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BitcoinToken ($BTCT) was born in 2019; it is the true community-run crypto project, and eco-friendly micropayments' blockchain in the whole cryptospace.

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  1. Bitcoin-Token-Core Bitcoin-Token-Core Public

    BitcoinToken ($BTCT) was born in 2019; it is the true community-run crypto project, and eco-friendly micropayments' blockchain in the whole cryptospace. Close to 3 seconds for transaction confirmat…

    C++ 7 10

  2. Raspberry-Pi-CLI-Daemon-Node-Guide Raspberry-Pi-CLI-Daemon-Node-Guide Public

    A simple guide on how to install a BTCT staking node on a raspberry Pi with a CLI Daemon, to run 24/7 as an active node on the BTCT network. Our hard-cap goal is initially 1000 RasPi's to be runnin…

    3 1

  3. Masternode-Setup-Guide Masternode-Setup-Guide Public

    This is a tutorial on how to enable a Bitcoin Token Masternode on a VPS server which is an alternative way to earn more BTCT then just wallet staking.

    1 2

  4. Official-Images Official-Images Public

    This repository holds the official images used for Bitcoin Token (BTCT). You are free to link, download or use them. Bitcoin Token is open source similar to the original Bitcoin.

    1 2

  5. BTCT-Rasp-Pi-Image BTCT-Rasp-Pi-Image Public

    Forked from RPi-Distro/pi-gen

    A simple guide on how to install a BTCT staking node on a raspberry Pi with an Rasbian IMG file, to run 24/7 as an active node on the BTCT network. Our hard-cap goal is initially 1000 RasPi's to be…

    Shell 1

  6. API API Public

    API documentation and calls


Showing 6 of 6 repositories
  • Official-Images Public

    This repository holds the official images used for Bitcoin Token (BTCT). You are free to link, download or use them. Bitcoin Token is open source similar to the original Bitcoin.

    bitcointokenbtct/Official-Images’s past year of commit activity
    1 2 0 0 Updated Feb 5, 2022
  • API Public

    API documentation and calls

    bitcointokenbtct/API’s past year of commit activity
    0 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Feb 5, 2022
  • Bitcoin-Token-Core Public

    BitcoinToken ($BTCT) was born in 2019; it is the true community-run crypto project, and eco-friendly micropayments' blockchain in the whole cryptospace. Close to 3 seconds for transaction confirmations. Fourth generation Bitcoin ($BTC) fork. Limitless possibilities to everybody.

    bitcointokenbtct/Bitcoin-Token-Core’s past year of commit activity
    C++ 7 MIT 10 1 0 Updated Feb 5, 2022
  • Masternode-Setup-Guide Public

    This is a tutorial on how to enable a Bitcoin Token Masternode on a VPS server which is an alternative way to earn more BTCT then just wallet staking.

    bitcointokenbtct/Masternode-Setup-Guide’s past year of commit activity
    1 2 0 0 Updated Dec 14, 2021
  • BTCT-Rasp-Pi-Image Public Forked from RPi-Distro/pi-gen

    A simple guide on how to install a BTCT staking node on a raspberry Pi with an Rasbian IMG file, to run 24/7 as an active node on the BTCT network. Our hard-cap goal is initially 1000 RasPi's to be running. Help make this happen and get involved!

    bitcointokenbtct/BTCT-Rasp-Pi-Image’s past year of commit activity
    Shell 1 BSD-3-Clause 1,716 0 0 Updated Oct 26, 2020
  • Raspberry-Pi-CLI-Daemon-Node-Guide Public

    A simple guide on how to install a BTCT staking node on a raspberry Pi with a CLI Daemon, to run 24/7 as an active node on the BTCT network. Our hard-cap goal is initially 1000 RasPi's to be running. Help make this happen and get involved!

    bitcointokenbtct/Raspberry-Pi-CLI-Daemon-Node-Guide’s past year of commit activity
    3 1 0 0 Updated Feb 4, 2020

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