Dwm is an extremely fast, small, and dynamic window manager. This is my build of dwm with only a few patches, feel free to visit the suckless website and add the patches you want (rename the config.h
to config.def.h
before applying a patch).
- alwayscenter (floating client will always be in the middle of the screen)
- attachbelow (open new client below the focused one)
- bar-height-spacing (adjust bar's height)
- colorfultags (add different colors to every tags)
- cursorwarp (cursor will be on the focus client)
- fixborders (make client's border opaque with compositor)
- fullgaps (add gaps)
- fullscreen-compilation (i added a line to fix fakefullscreen issues with chromium based browser. Thanks to bakkeby)
- movestack (move client in the stack)
- noborder (no border and no gaps when there's only one client)
- pertag (keep the layout per tag instead of per monitor)
- scratchpads (spawn and hide a floating terminal window)
- status2d (add colors to status bar)
- statusallmons (status bar on all monitor)
- underlinetags (add line under tags when selected)
- st
- dmenu
- slstatus (status bar)
- awesome & material icons font or change the tags icon in the
file at line 55:
/* tagging */
static const char *tags[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" };
The MODKEY is set to the Super key (aka the Windows key).
Keybinding | Action |
opens terminal |
ALT + t |
opens terminal in scratchpad |
MODKEY + d |
opens dmenu |
MODKEY + q |
closes focused window |
MODKEY + SHIFT + Delete |
quits dwm |
MODKEY + 1-7 |
switch focus to workspace |
MODKEY + SHIFT + 1-7 |
send focused window to workspace |
MODKEY + j |
switches focus between windows in the stack |
MODKEY + k |
switches focus between windows in the stack |
rotates the windows in the stack |
rotates the windows in the stack |
MODKEY + l |
expands size of window |
MODKEY + h |
shrinks size of window |
MODKEY + comma |
switches focus next monitors |
MODKEY + period |
switches focus to prev monitors |
Clone this repo git clone https://github.com/Binetto/dwm.git
, edit the config.h
file and run doas/sudo make install
Everytime you edit the config file, you need to recompile doas/sudo make clean install
On Nixos with flake enabled, add this to your configuration file:
# flake.nix
inputs = {
dwm = { url = "github:binettexyz/dwm"; flake = false; };
# configuration.nix
{ inputs, ... }:
dwm = pkgs.callPackage (inputs.dwm + "/default.nix") {};
in {
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [