Firmware for esp8266 to remote control over wifi a camera's shutter. For more details on the development I explain it over in my blog mkthings on the post WiFi Remote Shutter Release
- Remote trigger shutter over wifi
- Timer Shutter
- Intervalometer (useful for time lapses)
- If needed, Setup the build environment for the esp8266. Follow this tuturial
- git clone this repository
make flash
make htmlflash
- Connect your camera to the esp8266 circuit (this will be different for each case, check how I did it )
- Connect for mobile to the hotspot created the esp8266 default ssid
- On your browser, go to
- Click on the shutter button to take a photo.
- Connect for mobile to the hotspot created the esp8266 default ssid
- On your browser go, to
- Modify SSID and Key pass to your chose and click Apply
Disclamer: just a simple diagram that I sketched, my circuit design skills are almost non-existence.
- A Socket to connect the esp8266 module
- B Jumper to enable firmware upload
- C Serial data pin headers
- D Power pin headers (3.3V)
- E Camera shutter pin headers
Designed using Fritzing App
- Refactor code
- Updated esphttpd to the latest version
I developed back in December 2014.
It was built on top of esphttpd
by sprite_tm at
The esphttpd
base code is from December 2014