A simple JS class to paginate arrays.
You just have to download the minify js file paginate-js.min.js
, and import it into your HTML :
<script src="/path/to/paginate-js.min.js"></script>
Install from NPM or Yarn
$ npm i -S paginatedjs
# OR
$ yarn add paginatedjs
And import it into your NodeJS project
const Pagination = require("paginatedjs").Pagination
// OR
import { Pagination } from 'paginatedjs'
And... that's it ! :)
let list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
let perPage = 3
let page = []
const pagination = new Pagination(list, perPage)
// gives you [1,2,3]
page = pagination.getPaginated(true)
// gives you [13]
page = pagination.getPaginated(true)
// gives you [10,11,12]
page = pagination.getPaginated(true)
// gives you [13]
pagination.nextPage() // next page does not exists
page = pagination.getPaginated(true)
// gives you [4,5,6]
page = pagination.getPaginated(true)
// gives you [13]
pagination.goToPage(20) // page 20 does not exists
page = pagination.getPaginated(true)
// gives you [7,8,9]
page = pagination.getPaginated(true)
// gives you [1,2,3]
page = pagination.getPaginated(true)
// gives you [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9], [10,11,12], [13]]
let chunked_list = pagination.chunkList()
// gives you {1: [1,2,3], 2: [4,5,6], 3: [7,8,9], 4: [10,11,12], 5: [13]}
let chunked_list = pagination.chunkList(true)
Nomenclature : {Return type} Class.property
Get the current page number
{Number} Pagination.pageNumber
Get the number of pages
{Number} Pagination.nbPages
Get the list
{Array} Pagination.list
Get the number of entries per page
{Number} Pagination.perPage
Nomenclature : {Return type} Class.method(<(optional) arg | type>, [<(optional) arg | type>])
Get list length
{Number} Pagination.count()
Get last page chunk length
{Number} Pagination.countLastPage()
Returns true if pagination not ended, false otherwise
{Boolean} Pagination.hasMore()
Set pagination to the previous page
{Pagination} Pagination.prevPage()
Set pagination to the next page
{Pagination} Pagination.nextPage()
Set pagination to the first page
{Pagination} Pagination.firstPage()
Set pagination to the last page
{Pagination} Pagination.lastPage()
Returns chunked list compared to pagination position Returns Chunk class instance if to_array argument is false, array otherwise
{Chunk|Array} Pagination.getPaginated(<(optional) to_array | Boolean>)
Set pagination to the page number passed as argument
{Pagination} Pagination.goToPage(<page_number | Number>)
Reset pagination
{Pagination} Pagination.reset()
Returns a chunked array or page indexed object of the list
{Array|Object} Pagination.chunkList(
<(optional) indexed_by_page | Boolean>,
<(optional) to_array | Boolean>
Nomenclature : {Return type} Class.method(<arg | type>, [<arg | type>])
Get count length
{Number} Chunk.count()
{Boolean} Chunk.empty()
{Boolean} Chunk.notEmpty()
Get the first element
{Mixed} Chunk.first()
Get the last element
{Mixed} Chunk.last()
Get nth element (begins to 1)
{Mixed} Chunk.nth(<n | Number>)
Returns true if list contains value passed as argument, false otherwise
{Boolean} Chunk.contains(<value | mixed>)
Get chunked list only with keys passed as arguments /!\ Works only with array of objects
{Chunk} Chunk.only(<args | Array>)
Returns chunked list as an array
{Array} Chunk.toArray()
Paginate the chunked list
{Pagination} Chunk.paginate(<perPage | Number>)