Allows efficient prefix sum calculation.
Created for training purposes to test:
- rust typesystem, default trait implmentation, enums as a way for polymorphism
- memory management and consumption of value
- cargo tools, docs, tests, clippy and benchmarks, build and publish.
Code is free to do whatever you feel like.
Provides abstraction for Fenwick tree data structure and 2 implmentations:
- [
] - [
Key space for a tree lies within [usize
] range. Tree support any value that
implements [FenwickTreeValue
] trait. [FenwickTreeValue
] is automatically
implmented for all primitive numeric types that support [std::ops::AddAssign
], [core::cmp::PartialEq
] and [Copy
] traits.
cargo add fenwick-bit-tree
cargo test
cargo bench --features benchmarks
use fenwick_bit_tree::prelude::*;
// Create the tree with capacity for 32 aggregated [`i32`] data points.
// One can use whole usize range to store datapoints for unicode timestamps
let mut tree = FixedSizeFenwickTree::<i32>::new(32);
// Add values
tree.update(0, 1);
tree.update(0, 4); // Will aggregate value at index 0 so it would be 5
tree.update(10, 10);
tree.update(20, 10);
tree.update(30, 10);
// Now you can query data.
// NOTE: FixedSizeFenwickTree will raise error when query goes out of bounds.
// GrowingFenwickTree will automatically truncate the range to the rightmost index.
assert_eq!(tree.query(4).unwrap(), 5);
assert_eq!(tree.query(15).unwrap(), 15);
assert_eq!(tree.query(31).unwrap(), 35);
// Also allows making range queries
let val = tree.range_query(2, 16).unwrap(); // Will return aggregated sum of all values between those keys.
assert_eq!(val, 10);
Current version: 2.0.2
License: MIT OR Apache-2.0