This repo runs a 10-min demo of FortiFlex in GCP.
- Flex subscription
- put Flex API credentials in Secret Manager or modify flex provider configuration to use environment variables instead (see
before demo:
- optionally import flex config to avoid creating a new one every time you run a demo. Example command in
- make sure your configuration is ACTIVE
- show procurement options via cloud marketplace
- switch to code editor
terraform apply
before you start talking about code - this will give you ~3-4 minutes- while showing IDE talk about how code creates
- new licenses
- new FGT cluster licensed with new tokens
- flex portal: show new licenses
- flex portal: show how you can use web portal to update licenses
- if gates are ready - connect to show the license
- shell:
terraform destroy
- flex portal: licenses are stopped (so you they don't use points anymore)