);
    let [status, setStatus] = useState();

    useEffect(() => {
        isMounted.current = true;

        let pollStatus = () => {
            return fetch(`/tasks/status?id=${id}`)
                .then(response => response.json());

        // the `schedule` utility creates a function returning a Promise
        // that is resolved when the `repeat` option returns `false`
        // effectively turning a polling into a Promise
        let waitForCompletion = schedule(pollStatus, {
            delay: 5000,
            repeat: data => {
                if (isMounted.current)

                // the scheduled polling will proceed as long as the
                // component is mounted and the fetched status is
                // other than 'complete'
                return isMounted.current && data.status !== 'complete';

        waitForCompletion().then(data => {
            if (isMounted.current) {
                // any actions required after the task is completed
                // like fetching and rendering the full task data or
                // redirecting the user to another location

        return () => {
            isMounted.current = false;
    }, [id]);

    return (
        <div className="task">
            Task #{id}: {status}


When the returned value of the polling function is a boolean value (or can be expressed as such), waiting for a condition to be met can be further simplified with the waitFor() utility function:

import {waitFor} from 'skdl';

async function isComplete() {
    let response = await fetch('/status');
    let data = await response.json();

    return data.status === 'complete';

await waitFor(isComplete, 1000);

Like schedule(), waitFor() accepts either a constant or non-constant delay as the second parameter, which can be defined as number | ((iteration: number) => number):

// for the first 5 iterations the delay is 1 second,
// and 5 seconds further on
await waitFor(isComplete, iteration => iteration < 5 ? 1000 : 5000);

Waiting for a DOM element

waitFor() can also be used to wait for a DOM element to appear in the DOM tree:

import {waitFor} from 'skdl';

await waitFor(() => document.querySelector('.target') !== null, 100);


Waiting with waitFor() can be interrupted with a timeout, if it's set with the third parameter:

import {waitFor} from 'skdl';

function hasTarget() {
    return document.querySelector('.target') !== null;

await waitFor(hasTarget, 100, 5000);
// if the element doesn't appear within 5 seconds `waitFor()` will
// quit waiting with an error (see 'Timeout error handling' below)

Timeout error handling

The timeout error can be intercepted with the following check in the catch block:

import {isScheduleTimeoutError, waitFor} from 'skdl';

function hasTarget() {
    return document.querySelector('.target') !== null;

try {
    await waitFor(hasTarget, 100, 5000);
catch (error) {
    if (isScheduleTimeoutError(error)) {
        // timeout error handling

With React

Like with schedule(), waitFor() can be stopped when a React component hosting the waitFor() call gets unmounted:

import {useEffect, useRef, useState} from 'react';
import {waitFor} from 'skdl';

const Task = ({id}) => {
    let isMounted = useRef(false);
    let [status, setStatus] = useState();

    useEffect(() => {
        isMounted.current = true;

        let isComplete = () => {
            return fetch(`/tasks/status?id=${id}`)
                .then(response => response.json())
                .then(({status}) => {
                    if (isMounted.current)

                    // the polling will be completed when the component
                    // is unmounted or the fetched status is 'complete'
                    return !isMounted.current || status === 'complete';

        waitFor(isComplete, 5000).then(() => {
            if (isMounted.current) {
                // any actions required after the task is completed
                // like fetching and rendering the full task data or
                // redirecting the user to another location

        return () => {
            isMounted.current = false;
    }, [id]);

    return (
        <div className="task">
            Task #{id}: {status}

schedule() vs waitFor()

A polling can be similarly configured with both schedule() and waitFor(). waitFor() only checks whether a certain condition is met without returning the latest result of the poll function, which is sometimes unnecessary, resulting in a concise syntax. To make use of the latest data from the poll function the more general-purpose schedule() should be used instead.