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Get serious about logging. This library takes the best concepts of winston and bunyan to create a flexible yet elegant logging solution for any Node.js library or application. You decide what to do with generated logs by using the included transports or creating your own, very easily. You can even decide how to manage logs from your project's dependencies (if they are using this library, of course). A log doesn't have to be just a message, either. You can data to the log message or have a message generated for you from the data via templates.


  • Reliable: It should fail predictably, and with valid cause. Log data is sensitive and important to determining the status of the dependent application. This is done with extensive unit and integration testing along with proper semantic versioning.
  • Flexible: Each dependent package will use this in a different way. Design it in a way that will fit most use cases.
  • Elegant: It should be easy to get started, yet support complex use cases when needed.
  • Fast: Logging is boring, but essential. Do what we need to do, quickly, and get out of the way.


You can install from npm by doing:

npm install --save nomatic-logging

Basic Usage

To get the default Logger:

const logger = require('nomatic-logging');

...which is equivalent to (if the namespace is not already taken):

const logging = require('nomatic-logging');
const Logger = logging.Logger;
const ConsoleTransport = logging.ConsoleTransport;
const logger = new Logger('root', {
    transports: [
        new ConsoleTransport({
            level: 'info'

Now, logger has a name of root and a way to send logs of level info and above to the console.

Then, to use it:'test');
// with data:'test', {
    isTest: true

You read that right. You can send data with your message. As a matter of fact, you can just send data with your log and have the Logger parse it into a message for you:

logger.template = '{method} {url} {status} {length} {ms}';{
    method: 'GET',
    url: '/path/to/resource',
    status: 200,
    length: '1214',
    ms: 22

To listen for all entries generated on logger:

logger.on('entry', (entry) => {
    /* `entry` is an object with `namespace`, `message`, `level`,
    * `hostname`, `createdAt`, and optional `data` fields.

To listen for the 'info' log level entries:

logger.on('info', (entry) => {

Because we are using EventEmitter from nomatic-events, you can also use a regex:

logger.on(/(info|debug)/, (entry) => {

You can create your own transport very easily:

const Transport = require('nomatic-logging').Transport;
class DatabaseTransport extends Transport {
    public execute(entry) {
        /// do something here

const myTransport = new DatabaseTransport({
    level: 'debug'

You can send log entries to a database, a file, a remote server, whatever you want. This is where nomatic-logging becomes very powerful, and not just a complicated replacement for console.log().

You can then subscribe myTransport to a logger:


A log entry object looks like this:

interface Entry {
  namespace?: string;
  level: string;
  message: string;
  createdAt: Date;
  hostname: string;
  data?: Object;

As you can see, the only two properties that are optional are namespace and data. namespace is optional because it is optional in the Logger class. You can use the Logger class directly, and potentially export it as part of your library or module:

const Logger = logging.Logger;
module.exports.logger = new Logger();

The Logger class uses no transport(s) by default. You can specify one (or more) when instantiating or do:

    transports: [

This will override properties at a top-level basis (i.e. if you specify transports, any other transports specified will no longer be used by the logger).

Anything you can configure via configure, you can pass on instantiation:

const myLogger = new Logger({
    transports: [

A logger can also have child loggers:


...which have all the same levels and transports of the parent. If you try to create another logger with the same name on this parent, it will throw an exception. When you configure the parent, the parent will push the same configuration all child loggers.

Loggers also have a get method, which will either return a logger or create one if it does not exist:

logger.get('app'); // returns the previously created Logger instance of the same name
logger.get('app2'); // creates then returns a Logger instance with `name` of 'app2'


This library is developed with TypeScript, and as such, includes definitions. However, you do not even need to know what TypeScript is to use this package. The compiled project is included in the npm package.


You can run tests by doing:

npm test

A summary of code coverage shows up at the end of the output, but if you want the HTML site, do:

npm run coverage

I do strive for 100% code coverage since this is a very small library. I would ask for the same when submitting a PR. If you need help with writing tests, ping me and I will either write them for you (if it's small enough) or give you guidance on how to do so.

Future Plans

  • Make usable in both Node.js and the browser (currently only supported in Node.js)
  • Add more transports (either included in the main project or as plugins), including:
    • HTTP (sending log entries via JSON or text to a remote server)
    • File (with log-rotate capabilities)
    • Node.js streams
  • Improve test cases, remove clutter, etc. to build even more confidence in the project

Contributing / Support

Please note that this software is in the early stages of development, but is in production use in several of my personal projects and university/work endeavors.

Pull requests are absolutely welcome, and issues can be raised for questions or bugs. I do understand the documentation is a little sparse at the moment, and I'm certainly working to expand that very, very soon. If you need help using the library, submit an issue for it and I'll be sure to document it (first in the issue itself, then in the actual documentation).

Please remember that this is something I maintain and build upon in my spare time. If you need paid support for a particular solution, feature, or bug, please feel free to send me a message. Generally speaking, I'm very responsive during the work week.