A simple tool that remaps & bypasses Diablo II Resurrected module and then continues to patch connection functions to allow local gameplay.
More information about the crc32 bypassing and remapping can be found in my 'Bypassing World of Warcraft's Read-Only Code Protection (crc32)' blog post
You will need the Diablo II: Resurrected game files.
You will need .NET Framework v4.7.2, which you can download at:
https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework/thank-you/net472-web-installer -
Download the latest release (or clone the project and build it) :
Unzip and copy bothD2ROffline.exe
to your Diablo II: Resurrected game folder. They should be in the same directory asGame.exe
to start the tool. -
A cmd window should open and begin the patching process, then prompt you to hit any key to continue, then the game should open. You can then close the cmd window.
When loading a character, use the TCP/IP button and host a game, double clicking the character name or clicking Play will not work by default. See the
argument under Usage if you would like to edit your saves to play in offline mode (including act1 to act5).
Please see the FAQ if you have any issues.
You can run D2ROffline.exe
with arguments to solve some problems.
.\D2ROffline.exe -FixLocalSave
This will update your save files to allow you to play your characters in single player mode (act3 to act5 included) instead of hosting a TCP/IP game. This argument prevents the game from loading and will just patch your save files.
.\D2ROffline.exe -UpdateKeyBinds
This will sync your keybindings between characters.
.\D2ROffline.exe -Delay 35
This will change the delay amount when patching your game, default is 25. Use this and try different values to help with crashes after being in-game for certain amounts of time.
.\D2ROffline.exe "C:\D2R\Game.exe"
Use this to specify a path to Game.exe if you're not running D2ROffline.exe
from the same directory.
There is a neat little feature that allows you to use the patches.txt
file and create your own patching rules, the patches.txt
file MUST be in the same folder as the executable!
This allows you to create your own patches.
Offline/Local patch, thanks to king48488
All classes, Multiplayer access and unlock act3~5 thanks to shalzuth
0xD615F2:909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090: ~ show all calsses on load (shalzuth)
0x39FC03:9090909090909090909090909090909090909090: ~ allow chars to load (shalzuth)
0x39FCB6:909090909090909090: ~ enable loading into a3-a5 (shalzuth)
Language patches to force the client into loading a language, thanks to Ferib (me).
0x1446C8:+0x00: ~ English *[enUS]*
0x1446C8:+0x270A4: ~ German *[deDE]*
0x1446C8:+0x270AC: ~ Spanish *[esES]*
0x1446C8:+0x270B4: ~ French *[frFR]*
0x1446C8:+0x270BC: ~ Italian *[itIT]*
0x1446C8:+0x270C4: ~ Korean *[koKR]*
0x1446C8:+0x270CC: ~ Polski *[plPL]*
0x1446C8:+0x270D4: ~ Russian *[ruRU]*
0x1446C8:+0x270DC: ~ Chinese (simplified) *[zhCN]*
0x1446C8:+0x270E4: ~ Chinese *[zhTW]*
0x1446C8:+0x270EC: ~ Spanish *[esMX]*
0x1446C8:+0x270F4: ~ Japanese *[jaJP]*
0x1446C8:+0x270FC: ~ Brazilian *[ptBR]*
Want to test out multiplayer mode? feel free to join my server at ferib.dev
and come say hi!
Also, feel free to donate money in case you made it this far, this will keep me motivated to work on Diablo2Resurrected related projects and to keep the server going, thanks!
This repository is for educational purposes only. Please do not perform any of the above actions on the Game client.
Diablo II and Diablo II: Resurrected are registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment. This project is not affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment in any way.
- Ferib (me): crc32 bypass
- king48488: Patch locations