What's Changed
- [MDS-5885] - Report submit button set loading indicator by @matbusby-fw in #3042
- [MDS-5872] - get/view cred exch data from traction by @matbusby-fw in #3039
- [Snyk] Upgrade express from 4.18.2 to 4.18.3 by @taraepp in #3023
- [MDS-5899] - now by now numbers by @matbusby-fw in #3043
- [MDS-5872] Cred/Exch Alert View. Alert message update by @matbusby-fw in #3044
- [MDS-5724] AMS field mapping by @henryoforeh-aot in #3041
- [MDS-5724] Refactor AMS error handling. by @henryoforeh-aot in #3045
- [MDS-5686] Remove crash details in error responses in CORE-API by @isuru-aot in #3040
- [MDS-5727] Update url. by @henryoforeh-aot in #3048
- [FIX] - Orgbook Links by @Jsyro in #2805
- [MDS-5291] search by permit number. by @henryoforeh-aot in #3050
- [MDS-5923] Add Missing Author field to edit NoW document form by @taraepp in #3049
- [MDS-5898] Reports Bug fixes by @taraepp in #3051
- [MDS-5724] Fix validation issue. by @henryoforeh-aot in #3053
- [MDS-5844] Declaration page by @taraepp in #3046
- [MDS-5858] Show only currently viewed amendment generated docs by @taraepp in #3052
- [MDS-5745] Minespace: Upgraded axios, express and lodash, removed babel and Jest to fix SNYK vulnerabilities by @simensma-fresh in #3047
- [FIX] BE condition to check AMS terms agreed by @taraepp in #3056
- [MDS-5745] Upgraded node version of minespace and removed imagemin-mozjpeg to resolve CVEs by @simensma-fresh in #3057
- [MDS-3784] capture submitted date VFCBC by @henryoforeh-aot in #3058
- [MDS-5941] Create HSRC API by @henryoforeh-aot in #3061
- [MDS-5878] Fixing download all not working by @isuru-aot in #3059
- [MDS-5933] HSRC Edit FE by @taraepp in #3063
- [MDS-5933] added auth guard and styling to expired codes by @matbusby-fw in #3064
- [MDS-5933] used is_expired field by @matbusby-fw in #3065
- [MDS-5949] New Code Edit error by @taraepp in #3066
Full Changelog: v1.6.1...v1.8.0