Docker image to run a Pokemon Go Bot from (develop)
Based on anapsix/alpine-java:8_jdk
Follow these instructions to get Docker running on your server.
Two versions of image exist :
- 1.0.0: no privilege needed, pull develop Pokemon Go Bot and run it from source
- 1.0.0-tc: extended privileges needed to control traffic and limit requests/secondes, pull develop and run it from source
Thanks to fixes of requests spamming in bot stack, latest is now without traffic control.
Get the trusted build from the Docker Hub registry:
docker pull babfrag/docker-pokemongobot
or download and compile the source yourself from GitHub:
git clone
cd docker-PokemonGoBot
docker build -t babfrag/docker-pokemongobot .
This Docker image uses mandatory environment variables that override the bot defaults values, that can be declared in an env
file (see pogobot.env.example file):
pogo_username=<google or ptc login>
pogo_password=<google or ptc password>
pogo_latitude=<starting latitude like 1.50>
pogo_longitude=<starting longitude like 1.50>
You can specify any other variables to override properties using pattern :
pogo_<property_to_override>=<custom value>
Example : if you want to override transfer_cp_threshold setting, add the following env variable:
pogo_transfer_cp_threshold=<your custom value>
Start a new Docker container with the following command (replace ./pogobot.env
with your own env
file) :
This command uses defaults gui ports, of course you can customize them.
This container needs to run w/ privileged so the traffic control trick can be done (-d --privileged) tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 300ms rate 56kbit
This avoids "RTNETLINK answers: Operation not permitted" error.
docker run \
--name pogobot \
--env-file ./pogobot.env \
-d --privileged \
-p 8001:8001 \
This command uses defaults gui ports, of course you can customize them.
image: babfrag/docker-pokemongobot
privileged: true
- <path_to_env_file>
- 8001:8001
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
The GUI is now hosted on
This URL is also shown in the console when you launch the bot.
Let's catch some of them ! ✨🎉🚀✨
Copyright (C) 2016 Babfrag