by ~bacwyl-samweg
urbit2urbit rock paper scissors game
roshambo implements a simple protocol of pokes between agents
two agents communicate by %poise pokes until they agree on an exact time window for play: (t0, t0+n)
t0 : shoot-time.poise n : latency.poise
agents send a %shoot poke at exactly t0 and accept a %shoot from the opponent until t0+n
L : the actual latency of the connection
if (n >= L) && (n < 2*L)
each agent must send their %shoot before receiving the opposing %shoot.
latency can be tweaked manually from dojo, but by default its set to a generous value to ensure that games will go through.
you can pretty much assume anyone who is using this app isn't using a modified version in order to cheat so its alright to use a large window.
the window also serves to negotiate games without a more complicated challenging or room mechanism.
to install for dev:
create a fake galaxy
./urbit -F bus
then in ~bus do:
|merge %roshambo our %base
|mount %roshambo
then in unix, in your pier directory, do:
cp -R <this repo>/desk/* roshambo
( you probably also need some files from urbit/urbit/pkg/base-dev and garden-dev )
in ~bus:
|commit %roshambo
|install our %roshambo
in web browser go to localhost/docket/upload
login with ~bus +code
select desk: roshambo select glob: /glob GLOB
%roshambo will be a github repo with /glob and /desk /glob will contain files to glob and instructions for globbing to glob, must do npm install @urbit/http-api npm install urbit-ob browserify script.js -o bundle.js