Releases: believeinlain/planetgen-js
Releases · believeinlain/planetgen-js
Fixed CDN.
Forgot to include the dist in last release. CDN should now be available at "[email protected]/dist/planetgen.js".
Fixed vulnerabilities.
Updated dependencies to address vulnerabilities and fixed resource path issue ("res/..." is now "/res/..." to properly read from static files).
Basic plate segmentation.
Added 'load' event to resize after everything has loaded in, actually fixing the resizing bug.
This version has functional plate segmentation, dynamic seed reloading, and dynamic LOD.
Marking this as the first production-ready release.
Fixed resizing bug?
0.1.2 0.1.2: fixed resizing bug?
Trying out cdn delivery.
Not sure why it's not working properly, but I don't think the CDN is updating.