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An API for ingesting, organizing and querying data from transcriptomics experiments.


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Takuan is a REST API data service for transcriptomics data.

It is intended to ingest, organize and query data from transcriptomics experiments through an API.

Takuan stores its data in a PostgreSQL database.


Takuan handles data produced in transcriptomics experiments.

For a given experiment, samples taken from study participants are selected for RNA sequencing.

At the end of an RNA sequencing pipeline, a raw counts matrix (RCM) is usually produced, this matrix is used to represent the gene expression levels per samples.

To express this in a tabular format, Takuan expects to receive RCM files in CSV format, where the colums correspond to unique sample identifiers, rows to unique feature identifiers (genes) and cells to the observed count for the sample-gene pair.

RCM overview

Once the data is produced, it can be ingested in Takuan in order to allow downstream analysis of the results.

Data model and flow

In order to ingest and query data into Takuan, you must follow these steps:

  1. Create an experiment, in which we will later ingest gene expression data
    1. POST /experiment
    2. JSON body describing the experiment, where
      1. experiment_result_id is a unique identifier for the experiment
      2. assembly_id is the assembly accession ID used in the experiment
      3. assembly_name is the genome assembly name used in the experiment
      4. extra_properties is a JSON object where you can place additional meta data
  2. Ingest an RCM into the experiment you created
    1. POST /experiment/{experiment_result_id}/ingest
      1. Where experiment_result_id must correspond to an existing experiment ID in Takuan
      2. A valid RCM file must be in the request's body as rcm_file
    2. During the ingestion, Takuan creates a gene_expression row for every pair of sample-gene
  3. The gene_expression table now contains rows with the raw_count column filled
  4. Normalized counts can be computed on demand and stored in the database
    1. POST /normalize/{experiment_result_id}/{method}
      1. experiment_result_id is the ID of an experiment with raw gene expressions
      2. method is the normalization method to use (TPM, TMM or GETMM)
      3. TPM and GETMM both require that you include a gene_lengths CSV file in the body
    2. Normalized values are added in the appropriate column of gene_expression
  5. Query the experiments and gene expressions in your DB!
    1. POST /expressions to get expression data results
      1. JSON request body for filtering results and pagination
    2. POST experiment/{experiment_result_id}/samples to get the sample IDs for an experiment
    3. POST experiment/{experiment_result_id}/features to get the gene IDs for an experiment

Synthetic data

Valid synthetic transcriptomics data can be produced for Takuan.

To do so, please follow the steps detailled in the Bento Demo Dataset repository.

After following the instructions, 4 relevant files are produced for Takuan:

  • counts_matrix_group_1.csv
  • counts_matrix_group_2.csv
  • counts_matrix_group_3.csv
  • gene_lengths.csv

The count matrices can be ingested into Takuan as is. The gene lengths file can be used as is to normalize ingested expressions.

For testing purposes, this repository includes an RCM and gene lenghts file:


Environment variables

The following environment variables should be set when running a Takuan container:

Name Description Default
AUTHZ_ENABLED Enables/disables the authorization plugin. False
CORS_ORIGINS List of allowed CORS origins Null
DB_HOST IP or hostname of the database tds-db
DB_PORT Database port 5432
DB_USER Database username tds_user
DB_NAME Database name tds
DB_PASSWORD DB_USER's Database password Null
DB_PASSWORD_FILE Docker secret file for DB_USER's Database password Null
TDS_USER_NAME Non-root container user name running the server process Null

Note: Only use DB_PASSWORD or DB_PASSWORK_FILE, not both, since they serve the same purpose in a different fashion.

Using Docker Secrets for the PostgreSQL credential

The Takuan Config object has its values populated from environment variables and secrets at startup.

The Config.db_password value is populated by either:

Using a Docker secret is recommended for security, as environment variables are more prone to be leaked.

DB_PASSWORD should only be considered for local development, or if the database is secured and isolated from public access in a private network.

Authorization plugin

The Transcriptomics Data Service is meant to be a reusable microservice that can be integrated in existing stacks. Since authorization schemes vary across projects, Takuan allows adopters to code their own authorization plugin, enabling adopters to leverage their existing access control code, tools and policies.

See the authorization docs for more information on how to create and use the authz plugin with Takuan.

Starting a standalone Takuan

Start the Takuan server with a local PostgreSQL database for testing by running the following command.

# start
docker compose up --build -d

# stop
docker compose down

The --build argument forces the image to be rebuilt. Be sure to use it if you want code changes to be present.

You can now interact with the API by querying localhost:5000/{endpoint}

For the OpenAPI browser interface, go to localhost:5000/docs.

Local dev

For local development, you can use the file to start a Takuan development container that mounts the local directory. The server starts in reload mode to quickly reflect local changes, and debugpy is listening on the container's internal port 9511.

# Set UID for directory permissions in the container
export UID=$(id -u)

# start
docker compose -f ./ up --build -d

# stop
docker compose -f ./ down

You can then attach VS Code to the takuan container, and use the preconfigured Python Debugger (Takuan) for interactive debugging.

GA4GH Service Info

This service implements GA4GH's Service-Info spec.

If left unconfigured, a default service info object will be returned.

For adopters outside of the Bento stack, we recommend that you provide a custom service info object when deploying.

This can be done by simply mounting a JSON file in the Takuan container.

When starting, the service will look for a JSON file at /tds/lib/service-info.json.

If the file exists, it will be served from the GET /service-info endpoint, otherwise the default is used.


The service exposes the following endpoints:

Endpoint Method Description
/experiment GET Get all experiments
/experiment POST Create an experiment
/experiment/{experiment_result_id} GET Get an experiment by unique ID
/experiment/{experiment_result_id} DELETE Delete an experiment by unique ID
/experiment/{experiment_result_id}/samples POST Retrieve the samples for a given experiment
/experiment/{experiment_result_id}/features POST Retrieve the features for a given experiment
/experiment/{experiment_result_id}/ingest POST Ingest transcriptomics data into an experiment
/normalize/{experiment_result_id}/{method} POST Normalize an experiment's gene expressions with one of the supported methods (TPM, TMM, GETMM)
/expressions POST Retrieve expressions with filter parameters
/service-info GET Returns a GA4GH service-info object describing the service

Note: For a more thorough API documentation, please refer to the OpenAPI release artifacts (openapi.json), or consult the hosted docs (link to come).

Mount points

A Takuan deployment can be customized by mounting certain files to the container. The table bellow lists the files that can be mounted to a Takuan container to customize its behaviour.

Container path Description
/run/secrets/ Docker secrets directory
/tds/lib/.env Extra environment variables for an authz plugin
/tds/lib/ Custom authorization plugin implementation
/tds/lib/requirements.txt Extra Python dependencies to install for an authz plugin
/tds/lib/service-info.json Custom GA4GH service-info JSON definition

Docker images

The Transcriptomics Data Service is packaged and released as a Docker image using GitHub Actions.

Images are published in GitHub's container registry, here.

Images are built and published using the following tags:

  • <version>: Build for a tagged release
  • latest: Build for the latest tagged release
  • edge: The top of the main branch
  • pr-<number>: Build for a pull request that targets main

Note: Images with the -dev suffix (e.g. edge-dev) are based on dev.Dockerfile for local development.

To pull an image, or reference it in a compose file, use this pattern:

docker pull<TAG>


An API for ingesting, organizing and querying data from transcriptomics experiments.





