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Gelato VRF

Gelato VRF is a project that combines Drand with Gelato Web3 Functions to obtain a randomness providing oracle for EVM-compatible blockchains.

Implementation Overview

In this repository you can find a Gelato Web3 Function that acts as the oracle for the smart contracts requesting randomness on-chain. The W3F is designed to listen for the RequestedRandomness event and fulfill it accordingly.


In the repositories the smart contracts are designed to cover two main use-cases:

  1. "Vanilla" Gelato VRF should be in most cases the default option and allows to query and receive random numbers by implementing the GelatoVRFConsumerBase.sol contract
  participant User
  participant Contract
  participant GelatoVRFConsumerBase
  participant W3F
  participant Event
  User->>Contract: Request Randomness
  Contract->>GelatoVRFConsumerBase: Inherit
  GelatoVRFConsumerBase->>Event: RequestedRandomness Event
  Event->>W3F: Listen
  W3F->>Contract: fulfillRandomness
  Contract->>User: Result with randomness
  1. Handle Chainlink VRF compliant requests through the VRFCoordinatorV2Adapter.sol contract.
  participant VRFCoordinatorV2AdapterFactory
  participant User
  participant VRFCoordinatorV2Adapter
  participant W3F
  participant Event
  User->>VRFCoordinatorV2AdapterFactory: From frontend
  VRFCoordinatorV2AdapterFactory->>VRFCoordinatorV2Adapter: Deploys
  User->>VRFCoordinatorV2Adapter: Request Randomness
  VRFCoordinatorV2Adapter->>Event: requestRandomWords
  Event->>W3F: Listen
  W3F->>VRFCoordinatorV2Adapter: fulfillRandomWords
  VRFCoordinatorV2Adapter->>User: Return Randomness

Both the aforementioned contracts implement the IGelatoVRFConsumer.sol interface, which is what the Web3 Function is able to operate with.

Some small difference lie in the setup required to make the W3F work depending on which use-case is being targeted.

  1. For the Gelato VRF to work, the GelatoVRFConsumerBase.sol contract has to be inherited in the contract that should request and use the random number.

  2. For the Chainlink Compatible VRF the VRFCoordinatorV2Adapter.sol contract has to be deployed. Each user has to deploy its own instance of the adapter. This can be easily achieved through the VRFCoordinatorV2AdapterFactory.sol factory contract, which also needs to be deployed on every supported chain.

It is important to note that unlike approaches that would look similar at first glance (like flashloans, that have a function to request and one to receive them) the request is not satisfied in the same block since Web3 Functions are used under the hood.

Arbitrary user data

To enable further composability the requestedRandomness method supports passing arbitrary data that the W3F will forward in the callback.

To encode arbitrary data correctly abi.encode can be used like that:

// Given some arbitrary values to pass to the callback
address arbitraryAddress = 0x...
uint256 arbitraryUint256 = ...
SomeContract arbitraryContract = ...

// Encode into an array of bytes
bytes arbitraryData = abi.encode(arbitraryAddress, arbitraryUint256, arbitraryContract);

// Request randomness for the randomnessConsumer

The randomness consumer is then able to decode the data using abi.decode in the _fulfillRandomness method:

function _fulfillRandomness(
    uint256 randomness,
    uint256 requestId,
    bytes memory extraData
) external {
    // Decode the variables specifying their types
    (address arbitraryAddress, uint256 arbitraryUint256, SomeContract arbitraryContract) =
    abi.decode(extraData, (address, uint256, SomeContract));

    // Do something with the decode variables
    // ...

User implementation details.

When implementing a Gelato VRF into their contracts there are two possibilities available:

  1. Inherit GelatoVRFConsumberBase.sol is definitely the go-to option for most implementations since it already provides a request id, handles multiple requests correctly and offers replay attack protection.
  2. Implementing IGelatoVRFConsumer.sol is a possibility if ever you feel like you need a different implementation of the VRF. However, it is not recommended.

Web3 Function Details

User arguments

  • consumerAddress: string is the address that requests randomness and receives the callback from the W3F.


Since event-driven W3Fs are not available at the time of development, each VRF tracks events independently as shown in this example by keeping the latest checked block in the storage. This behavior will most likely change for a leaner approach once the events can be used as a trigger for automation.

Development Setup

  1. Install project dependencies
yarn install
  1. Configure your local environment:
  • Copy .env.example to init your own .env file
cp .env.example .env
  1. Complete your .env file with your private settings

Deterministic deployment

Singleton contracts can be deployed using npx hardhat deploy.









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  • TypeScript 65.5%
  • Solidity 34.5%