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AttributeToken (EN)
Table of Contents
A single attribute of extension tags, HTML tags and tables. This class inherits all the properties and methods of the Token class which are not repeated here.
✅ Available in the Mini and Browser versions.
✅ Expand
type: string
The name of the attribute in lowercase, read-only.
// name
var attr = Parser.parse('<REF name=a/>').querySelector('ext-attr');
assert.equal(attr, 'name=a');
assert.strictEqual(attr.name, 'name');
✅ Expand
type: string
The name of the tag in lowercase, read-only.
// tag
var attr = Parser.parse('<REF name=a/>').querySelector('ext-attr');
assert.equal(attr, 'name=a');
assert.strictEqual(attr.tag, 'ref');
✅ Expand
type: boolean
Whether the quotes are matched.
// balanced
var attr = Parser.parse('<p id="a>').querySelector('html-attr');
assert.equal(attr, 'id="a');
// balanced (main)
var attr = Parser.parse('<p id="a>').querySelector('html-attr');
attr.balanced = true;
assert.equal(attr, 'id="a"');
✅ Expand
returns: LintError[]
Report potential grammar errors.
// lint
var [lang, tabindex, align, style] = Parser.parse(`<p
assert.equal(lang, 'xml:lang=zh');
assert.equal(tabindex, 'tabindex="1"');
assert.equal(align, 'align=center');
assert.equal(style, `style="cursor:url('cursor.png')`);
assert.deepStrictEqual(lang.lint(), [
rule: 'illegal-attr',
severity: 'error',
message: 'illegal attribute name',
startLine: 1,
startCol: 0,
startIndex: 3,
endLine: 1,
endCol: 8,
endIndex: 11,
suggestions: [
desc: 'remove',
range: [3, 14],
text: '',
assert.deepStrictEqual(tabindex.lint(), [
rule: 'illegal-attr',
severity: 'error',
message: 'nonzero tabindex',
startLine: 2,
startCol: 10,
startIndex: 25,
endLine: 2,
endCol: 11,
endIndex: 26,
suggestions: [
desc: 'remove',
range: [15, 27],
text: '',
desc: '0 tabindex',
range: [25, 26],
text: '0',
assert.deepStrictEqual(align.lint(), [
rule: 'obsolete-attr',
severity: 'warning',
message: 'obsolete attribute',
startLine: 3,
startCol: 0,
startIndex: 28,
endLine: 3,
endCol: 5,
endIndex: 33,
assert.deepStrictEqual(style.lint(), [
rule: 'unclosed-quote',
severity: 'warning',
message: 'unclosed quotes',
startLine: 4,
startCol: 6,
startIndex: 47,
endLine: 4,
endCol: 31,
endIndex: 72,
suggestions: [
range: [72, 72],
text: '"',
desc: 'close',
rule: 'insecure-style',
severity: 'error',
message: 'insecure style',
startLine: 4,
startCol: 7,
startIndex: 48,
endLine: 4,
endCol: 31,
endIndex: 72,
✅ Expand
returns: string | true
Get the value of the attribute.
// getValue (main)
var attr = Parser.parse('<p id=a>').querySelector('html-attr');
assert.equal(attr, 'id=a');
assert.strictEqual(attr.getValue(), 'a');
returns: this
Deep clone the node.
// cloneNode (main)
var [ext, html, table] = Parser.parse('<ref name=a/><p id=b>\n{|id=c\n|}')
.querySelectorAll('ext-attr, html-attr, table-attr');
assert.equal(ext, 'name=a');
assert.equal(html, 'id=b');
assert.equal(table, 'id=c');
assert.deepStrictEqual(ext.cloneNode(), ext);
assert.deepStrictEqual(html.cloneNode(), html);
assert.deepStrictEqual(table.cloneNode(), table);
Escape equal signs. Used inside templates.
// escape (main)
var attr = Parser.parse('<p id=a>').querySelector('html-attr');
assert.equal(attr, 'id=a');
assert.equal(attr, 'id{{=}}a');
Close the quotes.
// close (main)
var attr = Parser.parse('<p id="a>').querySelector('html-attr');
assert.equal(attr, 'id="a');
assert.equal(attr, 'id="a"');
param: string | boolean
Attribute value
Set the value of the attribute.
// setValue (main)
var attr = Parser.parse('<p id=a>').querySelector('html-attr');
assert.equal(attr, 'id=a');
assert.equal(attr, 'id="b"');
assert.strictEqual(attr.parentNode, undefined);
param: string
Attribute name
Rename the attribute.
// rename (main)
var attr = Parser.parse('<p id=a>').querySelector('html-attr');
assert.equal(attr, 'id=a');
assert.equal(attr, 'class=a');
version added: 1.10.0
returns: string
Convert to HTML.
// toHtml (main)
var root = Parser.parse(
`<p foo style="cursor:url(a.cur)" tabindex=1 id=" a b " title='c\n"'>`,
[foo, style, tabindex, id, title] = root.querySelectorAll('html-attr');
assert.strictEqual(foo.toHtml(), '');
assert.strictEqual(style.toHtml(), '');
assert.strictEqual(tabindex.toHtml(), '');
assert.strictEqual(id.toHtml(), 'id="a_b"');
assert.strictEqual(title.toHtml(), 'title="c ""');
version added: 1.17.1
param: string
property name
param: string | undefined
property value (optional)
returns: string | undefined
Get the value of a style property.
// css (main)
var root = Parser.parse(`<p style=margin:0;padding:0>`),
style = root.querySelector('html-attr');
assert.equal(style, 'style=margin:0;padding:0');
assert.strictEqual(style.css('margin'), '0');
style.css('margin', '0 0');
assert.equal(style, 'style="margin:0 0;padding:0"');
style.css('margin', '');
assert.equal(style, 'style="padding:0"');
style.css('left', '0');
assert.equal(style, 'style="padding:0; left: 0"');
用于维基文本的 ESLint 插件
A command-line tool that performs linting on Wikitext in bulk
ESLint plugin for Wikitext