Developement environemnt:
- SQL Server 2014
- use windows authentication to log on SQL server 2014
- IIS 7.5 to create website to Umbraco-CMS-release-7.5.6\src\Umbraco.Web.UI folder
- Merge to Umbraco-CMS-release-7.5.6\src\Umbraco.Web.UI folder
I figured it out with following steps.
1. convert Sql ce to sql query file using "ExportSQLCE40.exe "Data Source=umbraco.sdf;" umbraco.sql"
download from
2. check your applicaiotn pool Identity
right click application pool and repalce default account with windows account that has sql permision
3. Replace SQL connection with SQL Server connection
<add name="umbracoDbDSN"
connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Umbraco;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True" />
4. find a bug in code src\Umbraco.Core\Persistence\PetaPoco.cs
"else if (dbtype.StartsWith("SqlClient")) _dbType = DBType.SqlServer; " was missed.
if (dbtype.StartsWith("MySql")) _dbType = DBType.MySql;
else if (dbtype.StartsWith("SqlCe")) _dbType = DBType.SqlServerCE;
else if (dbtype.StartsWith("Npgsql")) _dbType = DBType.PostgreSQL;
else if (dbtype.StartsWith("Oracle")) _dbType = DBType.Oracle;
else if (dbtype.StartsWith("SQLite")) _dbType = DBType.SQLite;
else if (dbtype.StartsWith("SqlClient")) _dbType = DBType.SqlServer;
5. Now my first umbarco website works fine.