Render360 is a tool we created for rendering 360-degree images and videos based on the user's head orientation. It can take input videos encoded using not only a variety of non-adaptive projections, but also the adaptive AdaP-360 projections. It allow researchers to encode the rendered views into "view videos" using lossless encoding, and compare the true visual qualities using the popular objective measurements.
Details can be found in our paper: AdaP-360: User-Adaptive Area-of-Focus Projections for Bandwidth-Efficient 360-Degree Video Streaming [paper].
brew install glfw glew pkg-config yasm
./configure --enable-opengl --enable-libx264 --enable-gpl --extra-libs='-framework OpenGL -lglfw -lGLEW -lpng -lm -lz'
make ffmpeg
./configure --enable-opengl --extra-libs='-lGL -lGLU -lGLEW -lglfw -lpng -lm -lz'
make ffmpeg
The layout describing the equirectangular layout is defined in
The render shader is defined in equi-render.glsl
./ffmpeg -loglevel "info" -y -i test.jpg -filter:v "" view.jpg
The layout describing baseball cube layout is defined in
The render shader is defined in eac-render.glsl
The layout describing standard cube layout is defined in
The render shader is defined in eac-render.glsl
The layout describing standard cube layout is defined in
The render shader is defined in rsp-render-1-1.glsl
The layout describing standard cube layout is defined in
The render shader is defined in rsp-render-2-1.glsl
The layout describing standard cube layout is defined in
The render shader is defined in barrel-render.glsl
The layout describing standard cube layout is defined in
The render shader is defined in barrel-render.glsl
The layout describing standard cube layout is defined in
The render shader is defined in offset-cube-render.glsl
Parameters to the projection filter are passed as follows:
projection={output width}:{output height}:{x-fov}:{y-fov}:{x-rotation}:{y-rotation}:{z-rotation}:{vertex shader}:{fragment shader}:{orientation file}:{layout file}:{start time}:{expand coefficient}
Here, output width
and output height
are represented in pixels
, y-fov
, x-rotation
, y-rotation
and z-rotation
are represented in degrees.
The legal ranges of x/y/z-rotation
are set to {-360, 360}.
vertex shader
, fragment shader
, orientation file
and layout file
are file paths
start time
indicates where to start loading orinetation time
For example, a sample command can look like the follows:
$ ./ffmpeg -loglevel 'info' -y -i test-barrel.mp4 -filter:v "" barrel-back.mp4
title={Adap-360: User-adaptive area-of-focus projections for bandwidth-efficient 360-degree video streaming},
author={Zhou, Chao and Wang, Shuoqian and Xiao, Mengbai and Wei, Sheng and Liu, Yao},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia},