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ahasverus committed Sep 21, 2024
1 parent 3695b96 commit 0c3d0d6
Showing 1 changed file with 192 additions and 17 deletions.
209 changes: 192 additions & 17 deletions index.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,71 @@
margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see */
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{ counter-reset: source-line 0; }
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{ content: counter(source-line);
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-ms-user-select: none; user-select: none;
padding: 0 4px; width: 4em;
color: #aaaaaa;
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code span.bu { } /* BuiltIn */
code { color: #003b4f; font-weight: bold; } /* ControlFlow */
code { color: #20794d; } /* Char */
code { color: #8f5902; } /* Constant */
code { color: #5e5e5e; } /* Comment */
code { color: #5e5e5e; font-style: italic; } /* CommentVar */
code { color: #5e5e5e; font-style: italic; } /* Documentation */
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code span.dv { color: #ad0000; } /* DecVal */
code { color: #ad0000; } /* Error */
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code span.fu { color: #4758ab; } /* Function */
code { color: #00769e; } /* Import */
code { color: #5e5e5e; } /* Information */
code { color: #003b4f; font-weight: bold; } /* Keyword */
code span.op { color: #5e5e5e; } /* Operator */
code span.ot { color: #003b4f; } /* Other */
code span.pp { color: #ad0000; } /* Preprocessor */
code { color: #5e5e5e; } /* SpecialChar */
code { color: #20794d; } /* SpecialString */
code { color: #20794d; } /* String */
code { color: #111111; } /* Variable */
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Expand Down Expand Up @@ -399,41 +464,151 @@ <h1>Table of contents</h1>
<section id="table-of-contents-1" class="slide level2">
<h2>Table of contents</h2>
<p><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br></p>
<div class="columns">
<div class="column center" style="width:33%;">
<p><i class="fa-solid fa-paragraph fa-2x" aria-label="paragraph"></i><br><br>Section 1</p>
<p><i class="fa-solid fa-code fa-2x" aria-label="code"></i></p>
<p><br> Section 1</p>
</div><div class="column center" style="width:33%;">
<p><i class="fa-solid fa-paragraph fa-2x" aria-label="paragraph"></i><br><br>Section 2</p>
<p><i class="fa-brands fa-github fa-2x" aria-label="github"></i></p>
<p><br> Section 2</p>
</div><div class="column center" style="width:33%;">
<p><i class="fa-solid fa-paragraph fa-2x" aria-label="paragraph"></i><br><br>Section 3</p>
<p><i class="fa-solid fa-book fa-2x" aria-label="book"></i></p>
<p><br> Resources</p>
<!-- Insert section 'Quarto basics' -->
<section id="section-1" class="title-slide slide level1 center">
<h1>Section 1</h1>

<section id="slide-title" class="slide level2">
<h2>Slide title</h2>
<p>Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit<sup>1</sup></p>
<div class="columns">
<div class="column center" style="width:33%;">
<p><i class="fa-solid fa-paragraph fa-2x" aria-label="paragraph"></i><br><br>Section 4</p>
</div><div class="column center" style="width:33%;">
<p><i class="fa-solid fa-paragraph fa-2x" aria-label="paragraph"></i><br><br>Section 5</p>
</div><div class="column center" style="width:33%;">
<p><i class="fa-solid fa-paragraph fa-2x" aria-label="paragraph"></i><br><br>Section 6</p>
<div class="column" style="width:50%;">
<p><strong>Left column</strong></p>
<p>Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum.</p>
<p><img data-src="images/logo-title-slide.png" style="width:25.0%"></p>
</div><div class="column center" style="width:50%;">
<p><strong>Right column (content centered)</strong></p>
<p>Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum.</p>
<p><img data-src="images/logo-title-slide.png" style="width:50.0%"></p>
<p>Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit…</p>
<aside><ol class="aside-footnotes"><li id="fn1"><p>This is a footnote.</p></li></ol></aside></section></section>
<section id="section-2" class="title-slide slide level1 center">
<h1>Section 2</h1>

<section id="slide-title-1" class="slide level2">
<h2>Slide title</h2>
<div class="columns">
<div class="column" style="width:30%;">
<p><strong>Left column</strong></p>
<p>Neque porro quisquam est.</p>
<p><img data-src="images/logo-title-slide.png" style="width:55.0%"></p>
</div><div class="column" style="width:70%;">
<p><strong>Right column</strong></p>
<p>Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum.</p>
<table class="caption-top" style="width:100%;">
<caption>Table 1: Table caption</caption>
<col style="width: 16%">
<col style="width: 16%">
<col style="width: 16%">
<col style="width: 16%">
<col style="width: 16%">
<col style="width: 16%">
<tr class="header">
<th style="text-align: left;">Header 1</th>
<th style="text-align: center;">Header 2</th>
<th style="text-align: right;">Header 3</th>
<th style="text-align: right;">Header 4</th>
<th style="text-align: right;">Header 5</th>
<th style="text-align: right;">Header 6</th>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="text-align: left;">Row 1 Col 1</td>
<td style="text-align: center;">Row 1 Col 2</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">Row 1 Col 3</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">Row 1 Col 4</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">Row 1 Col 5</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">Row 1 Col 6</td>
<tr class="even">
<td style="text-align: left;">Row 2 Col 1</td>
<td style="text-align: center;">Row 2 Col 2</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">Row 2 Col 3</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">Row 2 Col 4</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">Row 2 Col 5</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">Row 2 Col 6</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="text-align: left;">Row 3 Col 1</td>
<td style="text-align: center;">Row 3 Col 2</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">Row 3 Col 3</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">Row 3 Col 4</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">Row 3 Col 5</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">Row 3 Col 6</td>
<tr class="even">
<td style="text-align: left;">Row 4 Col 1</td>
<td style="text-align: center;">Row 4 Col 2</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">Row 4 Col 3</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">Row 4 Col 4</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">Row 4 Col 5</td>
<td style="text-align: right;">Row 4 Col 6</td>
<p>Insert icons with <a href="">Font Awesome</a> <i class="fa-brands fa-github" aria-label="github"></i> or <a href="">Academicons</a> <i class="ai ai-sci-hub"></i></p>
<div class="columns">
<div class="column" style="width:50%;">

</div><div class="column" style="width:50%;">
<div class="cell">
<div class="sourceCode cell-code" id="cb1"><pre class="sourceCode numberSource r number-lines code-with-copy"><code class="sourceCode r"><span id="cb1-1"><a href=""></a><span class="co"># Block code with unicode symbol ----</span></span>
<span id="cb1-2"><a href=""></a>x <span class="ot">&lt;-</span> <span class="st">"I \u2665 Quarto"</span></span>
<span id="cb1-3"><a href=""></a><span class="fu">print</span>(x)</span></code><button title="Copy to Clipboard" class="code-copy-button"><i class="bi"></i></button></pre></div>
<div class="cell-output cell-output-stdout">
<pre><code>[1] "I ♥ Quarto"</code></pre>
<!-- Insert section 'Quarto basics' -->
<section id="quarto-basics" class="title-slide slide level1 center">
<h1>Quarto basics</h1>
<section id="resources" class="title-slide slide level1 center">

<section id="simple-slide" class="slide level2">
<h2>Simple slide</h2>
<section id="resources-1" class="slide level2">
<li><a href="">Quarto guide</a></li>
<li><a href="">Markdown syntax</a></li>
<li><a href="">RevealJS guide</a></li>
<p>To use this template, visit the <a href=""><strong>Wiki</strong></a>.</p>
<div class="quarto-auto-generated-content">
<p><img src="images/logo-affiliation.png" class="slide-logo"></p>
<div class="footer footer-default">
<p><i class="fa-brands fa-github" aria-label="github"></i> &nbsp;<a href="" class="uri"></a></p>


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