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Front: Biko2 D8 Theme (based on COG)

by Biko2 GitHub last commit GitHub release node Maintenance


Instalar el tema principal.

composer require 'drupal/cog'

Descargar este theme e incluirlo en el proyecto.

Setup Local Development

Hay que instalar nodejs para preparar las herramientas. TODO: poner notas para hacerlo. Desde la carpeta del theme (theme/custom/front) instalar los modulos de cada herramienta.

npm install

Ejecutar herramientas

Para compilar todo.


Para tenerlo lanzado y que recompile cuando cambiamos los archivos.

gulp watch

Para lanzar el entorno de desarrollo con live reload.

gulp serve

Para compilar solo SASS, JS y las páginas.

gulp build:dev


Based on gulp-tasks-front

Theme Overview

Starter theme for Biko2 proyects.

contrib/ (theme folder)
|-- cog/

custom/ (theme folder)
|-- front/ (cloned from cog starterkit)

Folder Structure

|-- assets/css/  (generated css)
|-- assets/images/  (theme images)
|-- assets/js/  (compiled js)
|-- src/assets/js/  (js sources)
|-- src/assets/images/  (image sources)
|-- src/assets/fonts/  (font sources)
|-- src/assets/scss/  (SMACSS based sass setup)
|-- src/assets/twigPages/  (Twig based pages)
|-- gulpfile.js  (configured gulp file)
|-- (bash script to install nvm and node)
|-- *logo.png (placeholder logo png file)
|-- *logo.svg (placeholder logo svg file)
|-- node_modules/  (modules generated by npm)
|-- package.json  (configured to load dependencies by npm)
|-- (Documentation)
|-- screenshot.png (placeholder theme screenshot file)
|-- (theme config file)
|-- front.breakpoints.yml (theme breakpoints file)
|-- front.libraries.yml (starter libraries file to load theme assets)
|-- front.theme (file to use for preprocess functions)
|-- theme-settings.php (file to use for making theme settings available in the GUI)

Sass Structure

BEM & Atomic design structure.

  |-- 01_tools/
  |-- 02_settings/
  |-- 03_generic/
  |-- 04_elements/
  |-- 05_objects/
  |-- 06_components/
  |-- 07_pages/
  |-- 08_utilities/
  |-- style.scss

[BEM - Atomic documentation] (

  • styles.scss the manifest file that imports all the partials or folders with globbing


The Gulp installation and tasks are setup to work on install, but are still intended to be easily updated based on project needs. The tasks are declared in gulpfile.js and broken out within the gulp-tasks/ subfolder. You can list the available Gulp tasks with gulp --tasks. The most common gulp task is gulp watch when developing locally, which covers Sass compiling, JS linting, and building dynamic styleguides.


An example JS file app.js is added by default in the js/ folder. This file contains sample code wrapped in the Drupal.behaviors code standard. This JS file is added to the theme with the following portion of the code from [theme-name].libraries.yml. Cog does not have compression enabled for Gulp since it is relying on Drupal's caching system.

    js/app.js: {}
    js/vendors.js: {}


Further Documentation

Build Notes