A GUI-based scheduling application for managing customer appointments.
Author: William Gunn
Email: [email protected]
Version: 1.0
Date: 2021-11-15
IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2.2 (Community Edition)
JDK: OpenJDK 11.0.12
JavaFX: JavaFX SDK
- Set the database connection details by editing src/utils/JDBC.java and setting the following properties:
- location - The hostname and port. Default:
- database - The database name. Default:
- user - The database username. Default
- password - The database password. Default
- location - The hostname and port. Default:
- launch IntelliJ and open the project
- Set the Project SDK by navigating to
File -> Project Structure -> Project
- Select SDK 11 from the Project SDK dropdown
- Select
SDK default
from the Project language level dropdown
- Add the MySQL connector driver by navigating to
File -> Project Structure -> Libraries
- Click the + icon and select
From Maven
- Enter mysql:mysql-connector-java:8.0.25
- Click the + icon and select
- If necessary, download the JavaFX 17 SDK from https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/
- Add the JavFX library by navigating to
File -> Project Structure -> Libraries
- Click the + icon and select Java
- Browse to the lib folder of the JavaFX SDK 17 installed on your system and select
- Add the JavaFX module path and modules to the run configuration by navigating to
Run -> Edit configuration
- Add the following VM options:
- --module-path ${PATH_TO_FX} --add-modules javafx.fxml,javafx.controls,javafx.graphics
- Add the following VM options:
- Add the PATH_TO_FX Path Variable by navigating to
File -> Settings -> Path Variables
- If PATH_TO_FX is already set, verify it is pointing to JavaFX SDK. If it isn't, select PATH_TO_FX and click the pencil icon to edit the value.
- If PATH_TO_FX is not set, click the + icon and set the name to PATH_TO_FX and for the value, browse to the lib folder of the JavaFX 17 SDK install location
- In the navigation tree, find the Main package at src/main/Main
- Right-click on the Main package and select
Run 'Main.main()
The additional report is called User Schedule by Location. This report provides the following data:
- User
- Location
- Appointment ID
- Title
- Description
- Start
- End
- Customer ID