Cypress documentation: ([]
Follow these steps to get your testing environment up and running.
- Git
- Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager)
First, clone the repository to your local machine:
# clone the repo
$ git clone
$ cd cypress-webportal-tests
Copy the environment template configuration file:
$ cp cypress.env.example.json cypress.env.json
User Credentials: Ensure the supportEmail and supportPassword variables are set to your support email and password.
Install the necessary dependencies for the project:
$ npm install
There are two ways to run your Cypress tests: using the Cypress UI or running them directly via the command line.
# from app's directory run following command
$ npx cypress open
This opens the Cypress interface, where you can run individual tests interactively.
To run tests without the Cypress Test Runner and record the results, use this command:
# from app's directory run following command
$ npx cypress run --record --key aecfab60-1961-458c-9155-4397d5bf9de8