Welcome to the Data Science Boot Camp 2019!
This 2-week boot camp is for aspiring data scientists. We will take each student from an introduction to Jupyter Notebooks and Python, to the state-of-the-art in Deep Learning. Each section is organized with 30% lecture + 70% hands-on training. Each student will develop a uniquely tailored Capstone Project and present it at the end of the course.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.
This course was built using material from my private industry and acedemic experience, as well as material borrowed from:
- UPenn CIS 229
- UPenn CIS 520
- Stanford CS 229
- Python Data Science Handbook
- Machine Learning Mastery
- Towards Data Science
- Many thanks to Kaggle for the datasets
- Numerous others that I cannot remember.