A user event memory for server and clients. Online users will receive events and handle them normally. Offline users will have their events stored and replicated for later retrieval and handling. If the server goes down all the clients will still store and replicate the events.
npm install "github:benzmuircroft/hyperdown"
β Events always fully work! (both server/user can go offline or be offline then come back later or be here now)
β Impliment queues for addEvent
π³ Impliment queues for consumedEvents ?
π³ Could I queue dealing with events and sending results ?
π³ Each completed action pushes the last out and it can scale with more users ?
uniqueKeyPair: 'must be unique to each peer (including the server peer) and be able to reproduce socket.remotePublicKey',
folderName: 'is storage and the swarm topic',
testFolder: 'If testing server and client(s) in a single script this will move the storage to an inner folder of folderName',
isServer: 'is a bool',
// AddEventQueue: 'a tinybee that enforces queuing many users events and has memory so it can resume the queue ...'
// consumedEventsQueue: 'a tinybee that enforces queuing many users consumedEvents and has memory so it can resume the queue ...'
// preventRepeats: 'a tinybee that remembers and can be told to forget'
onClientConsumedEvents: 'required for server. is a function (see sever example)',
eventHandler: 'required for clients. is a function (see client example)'
;(async function() {
const Keychain = (await import('keypear')).default; // https://github.com/holepunchto/keypear
const b4a = require('b4a');
// server
const kp0 = new Keychain({
scalar: b4a.from('808a6e175b246bc93d4adaada45d49c031296efb36da7fdf3c5128d3eb46fd5e', 'hex'),
publicKey: b4a.from('9b0e5bf749a3fd55ca5d08b225962bae6c0c826d9822a79e36b1871b50da82fe', 'hex')
const server = await require('hyperdown')({
uniqueKeyPair: kp0,
folderName: 'topic',
testFolder: 'server', // only needed because we are testing in one script
isServer: true,
function(remotePublicKey, event, cb) {
// do something ...
console.log(`server: client ${remotePublicKey} used the event`, event);
// an online user
const kp1 = new Keychain({
scalar: b4a.from('684e14316d8f379829ee5d1b883dffd2cf123f2987b8658353ae740ed8758565', 'hex'),
publicKey: b4a.from('09f9cb2e6097bab4936696c7fb2e80c52ecc7e7a0dfe67274d93198e785c1558', 'hex')
const onlineClient = await require('hyperdown')({
serverPublicKey: kp0.publicKey,
uniqueKeyPair: kp1,
folderName: 'topic',
testFolder: 'onlineClient1', // only needed because we are testing in one script
async function(id, data, cb) {
// do something ...
console.log('client1: event from server', id, data, cb);
await cb(id, true);
await server.addEvent(kp1.publicKey, { prize: 500, game: 'boxing', note: 'user1 is online' }); // give a online client an event
// an offline user
const kp2 = new Keychain({
scalar: b4a.from('b0cf93c3f3589ea5e7a09b752e7b6492e6e331661da8fe88854d692aec59114f', 'hex'),
publicKey: b4a.from('4cce6d17f4000b19b9f752fb7c185a56cff16d86f0cda8673e5ab6baed9e7171', 'hex')
await server.addEvent(kp2.publicKey, { prize: -500, game: 'boxing', note: 'user2 is offline' }); // give a offline client an event
const offlineClient = await require('hyperdown')({ // they come back later ...
serverPublicKey: kp0.publicKey,
uniqueKeyPair: kp2,
folderName: 'topic',
testFolder: 'offlineClient2', // only needed because we are testing in one script
offline: true,
async function(id, data, cb) {
// do something ...
console.log('client2: event from server', id, data, cb);
await cb(id, true);
await server.addEvent(kp1.publicKey, { prize: 4500, game: 'boxing2', note: 'user1 is still online' }); // give a online client an event
// try server leave here, then comment it out again and re-run to see the server recover events that were previously consumed by the clients
// server.leave();
server.onClientConsumedEvents(remotePublicKey, eventsArray, cb) {
// do something ...
console.log('server: client used the event', remotePublicKey, eventsArray);
// none
client.eventHandler(id, data, cb) {
// do something ...
cb(id, true);