Because deleting many repos from a cluttered Github profile is a major pain...
- Install Elixir (1.6 or higher)
- Run
mix deps.get
- Add your Github Personall Access Token as an environment variable:
- To generate a token, visit: and click "Generate new token"
- Copy the token string
- Set
to the token
- Also in your environment, set
to your Github username (e.g. bdfinlayson)
The CLI accepts a number of switches:
: use this to view a count of the total number of repos in your Github account--list [number]
: use this to list a certain number of repos from your account--delete [repo_name]
: use this to delete a specific repo from your account--deleteAll --confirm
: use this to cycle through all your repos and confirm whether you want to delete each one
- Running
./repo_deleter --deleteAll --confirm
will give you the following output:
Do you want to delete this repo?: initialized-project
yes or no? y
Repository initialized-project successfully destroyed!
You now have this many respositories remaining:
| totalCount | 121 |
Do you want to delete this repo?: new-project
yes or no? y
Repository new-project successfully destroyed!
You now have this many respositories remaining:
| totalCount | 120 |
- Running
./repo_deleter --list 10
will give you the following output:
| id | name | updatedAt |
| MDEwOlJlG9zaXRvcnkyOTM2NzYzOQ== | savings-multiplied-metroui | 2015-1-19 |
| MDEwOlJcG9zaXRvcnkyOTk3OTMwNA== | fivedayforecast | 2015-1-30 |
| MDEwOllcG9zaXRvcnkzMDQ2NDkwOA== | | 2015-5-1 |
| MDEwOJlcG9zaXRvcnkzMDU1ODczMw== | square-painter-app | 2015-2-25 |
| MDEwlJlcG9zaXRvcnkzMDU1OTQzNA== | phone-book-app | 2015-2-12 |
| MDEOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkzMDc2NDE0NA== | petmate | 2015-2-20 |
| MDwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkzMDg5NzM5OQ== | flickr-api-app | 2015-2-17 |
| MEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkzMDk0NzYxMg== | random-circle-color-app | 2015-2-18 |
| DEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkzMDk3MTE1NA== | simple-quiz-app | 2015-2-18 |
| DEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkzMTAzMDU5Mg== | student-object-app | 2015-2-19 |
- Running
./repo_deleter --delete savings-multiplied-metroui
will delete the repo and output:
Repository savings-multiplied-metroui successfully destroyed!
You now have this many respositories remaining:
| totalCount | 119 |