This is an early version of watermarking method from Bilibili, resisting image and video compression attack well.
Prepare data: download ImageNet2012 validation dataset or use your own dataset, and split it according to image id, i.e., train (1-10000) / validation (10001-15000 / test (15001-25000).
cd bilibili_wtm pip install -r requirements.txt mkdir results
python --cfg_file option/psnr_tar40_jpgx2.json
Note 1: replace "val_path" in cfg_file with your own path. You can extract 500 frames from 1080p video and save them as frames-xxxx.png (xxxx is 0000,0001,0002,...,0498,0499, and resize them to 1920x1072) in order.
Note 2: choose the model according to the validation recall on the dataset mentioned in Note 1.
Finetune with LPIPS loss to reduce visual artifacts:
python --cfg_file option/psnr_tar40_jpgx2_lpips.json
- Test with your trained model:
python --cfg_file test_setting.json
The code is modified from MBRS.