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BERGWERK edited this page Oct 6, 2015 · 1 revision

User manual

To use the extension create a new content element General Plugin and select BERGWERK Onepage Viewer.

Add your pages in the form Welche Seiten sollen angezeigt werden?

You have the possibility to select several options:

  1. Menu anzeigen: Displays a menu. The menu item's names are generated by using the page name.
  2. Automatisch zur Section Scrollen bei Klick auf das Menü: Scroll to section, don't jump
  3. Scroll-Geschwindigkeit: Set scroll speed (only available if option 2 is checked)
  4. Seitentitel ausgeben?: Renders the page name as headline
  5. Seitentitel als Typ ausgeben: Select the headline-level which is used to render the page title. (only available if option 4 is checked)

bwrk_onepage plugin

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