Source code of slides for Backend 4 Android Developers talk @DroidCon-IT 2016 Turin by Antonio Mallia and Nicola Corti.
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We believe that every Android developer should be able to write a simple but powerful backend without having to maintain a massive boilerplate codebase. So, what’s better than a Java framework and a NoSQL database for storing your data? Moreover, the client code can become really hard to maintain when dealing with common tasks such as RESTful requests or user authentication. In spending time trying to reinvent the wheel, you will lose your focus on what’s really important: your users. In this talk we will learn how to develop a full stack project, from the backend, through the protocol to the Android application.
Slides made with reveal.js. Feel free to fork the repo, open issues and pull requests. The content are released under Creative Commons Attributions 4.0