- Workflow Search | Packal
- zenorocha/alfred-workflows: A collection of Alfred 3 and 4 workflows that will rock your world
- Forums - Alfred App Community Forum
- Home · wensonsmith/YoudaoTranslator Wiki 有道翻译
- snooze92/alfred-epoch-converter: Makes it easy to work with epoch timestamps! 时间戳
- cage1016/alfred-devtoys: A Swiss Army knife for developers for Alfred多种工具集的workflowDevtoys - A Swiss Army knife for developers for Alfred - Share your Workflows - Alfred App Community Forum
- LeEnno/alfred-terminalfinder: Alfred workflow to open current Finder window in Terminal/iTerm and vice versa.
- 柯基资源网
- 天下无鱼
- 独角兽资源站
- Open Radar//apple bug search
- awesome-macOS
- Awesome macOS Command Line
- awesome-ios
- awesome-swift
- open-source-ios-appsopensource
- jaywcjlove/reference: 为开发人员分享快速参考备忘清单(速查表)
- hua1995116/awesome-ai-painting: AI绘画资料合集(包含国内外可使用平台、使用教程、参数教程、部署教程、业界新闻等等) stable diffusion tutorial、disco diffusion tutorial、 AI Platform
- IGListKit 学习(1) 一种高效的 diff 算法 | Sunshine//diff算法
- IGListKit/Source/IGListDiffKit at main · Instagram/IGListKit
- ra1028/DifferenceKit: 💻 A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection.
- azamlerc/nsarray-functional: An Objective-C category that adds functional programming methods to NSArray.搜集了一些nsarray操作的库
- nickynick/ArrayDiff: Yet another diff calculation utility, efficient & tested.
- Rightpoint/BonMot: Beautiful, easy attributed strings in Swift
- Swift How to get integer from string and convert it into integer - Stack Overflow获取字符串中的所有数字
- NSData to Hex String or reverse
- Converting NSData to HEX string-分类讲解咯其它iOS相关的文章16进制
- iOS 并发编程之 Operation Queues 雷纯锋-说明为什么需要手动触发kvo
- 串行执行异步操作-有代码示例
- (AFNetworking 3 批量上传图片的 3 种方法 - 简书) gcd nsoperation promise也可以参考SDAsyncBlockOperation
- HighwayLaw/HWThrottle: A lite Objective-C library for throttle and debounce, supporting leading and trailing. 节流/限流/防反跳/防重复点击/防重复调用
- yulingtianxia/MessageThrottle: A lightweight Objective-C message throttle and debounce library.
- iOS中的Throttle(函数节流)与Debounce(函数防抖) - sundayswift - 博客园
- ZoomTransitioningcolletion cell To VC
- expanding-collection
- DisplaySwitcherCustom transition between two collection view layouts
- RZTransitions
- NewAmsterdamLabs/ZOZolaZoomTransition
- View2ViewTransition
- HAPaperViewController
- TransitionTreasury
- custom container interactive transition
- 转场时候view appear or disappear 调用顺序
- presentation转场 同时说了not full 情况下的status bar 控制
- A Beginner’s Guide to Presentation Controllers in iOS 8
- Custom View Controller presentations, the right way.
- uiwindow rootvc转场取巧(https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7703806/rootviewcontroller-switch-transition-animation)
- Animated transitions for UIWindow's rootViewController property(https://medium.com/@danielemargutti/animate-uiwindows-rootviewcontroller-transitions-2887ccf3fecc)
- uiwindow top most viewcontroller
- iOS13横屏状态栏不显示
- UINavigationController that implements swipe to push/pop in an interactive animation. Just implement the InteractiveNavigation protocol on your ViewControllers you add to the nav stack to get custom transitions. Or implement a single animation and return it instead of the nil's in the UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate and all transitions will start using it.
- rihardsba/NavigationTransitions
- iOS 8视图控制器中的showViewController和showDetailViewController - 鸟的博客
- How To Present a Bottom Sheet View Controller in iOS | by Mohd Hafiz | Better Programming//非转场实现
- malcommac/UIWindowTransitions: 🏃♂️ Animated transitions for UIWindow's rootViewController property
- nodes-ios/transitions-animations-part1: Animated Transitions in ViewController, part 1Animated Transitions in ViewController - Part 1 | Welcome to Monstarlab’s Engineering Blog //pizza 转场动画
- awesome-ios-animation/transition.md at master · onmyway133/awesome-ios-animation · GitHub
- iOS Animation Tutorial: Custom View Controller Presentation Transitions | Kodeco
- Transitions - iOS Example
- Custom UIViewController Transitions: Getting Started | Kodeco
- Animate UIViewController Transitions with UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning | by Steven Curtis | Medium
- ra1028/Carbon: 🚴 A declarative library for building component-based user interfaces in UITableView and UICollectionView.
- Instagram/IGListKitA data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists.
- 详细介绍了Decoration的运用
- 卡片layout 叠加
- 横向选择器
- Custom layout for a collection view using horizontal and vertical scrolling with sticky rows and columns,币世界那种滑动方式
- [UICollectionViewCell Auto Sizing(自适应高度)]https://www.jianshu.com/p/4186ed80cbac
- UICollectionViewCell 高度自适应
- ios - Subview frame is incorrect when creating UICollectionViewCell - Stack Overflow在layoutsubviews中不能获取到控件的有效值,颠覆我三观 ios - Bug with rounded UIImageViews in a UICollectionViewCell - Stack Overflowdemo地址
- iOS中UICollectionView布局对齐方式的runtime实现 - 简书居左私有方法实现
- 调用UICollectionView reloadData 页面闪烁因为连续两次调用了该方法
- Implementing a Dynamic Height UICollectionViewCell in Swift 5 | by Mohannad Bakbouk | Swift2Go | Medium
- ios - UICollectionView Self Sizing Cells with Auto Layout - Stack Overflow
- NHBalancedFlowLayout 瀑布流
- chiahsien/CHTCollectionViewWaterfallLayout: The waterfall (i.e., Pinterest-like) layout for UICollectionView.
- xiaopin/iOS-WaterfallLayout: UICollectionView实现瀑布流布局
- exyte/Grid: The most powerful Grid container missed in SwiftUI//swiftui 动画grid布局
- Yalantis/Koloda: KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS.类似探探卡片效果
- cwRichardKim/RKSwipeCards: The basics of a swipeable card interface inspired by Tinder类似探探卡片效果
- How to Create a Revolut-Esque Cards Collection View on iOS | by Burhan Shakir | Better Programming左右卡片缩小,中间卡片放大旋转木马效果
- panghaijiao/HJCarouselDemocarousel旋转木马
- nicklockwood/iCarousel: A simple, highly customisable, data-driven 3D carousel for iOS and Mac OS
- zepojo/UPCarouselFlowLayout: A fancy carousel flow layout for UICollectionView on iOS.
- uicollectionviewlayout · GitHub Topics
- uicollectionviewflowlayout · GitHub Topics
- Custom Collection View Layouts Part 8 Ultravisual – Featured Cell_哔哩哔哩_bilibili//RAYWENDERLICH上layout视频
- Carousel collection view layout//每次调用prepare有缓存
- david6p2/Ultravisual: UICollectionView with expanding Cells, paralax effects and beatiful fading animations//看源码每次调用prepare且没有缓存
- fdzsergio/SFFocusViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout with focused content//和上面效果差不多
- Spice Up Your App’s Collection Views With These 7 Libraries | by Anupam Chugh | Better Programming//列举部分layout
- KelvinJin/AnimatedCollectionViewLayout: A UICollectionViewLayout subclass that adds custom transitions/animations to the UICollectionView without effecting your existing code.多种layout,包括了Carousel效果,very nice
- Repository search results · GitHub上面库通过查询得来
- ios - How to populate UITableView from the bottom upwards? - Stack Overflow底向上布局,翻转视图
- An interesting solution to UITableView Layout from Bottom | by Phan Viết Trung | Dwarves Foundation | Medium设置UITableView自适应和我使用的方法一致
- marty-suzuki/ReverseExtension: A UITableView extension that enables cell insertion from the bottom of a table view.
- swift - UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout waterfall - Stack Overflowvebbis321/WaterfallCompostionalLayout
- The Power of UICollectionView Compositional Layout | Swift | UIKit | by Omar Radwan | Medium
- kishikawakatsumi/IBPCollectionViewCompositionalLayout: Backport of UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout to earlier iOS 12
- Implementing Modern Collection Views | Apple Developer Documentation官方demo,含有很多场景
- omerfarukozturk/UIView-Shimmer: Easy way to apply fancy Shimmer effect to any UIView element for iOS applications using Core Animation.
- Gank/UIView+Gank.swift at 5f4466d934ea784b1d39aaaa5f51f83923d4ec71 · yeziahehe/Gank
- EssentialFeed/FeedImageCell.swift at 9ced589e9f73bf89e187a056954ca40f820c4959 · cmromeo/EssentialFeed
- essential-feed/UIView+Shimmering.swift at 5074b52583c0de56ccc52242da0048970557b45f · berzinsk/essential-feed
- soberman/ARSLineProgress: iOS progress bar, replacement for the default activity indicator.
- twho/loading-buttons-ios: A collection of loading buttons and their stylings written in Swift.
- 按钮动画成功后转场
- ninjaprox/NVActivityIndicatorView: A collection of awesome loading animations
- gontovnik/DGActivityIndicatorView: DGActivityIndicatorView is a great way to make loading spinners in your application look nicer. It contains 32 different indicator view styles.//objc
- Juanpe/SkeletonView: ☠️ An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents they are awaiting//shimmer
- mercari/ShimmerView: ShimmerView is a collection of APIs to construct Skelton View + Shimmering Effect type loading indicator on UIKit and SwiftUI.
- shimmer · GitHub Topics
- Marxon13/M13ProgressSuite
- YLProgressBar
- progressbar · GitHub Topics
- fxm90/GradientProgressBar: 📊 A customizable gradient progress bar (UIProgressView).
- DholStudio/DSGradientProgressView: A simple animated progress bar in Swift带右移动画
- Ramotion/fluid-slider:
💧 A slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
- iOS objc4-838编译流程,可在macOS Monterey运行 - 掘金
- LGCooci/KCCbjc4_debug: 🌈可编译苹果官方源码objc!现在有objc4底层源码,以及libmalloc等可编译版本,大家可以自由LLDB调试!
- OC底层文章汇总-CSDN博客面试
- gcfrun/Runtime-723: 基于苹果开源代码objc4-723编译NSObject源码实现
- Radar | Apple Wiki | Fandom
- sunnyxx 孙源
- 喵神 王巍
- 唐巧总结的开发博客列表
- YYKit作者
- wereadteam微信读书团队
- 老谭笔记
- undefinednodejs 爬虫
- iOS逆向编程论坛
- Yalantis 动画
- reviewCode
- 微信读书team
- TanHao(NSProxy)
- 饿了么
- 苹果核加入 天猫无线 ,快速成长!
- Archive of stories published by Flawless iOS
- 知识小集官网
- LeoMobileDeveloper/Blogs: 一点心得 - iOS,Swift,React Native,Python...-深入理解Toll-Free Bridging,Swift进阶之内存模型和方法调度,Moya的设计之道
- Post | 靛青博客
- Swift Talk - objc.io
- Kodeco | Learn iOS, Android & FlutterTHE NEW RAYWENDERLICH.COM
- Xcode小技巧 - 简书
- MLeaksFinder:精准 iOS 内存泄露检测工具 | WeRead团队博客
- 使用LLDB调试Swift
- watchpoint 先打印实例变量地址再观察该地址
- Xcode多种Build Configuration配置使用
- Xcode Build System Guide Build Setting Reference (https://help.apple.com/xcode/mac/10.2/#/itcaec37c2a6) -新文档
- iOS高级调试&逆向技术-汇编寄存器调用
- The Unofficial Guide to xcconfig files
- Some Practical Uses for Xcode Build Schemes and Build Configurations
- category 方法被静态库category方法覆盖时候查询静态库-还讲述有的时候打印uiview的一些信息出现错误的解决方法e @import UIKit 调试framework add symbol
- Xcode中和symbols有关的几个设置
- 环境变量设置 打印mian之前dylb时间
- XCode启动参数和环境变量 - 对象分配时调用堆栈查询MallocStackLogging(show the debug navigator->view memory graph hierarchy)
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- Xcode Hacks to Make Your Life Easier - 包括多行编辑来通过json来编辑model
- xcode source control两个不同项目仓库问题
- An app that lets you open .car files and browse/extract their images.
- Xcode8.3 修改默认开发语言(Development Language)
- 打印xcode运行时环境变量xcodebuild -workspace xxx.xcworkspace -scheme "xxx" -showBuildSettings
- 命令行上传ipa:sudo xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios --file "path/to/application.ipa" --username "YOUR_ITMC_USER" --password "https://appleid.apple.com/ appkey" --verbose
- Xcode11 或 Transporter 上传app store 一直卡在Authenticating with the App Store 的解决方案 适用于Xcode11.3.1 和Tra... - 简书
- controlling which project header file Xcode will include - Stack Overflow USE_HEADERMAP 环境变量使用示例
- Speeding Up Custom Script Phases | Indie Stackexplanation of Input & Output Files
- 通过断点技巧让调试更高效列断点,参数打印arg1
- iOS-底层原理40-Hmap使用(美团文章分析) - 简书
- 怎么修改 Xcode Run Script 使用 RVM 管理的 Ruby 版本? - 干志雄的博客
- Change Ruby Version Mac · Mac Install Guide
- How to easily change your file header text in Xcode | by Silmy | MediumXcode头部模板
- Customizing the file header comment and other text macros in Xcode 9 – Ole Begemann Xcode头部模板
- xcode-settings-backup/IDETemplateMacros.plist at main · jessesquires/xcode-settings-backup Xcode默认模板
- cocoapods - Associate POD Spec attributes to different Build Settings from their Xcode Configuration (e.g. Release, Debug) - Stack Overflow
- The Unofficial Guide to xcconfig files
- Xcode Build Configuration Files - NSHipster 介绍了[Config=DEBUG]
- Build configuration file (xcconfig) format reference - Xcode Help
- Xcode Build Settingsnice 资料
- Copy files to bundle depending on active configuration - Result For Dev
- 在 Xcode 中为 iOS 应用定制多种配置(应用名、图标、接口环境等) - Ficow Shen's Blog//多Config配置,讲得很好
- iOS sqlite3数据库解析
- iOS端数据库解决方案分析
- FMDB源码阅读(一)
- pozi119/VVSequelize: 数据库模型映射,自动建表, 自动更新表,数据增删改查, FTS全文搜索, 支持自定义fts3,4,5分词器,可拼音分词. sql,fmdb,wcdb,sqlite3,orm,fts,fts3,fts4,fts5
- Install Realm for iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS — Realm
- 平面向量的旋转
- 地图找房
- PaintCode - Turn your drawings into Objective-C or Swift drawing code
- QuartzCode快速开发动画代码工具 - 简书
- OpenLayers Examples 前端地图绘制或地铁图绘制
- CGContextDrawImage使用和分析_Jymn_Chen-CSDN博客
- JackZhouCn/JZLocationConverter: GCJ-02(火星坐标)、WGS-84、BD-09坐标系转换
- 经纬度/GPS坐标查询地图地址-toolzl在线工具
- Quartz 2D Programming Guide
- ios - How to offset MKMapView to put coordinates under specified point - Stack Overflow中心偏移
- 手把手NetworkExtension: 1. 创建L2TP/IPSec VPN连接
- WWDC2014之App Extensions学习笔记
- haxpor/Potatso: Potatso is an iOS client that implements Shadowsocks proxy with the leverage of NetworkExtension frameworkThis project is unmaintained, try taking a look at this fork https://github.com/myhighland/ShadowCoel instead.
- KEXT Controls and Notifications
- 从apple demo映射robovm/apple-ios-samples获取苹果networkextensionDemoapple-ios-samples/SimpleTunnelCustomizedNetworkingUsingtheNetworkExtensionFramework at master · robovm/apple-ios-samples,这篇文章分析了demo中的类的作用Joeeyy/iMonitor
- Apple Demo
- yaooort/OpenVPN-IOS: Objective-C OpenVpnAdapter IOS OpenVpn
- AnhTVc/OpenVPN-IOS: Build OpenVPN source for IOS
- ss-abramchuk/OpenVPNAdapter: Objective-C wrapper for OpenVPN library. Compatible with iOS and macOS.
- WuChuming/shadowsocks-iOS: fork by shadowsocks/shadowsocks-iOS 三方fork star数较多 没有做过多修改
- Charles破解工具
- charles破解安装激活(包含windows和mac)最新简单教程【亲测有效】 - 哔哩哔哩
- tladesignz/ShadowSocks-libev-iOS
- jquepi/ShadowSocks-libev-iOS
- ShadowsocksR-Live/iShadowsocksR: ShadowsocksR (SSRoT) client for iOS//用它
- vpn - iOS, NEVPNManager, NEProxySettings does not work - Stack Overflow苹果支持ikev2
- confirmedcode/Confirmed-iOS: Confirmed VPN client for iOS
- VPN - Cocoa开发者介绍PPTP IPSpec等协议
- App extension实战 - Personal VPN 连接并捕获packet - 掘金
- iOS中Network Extension安全科学Tunnel应用(Swift5) - 掘金
- App extension实战 - NetworkExtension 讲解连接并捕获packet_上天眷顾我的博客-CSDN博客_networkextension
- mozilla-mobile/guardian-vpn-ios: Mozilla VPN for iOS iCepa/iCepa: iOS system-wide VPN based Tor client //github关键词搜索:startTunnel
- mutualmobile/MMWormhole: Message passing between iOS apps and extensions.
- yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-ios: Reference implementation for connecting to the Yggdrasil Network from iPhones and iPads
- yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go: An experiment in scalable routing as an encrypted IPv6 overlay network
- 有赞移动助手App本地抓包方案_移动_杨彬_InfoQ精选文章//tun2socks原理
- Linux虚拟网络基础---tap/tun(虚拟以太设备)海渊_haiyuan的博客-CSDN博客
- NetworkExtension3-Tunnel开发 - 掘金
- awesome-vpn/en-us.md at master · awesome-vpn/awesome-vpn · GitHub
- wwdc 中文字幕
- wwdc 字幕
- WWDC NOTES 文档有代码示例
- App本地置入HTTPS证书防止中间人攻击-服务器更换证书时有缺陷
- IOS应用安全-HTTP/HTTPS网络安全(二)
- Android APP Https双向认证抓包
- rvictl not working on big sur and … | Apple Developer Forums
- iOS 支持 SNI 方案调研 · Issue #15 · yuhanle/blogbag
- iOS端HTTPS(含SNI)业务场景:IP直连方案说明
- NSURLCache自己的理解 - 鬼手渔翁 - 博客园只要Cache-Control没有明确使用no-store,客户端都会缓存这个response,假如Cache-Control: no-store,是不会缓存数据的
- IOS network cache literacy article – you can complete 80% of the cache requirements with two lines of code | Develop Paper 中文
- Accessing Cached Data | Apple Developer Documentation
- iOS's Cache system is lying to you - AMBlog
- URLSession HTTP 缓存机制初探 | Laucp's Blog
- BeauNouvelle / FaceAwareAn extension that gives UIImageView the ability to focus on faces within an image. 脸部检测
- sprang/Brushes: Painting app for the iPhone and iPad.
- Harley-xk/MaLiang: iOS painting and drawing library based on Metal. 神笔马良有一支神笔(基于 Metal 的涂鸦绘图库)
- krzysztofzablocki/LineDrawing: Beatiful and fast smooth line drawing algorithm for iOS - as seen in Foldify.
- FantasticLBP/BlogDemos at 80969264c20ecaf2872b546e32bfc0e593360e3b//很简单的绘画
- lmf12/GLPaintView: 基于 OpenGL ES 实现的绘画板。//point管理没看懂。黑人问号?
- lmf12/MFPaintView: 基于 Quartz2D 实现的画板。
- AceDong0803/LearnOpenGLESDemo: Learning OpenGLES in iOS Platform opengl es绘图
- zhangkn/HSPaintView: 20160421-画板很简单的undo,没意思
- iOS-Learning/AWSPaintView.m at be96e20ab6caf119e6867bf6550930dc430bbb02 · lingjye/iOS-Learning//有简单实现绘图,定义uibezierpath子类
- SSheldon/Paintbrush: Paintbrush is a Cocoa-based paint program for Mac OS X, similar to Microsoft Paint and MacPaint.mac上的绘制,很老的项目
- titanium_modules/WetPaintView.m at 513c9fa13f215e494b3c528ef6449ca401fc4ca0 · shad/titanium_modules · GitHub多touch绘制,但是没有undo
- ti.paint/WetPaintView.m at efe21d2dbaacae822aa0fbfa519bd9a7b5358fc0 · tidev/ti.paint · GitHub和上一条好像是相同类
- iOSDevelopSDK/DoodleDrawerView.m at master · WzhGoSky/iOSDevelopSDK · GitHub涂鸦画板有undo
- Jiaguanglei0418/GLPaint: 在iOS中实现画板功能, 高度封装代码, 只需要调用创建方法,设置相关参数即可!!!通过NSUndoManager实现undo
- PGzxc/PGzxc.github.io: 基于hexo+github搭建的个人博客
- IOS开发之——画板-清屏/撤销/橡皮擦/保存(88)ios画板橡皮擦_PGzxc的博客-CSDN博客这个作者一系列文章 上面是他的github blog地址,没有找到demo
- Asana/Drawsana: An open source library that lets your users draw on things - mark up images with text, shapes, etc.
- keshiim/ZMJImageEditor: ZMJImageEditor is a picture editing component like WeChat. It is powerful and easy to integrate, supporting rendering, text, rotation, tailoring, mapping and other functions. (ZMJImageEditor 是一个和微信一样图片编辑的组件,功能强大,极易集成,支持绘制、文字、旋转、剪裁、贴图等功能)
- yackle/CLImageEditor
- iTofu/LCPaintView: 🖌 Paint view for iOS.
- iPhone 6 Plus 的逻辑分辨率为什么是 414x736 ?
- 有关retina和HiDPI那点事
- iPhone屏幕尺寸和分辨率的相关知识 ( DPI vs PPI Pt vs Px)
- iPhone屏幕尺寸、分辨率及适配
- iPhonex iphone x适配
- Display Zoom Reveals New iPhone Resolution — Benjamin Mayo放大显示
- 获取 iOS 设备的具体型号 - 长跑茗
- List of iOS and iPadOS devices - Wikipedia Hardware strings 列表
- Hardware strings by device — iOS Ref
- List of Apple's mobile device codes types a.k.a. machine ids (e.g.
, etc.) and their matching product names Hardware strings 列表
- 视频边下边播播,把播放器播放过的数据流缓存到本地,支持拖动。采用avplayer
- iOS微信小视频优化心得
- 理解iOS中CGAffineTransform与矩阵的关系 向量旋转
- iOS:重识Transform和frame - 简书//文中提到//右边先执行 return CGAffineTransformConcat(scaleTrans, moveTrans);我觉得不对,应该是先执行缩放(基于初始视图中心点)
- iOS形变之CGAffineTransform - 简书
- AVPlayer支持的视频格式
- m3u8 HLS解释
- iOS VideoToolbox硬编H.265(HEVC)H.264(AVC):1 概述
- 图片压缩
- iOS 图片压缩限制大小最优解-github
- AVAudioFoundation(5):音视频导出
- AVAssetExportSession Error Cannot Open
- iOS 录制视频时,添加水印 output 无声音问题
- AVPlayer 实现视频播放总结-检测当前是否在缓冲中
- How do I export UIImage array as a movie?
- iPhone Watermark on recorded Video.
- 使用AVFoundation录制方形视频并添加水印 - output 为AVCaptureVideoDataOutput 处理图片后通过AVAssetWriter存为视频
- IOS视频编辑功能详解上篇-添加水印
- 视频录制时 实时添加水印或则滤镜-不能采用默认的AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer呈现视频,用dataoutput处理后渲染到特定view
- 利用CIFilter给视频流加滤镜-不能采用默认的AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer呈现视频,用dataoutput处理后渲染到特定view
- Capturing Video on iOS
- 仿微信小视屏 iOS 技术路线实践笔记- 讲述了边录制边处理帧
- 仿微信小视屏 iOS 技术路线实践笔记[录制篇]
- AVEditDemo
- 视频过渡效果 从中可以了解AVMutableVideoCompositionInstruction,AVMutableVideoCompositionLayerInstruction
- iOS短视频SDK是适用于iOS平台的短视频SDK。使用此SDK可以实现短视频相关功能-wiki里面介绍咯一些遇到的问题但是没仔细看
- 视频横屏全屏播放适配方案
- iOS用ijkplayer播RTSP流 - 简书
- iOS IJKPlayer 支持播放 RTSP - 简书
- VideoLab - 高性能且灵活的 iOS 视频剪辑与特效框架_开源_Bear_InfoQ写作社区视频编辑 ruanjx/VideoLab: High-performance and flexible video editing and effects framework, based on AVFoundation and Metal.视频编辑项目
- iphone - view Recording in iOS swift? - Stack Overflow视频录制指定UIView
- swift - How to record uiview animation - Stack Overflow视频录制指定UIView
- wess/Glimpse: UIView recording library.视频录制指定UIView
- bgayman/FlipBook: A swift package for recording views视频录制指定UIView
- ios - Merge videos & images in AVMutableComposition using AVMutableCompositionTrack, not AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationTool? - Stack Overflow
- ios - How do I add a still image to an AVComposition? - Stack Overflow
- 中文说明 · VideoFlint/Cabbage WikiAVComposition使用介绍
- 短视频编辑中的AVFoundation框架(三)视频编辑与导出 - 掘金
- AVFoundation – AVCompositionTrack AVMutableCompositionTrack 添加移除缩放媒体音视频轨道信息-猿说编程
- AVComposition中的CALayer_jeffasd的博客-CSDN博客如果没有视频轨道 如纯layer的composition,则必须添加一个空白视频,否则什么也渲染不出来
- AVFoundation Tutorial: Adding Overlays and Animations to Videos | Kodeco
- iOS端保存带Alpha通道视频的实践 - 简书
- ios - Looping a video with AVFoundation AVPlayer? - Stack Overflow视频循环播放
- Aufree/ESTMusicPlayer: An elegant and simple iOS music player.
- matchbox/SOVoiceRecorder.maudiounit处理后音频存入文件
- Audio Unit 实现音频录制功能 - 知乎优秀zhonglaoban/AudioUnitRecorder禁用Output到speaker
- AudioUnit 基础知识可以
- audio语音相关的基础知识-VAD,ASR,AEC,AGC,BF等
- AudioUnit非AudioGraph创建
- lixing123/iOSEchoCancellation: An example of Realtime record and playback with echo cancellation修改采样率可以运行
- iOS 使用AUGraph录音同时播放(并转码成Mp3) - 简书
- iOS-使用Lame转码:PCM->MP3 - 简书
- IOS录音caf文件格式转mp3格式 - 简书
- 在线分析文件格式文件格式分析
- iOS音频格式之间的相互转化 - 简书含有demo,已编译好静态库
- 5.2 本地回环 · Play and Record with CoreAudio on iOS
- AVAudioSession音频会话(类别选择音频输出切换)两种设置扬声器播放的参数
- 常见音频编码格式解析 - 掘金介绍比较全
- iOS AVDemo(1):音频采集,免费获取全部源码丨音视频工程示例
- AVDemo项目git地址gjzkeyframe/KFAVDemo-iOS: iOS 音视频工程示例。
- 可视化音视频分析工具:好用工具大集锦,快转发给你兄弟看看丨音视频工具
- 深入理解 AudioUnit(一) ~ IO Unit 结构和运行机制 | 代码手工艺人
- 理解音视频 PTS 和 DTS | SamirChen
- About Audio Unit Hosting
- Audio Unit: iOS中最底层最强大音频控制API - 掘金
- AVPlayer cannot play mp3-format fi… | Apple Developer Forumsmp3无法获取时机问题
- 使用Assets | 做点有意思的事情mp3无法获取时机问题
- 关于ios:ios-合并/连接多个音频文件 | 码农家园
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- clang编译参数
- clang 源码
- has_include
- iOS 符号二三事 - 掘金符号裁剪
- Clang Migration NotesBSymbolic
- Exported Symbols of Shared Libraries (GNU Gnulib)
- 解析GNU风味的linker options - 知乎
- 抖音品质建设 - iOS 安装包大小优化实践篇 - iOS发呆君 - 博客园EXPORTED_SYMBOLS_FILE设置为空文件裁剪符号
- 从 Exported Symbols 应用于包大小优化说到符号绑定 - 简书需要找到 helloFramework() 真正在内存中的地址lazy_bind
- 编译链接时如何解决符号冲突问题 - 知乎通过该__attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))解决符号冲突
- 提前链接gmssl与sm2oc,并裁剪符号:
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lipo -thin arm64 xxxx/libssl.a -o ssl_arm64.a
ar -x xxxx/ssl_arm64.a
ar -x xxxx/crypto_arm64.a
ld -r -exported_symbols_list exportSymbol.txt -o gmssl.o *.o //设置导出符号
strip -x gmssl.o //裁剪本地(type为小写字母)符号
ar -rc libgocssl.a gmssl.o //压缩为静态库
- Introduction to Coding Guidelines for Cocoa
- raywenderlich.com Objective-C编码规范
- Google Objective-C Style Guide | styleguide
- GitHub - raywenderlich/objective-c-style-guide: A style guide that outlines the coding conventions for raywenderlich.com
- iOS Security 让iOS应用更加安全
- 写给 iOS 开发者的 Hopper + lldb 简介
- 专注于非越狱环境下iOS应用逆向研究,从dylib注入,应用重签名到App Hook
- 【腾讯Bugly干货分享】移动App入侵与逆向破解技术-iOS篇
- iOS攻防
- Hopper: Mac上的另一款反汇编工具
- iOS App 的逆向工程: Hacking on Lyft
- 利用Xcode在非越狱机器上动态调试第三方APP
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- Cydia的基石:MobileSubstrate
- 进入dfu模式(https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/948f592413bb60d80ef5f974.html) - 都待验证
scp -P 2222 root@localhost:/var/containers/Bundle/Application/C934D7C5-8FFA-4757-8812-200746601674/ ~/Desktop/
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- 修复 Cydia flAbsPath on /var/lib/dpkg/status failed - realpath (2: No such file or directory) 的问题 - 简书
- iOS 逆向: dumpdecrypted 砸壳记 | veryitman我使用的砸壳方法
- 应用砸壳_Eric's Blog-CSDN博客 dumpdecrypted make SDK报错解决
- DKJone/DKWechatHelper插件。
- 微信共存防封版伪代码分析 - 简书
- 苹果IPA获取与安装 - 简书 安装xml
- 5.3 Keychain数据导出 | iOS 安全 Wiki
- Keychain以及NSUserdefault清空方法 - 简书
- 动态绕过iOS内联svc反调试 | YungGong
- [原创]iOS反反调试助手-iOS安全-看雪论坛-安全社区|安全招聘|bbs.pediy.com
- HookZzModules/AntiDebugBypass at master · jmpews/HookZzModules
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- 手把手教你制作一款iOS越狱App
- IOS应用砸壳之frida-ios-dump - PaperPen - 博客园//frida是在pyenv里面bin去直接执行的 因为没有配置PATH
- paradiseduo/appdecrypt: appdecrypt is a tool to make decrypt application encrypted binaries on macOS when SIP-enableddump ipa ,/var/containers/Bundle/Application应用bundle路径 ,砸壳
//appdecrypt 使用
iproxy 2222 22
scp -P 2222 ~/Documents/appdecrypt/appdecrypt [email protected]:/tmp
ssh -p 2222 [email protected]
ps aux | grep -i appname
cd /tmp
./appdecrypt /var/containers/Bundle/Application/xxxx /tmp
cd Payload/
tar -cvf /tmp/dump.tar ./
scp -P 2222 [email protected]:/tmp/dump.tar ~/Desktop/xxxDump
- Debug network extension 时可以打符号断点NSExtensionMain 用image list读出ASLR地址空间随机化(Address Space Layout Randomization),再根据砸壳后的appex hopper地址(我观察需要减去高位1) + ASLR打断点
- Download "iFile.deb" | Cydia Crawler | download freedeb下载
- Useful Ways to Restore Unsigned IPSW without iTunes
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- How to jailbreak APPLE iPhone Xs Max with iOS version 14.8.1 and older?, how to - HardReset.info各型号手机如何进入dfu模式
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- iOS逆向 - 运行时分析(三)Frida - 掘金
- iOS攻防(六):使用Cycript一窥运行程序的神秘面纱(入门篇) | 曹雪松de博客|CoderBoy's Blog
- majd/ipatool: Command-line tool that allows searching and downloading app packages (known as ipa files) from the iOS App Store ipa包下载
- KJCracks/Clutch: Fast iOS executable dumper
- Debugging iOS Applications: A Guide to Debug Other Developers’ Apps | by Drew Branch | Independent Security Evaluators待考证
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- iPhoneX Jailbreak Knowledge
- 使用Reveal 逆向App UI分析 - 简书
- iOS越狱初体验 · KM的博客
- dumpdecrypted ipa
security find-identity -v -p codesigning //查看本地证书
codesign -fs "Apple Development: xxx (xxx)" dumpdecrypted.dylib
scp -P 2222 ./dumpdecrypted.dylib [email protected]:/tmp
执行DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=dumpdecrypted.dylib /var/containers/Bundle/Application/C1FD6921-E279-472A-8D60-22B555CEA148/xxx.app/PlugIns/WidgetExtension.appex/WidgetExtension
将目录下生成可执行文件.decrypted 拷贝到电脑,在电脑终端执行:scp -P 2222 [email protected]:/tmp/WidgetExtension.decrypted ~/Desktop/xxxDump
- Core ML框架详细解析(二) —— 获取模型并集成到APP中 - 简书
- iOS-调戏CoreML-这是花瓶? - ios开发 - Geek Peer
- Core ML框架详细解析(二) —— 获取模型并集成到APP中 - 简书
- kingcos/ChatGKD: A new app for ChatGPT in SwiftUI & Vue 3//SwiftUI coding
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- ecdh ecdhe 秘钥交换前向安全 - (https://imququ.com/post/ecc-certificate.html) - 三种解密 HTTPS 流量的方法介绍包含SSLKEYLOGFILE
- CustomTransition/TransitionAnimator.swift at master · artrmz/CustomTransition
- Create Simple, Custom UINavigationController Transitions | by Artur Rymarz | Medium
- hell03W/SwitchControllerAnimation: 自定义push, pop 动画切换效果, 手势pop动画效果 demo.
- Custom Navigation Transitions. So, it's a pretty cool thing to do a… | by Rihards Baumanis | Chili Labs | Medium
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- iOS UIView用户事件响应(exclusiveTouch,触摸响应,手势)
- 深入理解touch事件和响应者链
- 手势 和 uibutton(https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2012/233/)(http://www.zhimengzhe.com/IOSkaifa/234074.html)
- button动画过程中不能响应事件解决办法
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- 手势和UIResponder的关系
- 深入理解 iOS 事件机制 强烈推荐文章解析了为什么手势先于响应链被处理touch又能cancel响应链touch,gestureRecognizerShouldBegin除作为delegate方法被调用外,当处于顶级view且其父view有手势事件时也会被调用
- iOS 事件及手势处理流程 | Edgar's Blog
- iOS-手势UIGestureRecognier详解 - 简书
- Event-Handling-Guide-for-iOS/Event Handling Guide for iOS.pdf at master · BladeTail/Event-Handling-Guide-for-iOS
- iOS,Android网络抓包教程之tcpdump
- iOS Wireshark抓包 - 简书The capture session could not be initiated on interface 'rvio' (You don't have permission to capture on that device).
- 透明代理通过pfctrl端口转发,不用在客户端配置代理,可抓不走系统代理的接口,如flutter
- 在 macOS 上使用 mitmproxy 透明代理进行网络抓包 - 知乎
- mitmproxy的安装【macOS】及使用 - Hei蛋炒饭 - 博客园
- mac上使用mitmproxy对ios app进行抓包 - 邹雷
- Flutter抓包之分APP无法代理抓包的原因及解决方法 - 知乎
# File: /etc/pf.anchors/http 注意结尾回车
rdr pass on bridge100 inet proto tcp to any port {80, 443} -> port 8080
# File: /etc/pf.conf 注意结尾回车
#rdr-anchor "com.apple/*"
rdr-anchor "http-forwarding"
#load anchor "com.apple" from "/etc/pf.anchors/com.apple"
load anchor "http-forwarding" from "/etc/pf.anchors/http"
mitmproxy --mode transparent --showhost
#网上说需要运行sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1,实测即便sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=0也可以抓到包
#但是通过配置rdr pass on bridge100 inet proto tcp to any port {80, 443} -> port 8888 为charles的端口后,无法抓取,即便charles开启透明代理也不行
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- badge number 处理
- 极光推送常见问题合集1
- Curl the APNS http/2 API
- Sending Push Notifications Using Command-Line Tools | Apple Developer Documentation
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- 使用命令行工具测试 APNs – 页面仔的笔记
- KnuffApp/Knuff: The debug application for Apple Push Notification Service (APNs).
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- Objective-C Runtime 1小时入门教程
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- EMClassIntrospection —— 一款基于Runtime的Class调试工具-打印所有子类的方法
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- Objective-C Runtime 分析 | 张不坏的博客
- 应用启动-Main函数之前的那些事儿 | LeeWong
- attribute__详解及应用 | roy's blog
- Semporia/TikTok-Unlock: TikTok免拔卡解锁最新支持 iPhone (iOS 16.2) 、TikTok(V27.3.0)、TikTok TestFlight 27.4.0,支持更换地区 、发布视频 、 直播 、点赞评论、私聊等!
- kjfx/tiktok-ios-ipa: TikTok iOS 免拔卡教程,tiktok ios ipa 旧版历史版本下载
- Objective-C中Property和Method的可见性 - Reading Space通过->ivarname的访问是通过
extern "C" unsigned long OBJC_IVAR_$_BLAView$_pModel;
(*(id *)((char *)view + OBJC_IVAR_$_BLAView$_pModel))
- iOS 冲突处理 - 移动开发平台 mPaaS - 阿里云
- mPaaS 10.1.60 升级指南
- H5 容器简介 - 移动开发平台 mPaaS - 阿里云nebula
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- 支付宝小程序快速开始
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- jharwig/PPSSignatureView: iOS Signature Capture Demo手写签名
- onmyway133/awesome-ios-animation: A collection of iOS animation repos
- YouXianMing/Animations: The Animation Collection.动画集合
- storehouse/Advance
- gitHud_Yalantisgithub 动画效果开源比较多的Organization
- Core Animation Programming Guide中文
- UIKitDynamics(物理情形behavior)
- Materialis an animation and graphics framework that is used to create beautiful applications.
- animated-tab-bar
- circle-menu
- paper-switch
- reel-search
- RevealingSplashView
- PeekPop
- Ramotion/folding-cell:
📃 FoldingCell is an expanding content cell with animation made by @Ramotion
- KolodaKolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS
- StarWarsThis component implements transition animation to crumble view-controller into tiny pieces
- 印象笔记动画
- lkzhao/HeroSupercharged transition engine for iOS. Build your custom view transitions with few lines of code or even no code at all. Inspired by Polymer's neon-animated-pages and Keynote's Magic Move.
- viewanimator inspired by Luke Zhao's project Hero
- An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
- YouXianMing/Animations天气应用开源动画集
- 过渡动画之高级模仿 airbnb
- ios核心动画高级技巧 git book
- Clock 时钟动画
- YouXianMing/YoCelsius 天气应用
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- layer 绘制的方法调用顺序生命周期
- KittenYang/SpringPageView: 使用POP -3d折叠效果 相关文章
- GitHub - Tencent/vap: VAP是企鹅电竞开发,用于播放特效动画的实现方案。具有高压缩率、硬件解码等优点。同时支持 iOS,Android,Web 平台。
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- efremidze/Magnetic: SpriteKit Floating Bubble Picker (inspired by Apple Music) 🧲气泡动画 音乐
- iOS UIScrollView 动画的力学原理
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- ios - iphone sdk CGAffineTransform getting the angle of rotation of an object - Stack Overflow获取CATransform3D的旋转角度
- 翻牌式 - 倒计时(计时器) - 掘金
- Flip clock and countdown with Vue.js
- A countdown timer with flip effect for Vue 2
- [GetStream/purposeful-ios-animations: Meaningful iOS animations built to inspire you in creating useful animations for your apps. Each of the animations here was cloned with SwiftUI. Have you seen an app animation you love to rebuild and add to this repo?, contact @amos_gyamfi and @stefanjblos on Twitter.](https://github.com/GetStream/purposeful-ios-animations)
- OneClock的翻页时钟效果是如何实现的 | OneSwift
- ios - Apply gradient color to arc created with UIBezierPath - Stack Overflow
- GitHub - lf19940514/LFFoldNumberDemo: 翻页数字显示
- CUIDemoFavorites/CUIFoldLabel.m at 6b385244b2847644832de10ed8a965bede14dbf8 · Leon0206/CUIDemoFavorites
- Dillion/iOS-Flip-Transform: Core Animation framework for navigating data by flipping时钟翻页
- adad184/MMTweenAnimation: A extension of POP(from facebook) custom animation. Inspired by tweaner(https://code.google.com/p/tweaner), MMTweanerAnimation provide 10 types of custom animation while using POP.
- appssemble/appstore-card-transition: Appstore card animation transition. UICollectionView and UITableView card expand animated transition for iOS
- hahpuc/Appstore-Clone: This is just an iOS AppStore Clone App. With this app, you can search for many Apps and top trending Apps at the moment
- DragonTnT/appstore-clone: a clone of iOS appstore, to be continued
- 26. Creating an App Store like Animated View Transition · Mastering SwiftUI Book for iOS 16 and Xcode 14 - Sample
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- [latex 或者 Katex]
- 生成csr
- 通过私钥生成csr
- ()(https://www.smashingmagazine.com/how-to-issue-a-new-ssl-certificate-with-an-old-ssl-key/)
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- cocoapods的静态库和动态库 - 'DEFINES_MODULE' => 'YES'、:modular_headers => true、use_modular_headers!
- CocoaPods 1.5.0 — Swift Static Libraries
- Distribute Framework With CocoaPods Locally and Remotely
- CocoaPods 动/静态库混用封装组件化 - 简书
- [Could not build module 问题] 多半因为头文件引用问题,比如自己的私有库定义了pch文件,虽然在私有库自己编译时能找到头文件的定义,但是集成到主工程中有各种问题,建议私有库不要用prefix_header_file
- 版本管理工具及 Ruby 工具链环境
- 基于 CocoaPods 的组件二进制化实践 | 二维火掌柜技术博客
- Podfile 语法 - 掘金podfile中用到的ruby语法
Unable to find host target
错误添加extension target 到主工程build phases dependencies- Mixing static and dynamic linking in CocoaPods | by Tommaso Madonia | Microsoft Mobile Engineering | Medium指定pod动态库或静态库
- microsoft/cocoapods-pod-linkage: CocoaPods plugin for configuring the linkage type of individual pods
- nst/objc_dep: Graph the import dependancies in an Objective-C project
- Documentation | Graphviz//绘图
- kimsungwhee/KSHObjcUML: KSHObjcUML can show oriented graph of dependencies between Objective-C and Swift classes in your project
- vampirewalk/ObjectGraph-Xcode: ObjectGraph can show oriented graph of dependencies between classes in your project.
(6条消息) OpenLayers使用_David_jiang-CSDN博客 ArcGIS for Desktop入门教程_第六章_用ArcMap制作地图 - ArcGIS知乎-新一代ArcGIS问答社区 mapshaper ArcGIS GeoJSON Layer (6条消息) ArcGIS如何将地理要素数据和JSON进行互转_jixg1800的专栏-CSDN博客_arcgis json openlayers地图框架使用介绍 - 简书 【从零开始学GIS】ArcGIS中的绘图基操作(一) - 知乎 叫我三三就好 - 知乎 【从零开始学GIS】ArcGIS中的绘图基操作(一) - 知乎 【从零开始学GIS】ArcGIS中的绘图基本操作(二) - 知乎 openlayer 渲染geojson - Google 搜索 openlayer 可视化你的足迹 - Web端 - I code it shp与json互转_可能黑客的博客-CSDN博客_json转shp ArcMap中使用ArcPy实现Geometry与WKT的相互转换_积思园-CSDN博客 openlayers 加载ArcGIS 切片地图 - GIS开发者 ArcGIS操作教程(40)使用ArcMap创建地图切片 | 麻辣GIS 高德地图 | 地铁图
- 唐巧
- mailworks整理了许多RAC学习资料通过h2ero朋友star获取
- 本文主要会围绕 RAC 中核心概念 RACSignal 展开,详细了解其底层实现。
- 美团技术团队细说冷热信号
- FlattenMap Map
- RxSwift 入坑手册 Part0 - 基础概念
- Interactive diagrams of Rx Observables
- aloneMonkey rxswift
- DianQK/LearnRxSwift
- rxswift 官网
- 南峰子翻译Getting Started With RxSwift and RxCocoa
- rxswift 中文文档
- 靛青K
- 配合CocoaPods Playgrounds 插件 的rxswift 详解
- rxMarvel
- auto-check
- ReactiveCocoa中潜在的内存泄漏及解决方案
- “自释放”在iOS开发中的应用 庞海礁的个人空间 https://github.com/panghaijiao
- rxswift organization
- ReactiveCocoa v2.5 源码解析之架构总览
- RxSwift学习之旅 - share vs replay vs shareReplay
- iOS RAC - 定时器(https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000000633643 )解决停顿一秒问题
- Mastering MVVM With Swift
- 函数响应式编程(FRP)从入门到"放弃"——图解RACSignal篇
- RAC中用RACCommand处理指令
- RAC双向绑定UITextField的正确姿势
- 戴明学习记录 iOS函数响应式编程以及ReactiveCocoa的使用
- RAC中用RACChannel实现双向绑定 讲了kvochannel避免循环调用的方式
- RAC 中的双向数据绑定 RACChannel - dreaveness 比较好理解 Dreaveness 其它rac文章
- kickstartermvvm ReactiveSwift
- uitextView 双向绑定
- 正确使用 popViewController - rootvc 处理跳转逻辑。。。
- RACSignal 的简单使用与基本操作 | 张不坏的博客
- Delay between -repeat and -retry attempts · Issue #882 · ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa - 失败重试加时间间隔
- ios - Chaining dependent signals in ReactiveCocoa - Stack Overflow
- omurayuki/Clap at 837575df325b8af20113ca665327712197e4d6ea vdotok/iOS-one2manynimblehq/nimble-medium-ios: Nimble Medium is an iOS mobile application that works like a Medium iOS app clone. It uses a custom API for all requests, including authentication. You can view a sample demo of this app in web version at https://demo.realworld.iorxswift开源项目LoginViewModelOutput通过关键词查找
- JoJoDevAdventure/Let-s-Skate: Skate app with uikitoutput service方式开源app
- Introducing ViewModel Inputs/Outputs: a modern approach to MVVM architecture | Mercari Engineering
- View Models - Swift Talk - objc.io
- iOS MVVM Tutorial: Refactoring from MVC | raywenderlich.com
- MVVM With ReactiveCocoa
- ReactiveCocoa v2.5 源码解析之架构总览
- ReactiveCocoa中潜在的内存泄漏及解决方案
- 美团技术团队细说冷热信号
- mailworks整理了许多RAC学习资料通过h2ero朋友star获取
- MVVM Tutorial 和 ReactiveCocoa Tutorial 翻译 南峰子
- GitBucket iOS App看名字就知道用的什么框架
- 别人学习reactivecocoa整理的资料
- FunctionalReactivePixels-A demonstration of how to use FRP with ReactiveCocoa in an iOS context using the 500px API
- halfrost rac相关文章
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- ReactiveCocoa 学习之路(史上最全攻略)
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- iOS摸鱼周报 第三十八期 - zhangferry
- Objective-C对象的TaggedPointer特性 - 张远文的博客 | Anyeler Blog
- 代码片段
- XcodeSwiftSnippets
- Xcode-Snippets / Objective-C
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- awesome-xcode-extensions
- xcode 8前 插件推荐
- 最新Xcode9.4 Xcode9.x 以及 Xcode8.x 使用插件简明流程
- 断点续传下载Xcode-https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzIxODIyNzcyMg==&mid=2650371836&idx=1&sn=9b8e18c408fde37e7125fa6d2df330a9&chksm=8fe06399b897ea8f641d08f2e6f8a6da910e3a8d63e3fee2c93f8555dcaf95d492c3a747770f&mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=1031lrosgA55kJ1hRltRoYBv&key=65c24659e92154d9390ee3ad1e5385e6a79420ca75c4a62a2d99586df8fcd4f3eb9cecf136db804a6eeaa7eb0460a63b089ba851601e0a54d24d02b4ff2afec073249751a8d7179b06e6a2f46396709e&ascene=0&uin=MzM3NDA3OTk1&devicetype=iMac+MacBookAir6%2C2+OSX+OSX+10.13.6+build(17G65)&version=11020201&lang=zh_CN&pass_ticket=D%2Fb36wwT1aYRtVtSug0xo8EBlo8uVImolDQsysBz%2BE8PIO6BlRaEYx5ty%2FbiQ6Jd
- 分享管理类没有具体的实现,提供了一个思路
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git clone --recursive -j8 --branch release-8.6 https://github.com/TelegramMessenger/Telegram-iOS.git
1.git clone --recursive -j8 https://github.com/TelegramMessenger/Telegram-iOS.git
git submodule update
2.mkdir -p $HOME/bazel-dist
3.cd $HOME/bazel-dist
curl -O -L https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/download/4.0.0/bazel-4.0.0-darwin-x86_64
mv bazel-* bazel
4.chmod +x bazel
./bazel --version
5.mkdir -p $HOME/telegram-configuration
6.cp -R build-system/example-configuration/* $HOME/telegram-configuration/
7.mkdir -p $HOME/telegram-bazel-cache
python3 build-system/Make/Make.py \
--bazel="$HOME/bazel-dist/bazel" \
--cacheDir="$HOME/telegram-bazel-cache" \
generateProject \
--configurationPath="$HOME/telegram-configuration" \
python3 build-system/Make/Make.py \
--bazel="$HOME/bazel-dist/bazel" \
--cacheDir="$HOME/telegram-bazel-cache" \
generateProject \
--configurationPath="$HOME/telegram-configuration" \
- Google重度依赖者 - 简书//telegram 2次开发
- 连续闪退保护
- crash符号化
- Understanding and Analyzing Application Crash Reports
- Symbolicating an iOS Crash Report
- 手动解析CrashLog之----方法篇
- 符号化系统库
- iOS App 连续闪退时如何上报 crash 日志
- 苹果api error code 查询
- 详解没有dSYM文件 如何解析iOS崩溃日志(https://www.jianshu.com/p/dcf9aa4409ce)
- iOS crash 日志堆栈解析
- log 和 crash 日志上传
- 模拟后台杀死应用 Simulating Background App Termination on iOS devices
- Reliable Crash Reporting 可靠的crash report - bugly中对应crash signal 会有描述信息
- bugly 符号表查找
- iOS崩溃堆栈信息的符号化解析 - 网易加固 系统库符号化
- Joyxx-黑超熊猫zuik's blog系统库符号化文件 - 系统库符号化
系统库符号化 找到对应的系统库符号化文件 SymbolPath = /Users/blackchena/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/<iOS version(buildnumber)>/Symbols/System/Library/Frameworks/<系统库名称> 系统库macho /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit atos -o SymbolPath -l <系统库load path> <需要符号化的address>
- Crash 符号化
- 58crash日志解析方案介绍 你的 App 在 iOS 13 上被卡死了吗?
- Mach-O file LC_FUNCTION_STARTS load command 分析 dyld 的启动过程 xcrun dyldinfo -function_starts可以打印函数其实地址
- iOS符号表恢复&逆向支付宝
- iOS Crash 分析攻略-阿里云开发者社区 - 系统库符号化失败问题,找到对应版本的系统库,汇编分析
- SIG_IGN (Program support) - C 中文开发手册 SIG_DFL, SIG_IGN - cppreference.com
- 忽略SIGPIPE异常防止崩溃
- iOS 符号解析重构之路dwarf和Symbol table符号解析
- handleRequestResult Crash · Issue #532 · yuantiku/YTKNetwork
- UIEditUserWordController causes A2DynamicDelegate crash · Issue #355 · BlocksKit/BlocksKit
- ios - Objective-C crash on destroy_helper_block_ - Stack Overflow
- guowilling/SRDownloadManager: Powerful and easy-to-use file download manager based on NSURLSession. Provide download status, progress and completion callback block.
- GitHub - Danie1s/Tiercel: 简单易用、功能丰富的纯 Swift 下载框架
- ixuea/CocoaDownloader: An powerful download library for iOS, macOS.
- mzeeshanid/MZDownloadManager: This download manager uses NSURLSession api to download files. It can download multiple files at a time. It can download large files if app is in background. It can resume downloads if app was quit.
- warning 忽略和意义
- 指定warning 关闭开启
- new api warning -Wpartial-availability build setting other warning flags
- iOS開發總結-Xcode常見錯誤
- http://fuckingclangwarnings.com/
- 新api警告
- [警告调用super方法 NS_REQUIRES_SUPER]
- iOS 控件教学
- 快速集成App中顶部标题滚动条 github地址
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- 39个优秀的Swift UI开源库
- circle-menu
- YALField
- 打分控件
- Material-Controls-For-iOS控件集合
- material-components/material-components-ios
- ReverseExtensionA UITableView extension that enables cell insertion from the bottom of a table view.
- assistive button
- 三方控件库
- 自定义一个带nib的view 支持frame 和 coder的初始化
- ivanvorobei/SPStorkController: Now playing controller from Apple Music, Mail & Podcasts Apple's apps.
- 短信验证码输入框
- 记一次验证码输入框的实现 | kemchenj//通过重写光标位置函数实现
- TKSwitcherCollection
- jwd-ali/Switch-Animations: An animate switch collection, Add Beautiful Customise Switch in your application to boost UI and UX
- 坐标轴Axis Fraction/Step算法
- Choosing an attractive linear scale for a graph's Y Axis
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- ios - Draw gradient along a curved UIBezierPath - Stack Overflowpath clip解决方案
- How to Create Advanced Gradients in Swift with CAGradientLayer — iOS Swift Guide | by Baptiste Montagliani | The Startup | Medium几种渐变type gradientLayer
- AppPear/ChartView: ChartView made in SwiftUI
- PullUpController//多段上拉弹窗
- ISHPullUp//多段上拉弹窗
- FullStackNotes/iOS/iOS 开发舆图/02 iOS系统/界面/弹窗/HWPanModal at 9dae9d98ce7fdebd032fb5bd1dcffa9a2c658cef · coderiding/FullStackNotes
- PanModal/README.md at master · slackhq/PanModal
- GitHub - scenee/FloatingPanel: A clean and easy-to-use floating panel UI component for iOS上拉多级弹窗
- Bitcode, Slicing, ODRs, App Thinning | by Vikas Kore | Medium
- App Thinning in Xcode - WWDC15 - Videos - Apple Developer
- Reducing your app’s size | Apple Developer Documentation
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- 使用UIScrollView 细讲delegate方法
- UIScrollView 实践经验包括列表图片加载优化 视差实现 非整屏的page滑动实现
- ole/OLEContainerScrollView: A UIScrollView subclass that intelligently handles multiple child scroll views and does not interfere with UIKitʼs cell reuse functionality.nest scrollview
- Scroll Views Inside Scroll Views – Ole Begemann
- UIScrollView 实践经验 包括分页宽度
- [iOS]UIScrollview自定义分页的实现方法
- iOS UIScrollView 你可能不知道的奇技淫巧 解决uitableviewcell点击和上层scrollview滑动冲突
- 用UIKit Dynamics模仿UIScrollView-e了么
- iOS scrollView嵌套tableView的手势冲突解决方案
- 完美解决UIScrollView嵌套滑动手势冲突
- Advanced Scrollviews and Touch Handling Techniques
- iOS UIScrollView 动画的力学原理
- iOS开发实战 - 完美解决UIScrollView嵌套滑动手势冲突 - 简书
- 嵌套UIScrollview的滑动冲突解决方案 - 简书//没故事的卓同学
- iOS 嵌套UIScrollview的滑动冲突另一种解决方案 - 简书//UIDynamicAnimator 实现
- iphone - How to determine true end velocity of pan gesture? - Stack Overflow
- super-ultra/ScrollMechanics: 🌹 Scroll mechanics implementation
- 深入理解 iOS 事件机制 - 掘金 UIView的gestureRecognizerShouldBegin可以防止触摸事件传递给某个手势识别器
- jonkykong/SideMenu: Simple side/slide menu control for iOS, no code necessary! Lots of customization. Add it to your project in 5 minutes or less.
- gotosleep/JASidePanels: Reveal side ViewControllers similar to Facebook/Path's menu
- mutualmobile/MMDrawerController: A lightweight, easy to use, Side Drawer Navigation Controller
- kukushi/SideMenu: An interactive iOS side menu with rich features.
- romaonthego/RESideMenu: iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect.
- always change dataSource in main thread tableview刷新crash
- UITableViewCell拖拽移动两种实现方法
- 长按即可移动cell的UITableView
- 交换有bug(https://github.com/bvogelzang/BVReorderTableView/issues)
- Generic Table View Controllers(https://medium.com/@andersongusmao/generic-table-view-controller-b7b065c45ee)(https://talk.objc.io/episodes/S01E6-generic-table-view-controllers)
- iOS11 tableview reloadData抖动,漂移,抽风
- 快速更新UITableView(http://www.cocoachina.com/bbs/read.php?tid-81462.html)(https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46742039/uitableview-reloaddata-crashes-on-reappearance-in-ios-11)
- UICollectionView inside a UITableViewCell — dynamic height?
- Manage Collection View height inside the Table View Cell using swift 4(https://mobikul.com/manage-custom-uicollection-view-uitableview-cell-swift-3/)
- intrinsicContentSize dynamic collectionview height(https://github.com/pgpt10/DynamicHeightCollectionView)
- 让 UITableView / UICollectionView 更加简单优雅,轻易实现列表动态化、模块化、MVVM 架构。
- iOS TableView多级列表 - 简书 wsl2ls/MultilevelList: TableView多级列表:分级展开或合并,逐级获取并展示其子级数据,可以设置最大的层级数,支持多选、单选、取消选择。
- IOS 多级列表的实现 - 简书
- wwmz/WMZTreeView: 类似前端elementUI的树形控件,可自定义节点内容,支持无限极节点,可拖拽增删节点等等,非递归实现
- UITableView只更新高度不更新内容以及只更新内容不更新高度_NunchakusHuang的专栏-CSDN博客
- ios - How to override intrinsictContentSize for a view with flexible height and fixed width? - Stack Overflow
- alflix/EasyWebView: use WKWebView easily!//cell自适应webview
- Self-Sizing Hell — UITableView and UICollectionView Cells | by Daniel Munoz | Better Programming
- 0代码隐藏GroupedTableView上边多余的间隔 · sunnyxx的技术博客我通过下面这种方式隐藏多余间隔
- Augustyniak/RATreeView: Library providing easy-to-use interface for displaying tree structures on iOS and tvOS.//多级列表
tableView.estimatedSectionHeaderHeight = CGFLOAT_MIN;//动态tableview高度可能会造成影响mark一下
tableView.estimatedSectionFooterHeight = CGFLOAT_MIN;
- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section {
- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForFooterInSection:(NSInteger)section {
- 尽量解决边缘展开时动画的抖动
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
NSInteger oldIndex = _currentSelectedIndex;
if (_currentSelectedIndex == indexPath.row) {
_currentSelectedIndex = NSNotFound;
} else {
_currentSelectedIndex = indexPath.row;
NSMutableArray *indexPaths = [NSMutableArray array];
if (_currentSelectedIndex != NSNotFound) {
[indexPaths addObject:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:_currentSelectedIndex inSection:0]];
if (oldIndex != NSNotFound) {
[indexPaths addObject:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:oldIndex inSection:0]];
[tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:indexPaths withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationNone];
if (_currentSelectedIndex != NSNotFound) {
[tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:_currentSelectedIndex inSection:0] atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionMiddle animated:YES];
} else {
[tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:indexPath.row inSection:0] atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionNone animated:YES];
- ko1o/PYPhotoBrowser: An easy way to browse photo(image) for iOS.
- banchichen/TZImagePickerController: 一个支持多选、选原图和视频的图片选择器,同时有预览、裁剪功能,支持iOS6+。 A clone of UIImagePickerController, support picking multiple photos、original photo、video, also allow preview photo and video, support iOS6+
- skx926/KSPhotoBrowser: A beautiful photo browser with interactive dismissal animation.一个小而美的图片浏览器。
- QuintGao/GKPhotoBrowser: iOS仿微信、今日头条等图片浏览器
- hyperoslo/Lightbox: A convenient and easy to use image viewer for your iOS app
- hyperoslo/ImagePicker: Reinventing the way ImagePicker works.有一个pullup的控件
- fcbox/Lantern: 基于Swift的高可用视图框架
- 未使用图片
- 我只是想截个屏 截图
- iOS图像最佳实践总结 - 简书 - 图片解码加载缓存渲染
- 在 Sketch 和 PS 中导出 Display P3 广色域图片的方法 | by 李瑞东 | MediumICC profile International Color Consortium (ICC).
- iOS 图像渲染原理 | 楚权的世界
- 图形图像渲染原理 | 楚权的世界
- 一文读懂iOS图像显示原理与优化
- 顶点着色器&片元着色器 - 简书
- OpenGL ES 案例04:GLSL加载图片 - 简书
- iOS 图像渲染原理 - 简书
- iOS Secrets: Blending Images without CoreImage | by Riccardo Cipolleschi | Mediumlayer 滤镜
- ios - How to get multiply blend mode on a plain UIView (not UIImage) - Stack Overflow
- CICategoryCompositeOperation - Core Image Filter Reference自带滤镜效果合集
- CIFilter 所有滤镜名字&属性 - 代码天地
- About Core Image
- iOS 开发之模糊效果的五种实现 - 掘金blur
- How to customize the opacity and color of Blur Effect on iOS | by Tung Fam | Medium
- koher/swift-image: SwiftImage: an image library in Swift with Swifty APIs and value semantics//包含图片黑白化处理,二值化
- iOS开发之UIImage黑白处理 - kawerd - 博客园//通过灰度图片加上滤镜获得黑白化图片
+ (UIImage*)grayscale:(UIImage*)anImage type:(int)type
CGImageRef imageRef;
imageRef = anImage.CGImage;
size_t width = CGImageGetWidth(imageRef);
size_t height = CGImageGetHeight(imageRef);
size_t bitsPerComponent;
bitsPerComponent = CGImageGetBitsPerComponent(imageRef);
size_t bitsPerPixel;
bitsPerPixel = CGImageGetBitsPerPixel(imageRef);
size_t bytesPerRow;
bytesPerRow = CGImageGetBytesPerRow(imageRef);
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace;
colorSpace = CGImageGetColorSpace(imageRef);
CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo;
bitmapInfo = CGImageGetBitmapInfo(imageRef);
bool shouldInterpolate;
shouldInterpolate = CGImageGetShouldInterpolate(imageRef);
CGColorRenderingIntent intent;
intent = CGImageGetRenderingIntent(imageRef);
CGDataProviderRef dataProvider;
dataProvider = CGImageGetDataProvider(imageRef);
CFDataRef data;
UInt8* buffer;
data = CGDataProviderCopyData(dataProvider);
buffer = (UInt8*)CFDataGetBytePtr(data);
NSUInteger x, y;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
UInt8* tmp;
tmp = buffer + y * bytesPerRow + x * 4;
UInt8 red,green,blue;
red = *(tmp + 0);
green = *(tmp + 1);
blue = *(tmp + 2);
UInt8 brightness;
switch (type)
case 1://灰度
brightness = (77 * red + 28 * green + 151 * blue) / 256;
*(tmp + 0) = brightness;
*(tmp + 1) = brightness;
*(tmp + 2) = brightness;
case 2://深棕色
*(tmp + 0) = red;
*(tmp + 1) = green * 0.7;
*(tmp + 2) = blue * 0.4;
case 3://反色
*(tmp + 0) = 255 - red;
*(tmp + 1) = 255 - green;
*(tmp + 2) = 255 - blue;
*(tmp + 0) = red;
*(tmp + 1) = green;
*(tmp + 2) = blue;
CFDataRef effectedData;
effectedData = CFDataCreate(NULL, buffer, CFDataGetLength(data));
CGDataProviderRef effectedDataProvider;
effectedDataProvider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData(effectedData);
CGImageRef effectedCgImage;
UIImage* effectedImage;
effectedCgImage = CGImageCreate(
width, height,
bitsPerComponent, bitsPerPixel, bytesPerRow,
colorSpace, bitmapInfo, effectedDataProvider,
NULL, shouldInterpolate, intent);
effectedImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage:effectedCgImage];
return effectedImage;
- RQShineLabel闪烁的label
- MZTimerLabel时间label
- UILabel 异常断点
- tomknig/TOMSMorphingLabel
- LTMorphingLabelswift
- iOS 行距全攻略 与设计图上的区别
- UIScrollView 放大,导致UILabel字体模糊
- 跑马灯UIlabel
- 圆形区域显示文本NSTextContainer(https://www.jianshu.com/p/1963b219bf59)
- ios - NSAttributedString click event in UILabel using Swift - Stack Overflow用UITextView来实现文字中部分可点击
- Detect Touches on Attributed Text in UILabel 获取点击位置对应的文字index
- 可响应部分文字点击的Label
- iOS 可点击文本实现方案 - 简书
- 使用 TextKit 製作橫向滾動 Reader | Arco’s Blog//利用NSTextContainer实现横向滚动分页
- TextKit Best Practices - WWDC18 - Videos - Apple Developer
- Getting to Know TextKit · objc.io
- ios - Center NSTextAttachment image next to single line UILabel - Stack Overflow//bounds
- ios - Drop cap with NSAttributedString - Stack Overflow//首字下沉
- CoreText实现图文混排之尺寸估算及文本选择 - 简书//CTFramesetterSuggestFrameSizeWithConstraints介绍
- GitHub - uber/UberSignature: Provides an iOS view controller allowing a user to draw their signature with their finger in a realistic style.手写签名
- lexrus/LTMorphingLabel: [EXPERIMENTAL] Graceful morphing effects for UILabel written in Swift.//动画uilabel
- ios - How to animate the textColor property of an UILabel? - Stack Overflow
- uilabel - drawRect drawing 'transparent' text? - Stack Overflow镂空效果 uilabel或者图片作为遮罩
- ios - Drawing a path with subtracted text using Core Graphics - Stack Overflow镂空效果
- iOS 特种label:镂空文字、类歌词进度显示文字 - 简书镂空效果
- 用CAShapeLayer动画绘制CGPath | 王若风的技术博客获取文本的真正CGPath
- ole/Animated-Paths: Demo project: Animating the drawing of a CGPath with CAShapeLayer.strokeEnd获取文本的真正CGPath 并动画stroke这些path
- swift - iOS Prevent timer UILabel 'shaking' when numbers change - Stack Overflow用等宽字体修复UILabel居中对齐左右摇摆问题
- Always correct gradient text in UIKit | Filip Němečekgradient uilabel
- JNGradientLabel/JNGradientLabel.swift at main · SomeRandomiOSDev/JNGradientLabel · GitHub// 绘制的方式,会存在表情文字显示为渐变色问题
- [iOS] 字体渐变色 - 简书
- Animating font size in UILabels. Apple doesn’t let you for free. Let’s… | by Sean Berry | Livefront | Medium字体大小动画
- Auto Resizing a Dynamic UITextView
- iOS开发-UITextView高度自适应 - 简书UItextView padding问题
- 关于ios:如何根据内容调整UITextView的大小? | 码农家园
- ios - how to make UITextView height dynamic according to text length? - Stack Overflow设置scrollenable为no,设置约束后就能自适应
- ios - How disable Copy, Cut, Select, Select All in UITextView - Stack Overflow
- UITextField docked like iOS Messenger保证uiview 固定在底部,注册uiviewcontroller或者uiview为第一响应者,跟随键盘移动
- DGDownloaderButton下载进度button,慢慢粒子填充满圆
- A fully customisable subclass of the native UIControl which allows you to create beautiful buttons without writing any line of code.
- TextFieldEffects swift
- uitextfield 文字截断
- placeholder 上移textfield
- UIEditUserWordController causes A2DynamicDelegate crash · Issue #355 · BlocksKit/BlocksKitcrash问题
- UITextField docked like iOS Messenger//inputAccessoryView使用避免监听keyboard通知
- 模仿支付宝密码输入框
- 实现类似微信和支付宝的密码输入框
- iOS 分割输入验证码的视觉效果
- 随机数字键盘,UI类似支付宝支付密码界面
- MLBPasswordTextField
- PasswordDemo
- XLPasswordInputView
- Quartz 2D编程指南之十一:位图与图像遮罩
- swift - UIView invert mask MaskView - Stack Overflow
- iOS Secrets: See Behind Your Views | by Riccardo Cipolleschi | The Startup | Medium
- ios - Reverse a CALayer mask - Stack Overflow maskLayer.compositingFilter = @"xor"; 我用的这种方式比较nice
- http status code
- 为什么使用 ping 到的 IP 不能访问知乎的网站,而百度就可以? - 知乎
- DamonHu/HDPingTools: iOS Ping tool, based on Apple's simplePing project
- samiyr/SwiftyPing: ICMP ping client for Swift 5
- dustturtle/RealReachability: We need to observe the REAL reachability of network. That's what RealReachability do.我使用的多路ping方案 因为不能兼容icmp协议所以改用下面方案tcping
- mediaios/net-diagnosis: ios平台网络诊断SDK,支持对ip和域名的ping,traceroute(udp,icmp协议),支持tcp ping, 端口扫描,nslookup,局域网活跃ip扫描等功能-----------Ios platform network diagnostic SDK, support ip and domain name ping, traceroute (udp, icmp protocol), support tcp ping, port scan, nslookup, LAN active ip scan and other functions 我使用的方案
- lmirosevic/GBPing: Highly accurate ICMP Ping controller for iOS
- iOS实践http分块传输(URLSession+NSXMLParser) - Lrdcq - 驴肉の空间//逐字输出,流式输出
- bytes(for:delegate:) | Apple Developer Documentationswift 逐字输出,逐行输出
- launchdarkly/ios-eventsource: Server-Sent Events for iOS and Macios sse
- Working with Server-Sent Events in Swift - Nick Arner
- Objective-C 对接 chatGPT 接口,怎么做到逐字输出 - V2EX
- Lockdown-iOS/SpeedTest.swift at master · confirmedcode/Lockdown-iOS
- m-lab/ndt7-client-ios
- OYQ/OYTool
- Joy-Blog/iOS 如何进行网络测速.md at master · joy0304/Joy-Blog
- iOS 网速测试 - 简书绘制仪表盘
- (31条消息) iOS测量网速的三种方法_张璠的博客-CSDN博客_ios 网络测速
- CodeData/SFNetSpeedMeasurerManager.m at 8769dae738119726370c76363d8198045d7b3b9a · lwyhero/CodeData
- 制作一个微博文本编辑器
- iOS富文本组件的实现—DTCoreText源码解析 数据篇
- iOS-CoreText的那些事【电子书的那些事】 - macro小K - 博客园
- rickytan/RTViewAttachment: Attach a custom UIView to text view 向UItextView中插入UIView ,子类化NSLayoutManager在-drawGlyphsForGlyphRange:atPoint:中去设置添加的uiview的frame
- NSTextAttachment with customisable UIView Component | by Nitesh Mishra | Medium 方案同上 子类化NSTextAttachment,但没有子类化NSLayoutManager,而是在
- (void)layoutManager:(NSLayoutManager *)layoutManager didCompleteLayoutForTextContainer:(nullable NSTextContainer *)textContainer atEnd:(BOOL)layoutFinishedFlag
中去更新文本中uiview的frame - Core Text Tutorial for iOS: Making a Magazine App | Kodeco CTFrameDraw 绘制 CTFrame,并向在图片占位的地方绘制图片
- AliSoftware/OHAttributedStringAdditions: NSAttributedString Additions that add convenience methods to manipulate attributed strings easily获取UIlabel,character的位置信息
- TextKit框架详细解析 (四) —— 一个简单布局示例(二) - 简书
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- optonaut/ActiveLabel.swift: UILabel drop-in replacement supporting Hashtags (#), Mentions (@) and URLs (http://) written in Swift@功能
- szweier/SZMentionsSwift: Library to help handle mentions@功能keyword:ios mention uitextview
- JNDisrupter/JNMentionTextView: A powerful UITextView supporting special characters such as [ #, @ ] as Smart Fields@功能 keyword:ios mention uitextview
- monkey6468/ATDemo: 用于仿微博、微信、钉钉的艾特(@)功能
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- OrderedDictionary: Subclassing a Cocoa class cluster
- [iOS 11 tableview header 注意translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints ]
- TLYShyNavBar
- BLKFlexibleHeightBar
- GKFadeNavigationController了解了在navigationdelegate 里面设置设置动画改变navbar 风格有效
- GSKStretchyHeaderView
- VGParallaxHeader
- LTNavigationBar
- KMNavigationBarTransition
- JZNavigationExtension
- HidingNavigationBar
- AMScrollingNavbar
- ParallaxTableViewHeader
- CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout
- iOS支付宝 9.x 版本首页效果
- TwitterCover
- MXParallaxHeader
- MXSegmentedPager结合了pagevc 和 paralaxheader 。。。。。
- ARSegmentPager结合了segment 和 paralaxheader
- Jiar/SegementSlide: Multi-tier UIScrollView nested scrolling solution. 😋😋😋
- flipkart-incubator/scroll-coordinator-ios: ScrollCoordinator allows you to attach gestures to scrollviews and perform behaviours like Hiding the navigation bar, hiding the bottom bar and anchoring your scroll on these gestures.
- EmbeddedScrollView/EmbeddedScrollViewExtension.swift at main · 623637646/EmbeddedScrollView · GitHub
- RKSwipeBetweenViewControllers
- navigationbar 自定义 通过vc nav vc的压栈形式实现
- WRNavigationBar一行代码设置状态栏、导航栏按钮、标题、颜色、透明度,移动等
- UINavigationController custom left baritem swip gesture conflict
- iOS 对UINavigationBar的一次研究 backitem 和 leftitem边距问题分析
- Creating Custom Navigation Bar & Tab Bar For iPhone X
- SwiftDateThe best way to manage Dates and Timezones in Swift
- HeshamMegid/HMSegmentedControl
- Yalantis/Segmentio
- dzenbot/DZNSegmentedControl: A drop-in replacement for UISegmentedControl for showing counts, to be used typically on a user profile
- VTMagic
- PageMenu
- HQPagerViewController
- CMTabbarView只包含头部菜单栏
- PagingMenuController
- XLPagerTabStrip
- TYpagerController
- PagingKit
- YTPageController
- 腾讯高性能pagecontroller demo (http://www.codeblogbt.com/archives/85763)
- PageMenu/PageMenu: A paging menu controller built from other view controllers placed inside a scroll view (like Spotify, Windows Phone, Instagram)
- SPStore/SPPageMenu: 分页菜单,功能非常齐全,满足绝大多数APP,简书地址:
- awesome-ios-animation/page-control.md at master · onmyway133/awesome-ios-animation
- ChiliLabs/CHIPageControl: A set of cool animated page controls written in Swift to replace boring UIPageControl. Mady by @ChiliLabs - https://chililabs.io
- Coder-TanJX/JXPageControl: 🚀🚀🚀 自定义pageControl指示器, 支持多种动画, 自定义布局.
- pagecontrol · GitHub Topics
- WenchaoD/FSPagerViewFSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library. It is extremely helpful for making Banner、Product Show、Welcome/Guide Pages、Screen/ViewController Sliders.
- FTTT/JazzHands
- 操作指南比较简单提示框
- EAIntroView
- Interpolate
- Presentation
- AwesomeIntroGuideView
- ephread/Instructions: Create walkthroughs and guided tours (coach marks) in a simple way, with Swift.
- BWWalkthrough
- LUNTutorialViewController
- WhatesNew 文本指南
iOS开发中截取相机部分画面,切割sampleBuffer(Crop sample buffer) - 简书-我采用方案
zhongfenglee/IDCardRecognition: 中国大陆第二代身份证识别,自动读出身份证上的信息(姓名、性别、民族、住址、身份证号码)并截取身份证照片-我采用ocr方案
tiantianios/JYBDAVCapture: OCR扫描身份证及银行卡-我采用方案,它也借鉴zhongfenglee方案
iOS OCR(身份证号码识别) - 简书 tesseract OCr
iOS身份证号码识别 - 简书Tesseract 很详细有源码ocr
Tesseract-builds-for-iOS/lib at tesseract-4.1.1 · kang298/Tesseract-builds-for-iOS
A list of useful control parameters and config files. | tessdoc Useful parameters for Japanese and Chinese
scott0123/Tesseract-macOS: Objective C wrapper for the open source OCR Engine Tesseract (macOS)4.1.1版本
paddle中的LoDTensor_mob604756f2dcb4的技术博客_51CTO博客paddle中tensor lod理解
Develop your own OCR on iOS 13 with VisionKit - Mobile Thinking
MLkit-CN/Recognize Text in Images with ML Kit on iOS.md at master · Quorafind/MLkit-CN
PaddleOCR/inference.md at c04731423412d49980f6933b1f9875d7d1294681 · PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR文档结构预测
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- devedbox / AXWebViewController
- 让 WKWebView 支持 NSURLProtocol
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- iOS JavaScriptCore使用
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- wkwebview scheme open file
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- webview tableview 嵌套
- iOS 10 webview doesn't open the app scheme
- iOS下JS与OC互相调用(三)--MessageHandler-js调用原生如果要实现返回值,需要在原生方法调用结束时再调用js方法实现返回值功能很麻烦所以最终没有采用这种方案而用三方bridge
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- wendux/DSBridge-IOS: A modern cross-platform JavaScript bridge, through which you can invoke each other's functions synchronously or asynchronously between JavaScript and native.
- 深入理解 WKWebView(基础篇)—— WKWebView 加载生命周期与代理方法剖析
- WKWebview使用攻略 - 知乎
- H5在全屏Webview中双端适配刘海屏 - 简书获取safeareatop等
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- xcasset ipa 内容导出(https://www.jianshu.com/p/c6b96ef815d9)
- pcjbird/AssetsExtractor: 『Assets提取工具』是一款OSX平台上用于将Assets.car或xxx.app中打包的png图片、pdf等资源重新提取出来的开发者工具。Assets.car常见于iOS/Mac/Unity等开发中的资源打包。
- bartoszj/acextract: A tool to list and extract content from Assets.car file.
- Release 1.2.0 · chenjie1219/cartool
- topfunky / hppleAn XML/HTML parser for Objective-C, inspired by Hpricot.
- 收集几个Objective-C的HTML解析库
- nolanw/HTMLReader
- GRMustache html 模板解析
- 如何优雅简洁地实现时钟翻牌器(支持JS/Vue/React)
- Yuezi32/flipClock: 翻牌效果时钟的演示,包含原生JavaScript、Vue、React三种实现方式。
- html - Image will not fill div - Stack Overflow
- Hammer.JS - Hammer.js 像iOS的辅助控件
- javascript - Vue.js中引入图片路径的几种方式 - 个人文章 - SegmentFault 思否
- vite启动的服务默认不能通过ip地址访问 - 简书
- DeepLinkKit
- JLRoutes
- routable-ios
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- 弱符号组件化
- Swinject/Swinject: Dependency injection framework for Swift with iOS/macOS/Linux
- ReSwift/ReSwift-Router: Declarative Routing in Swift, Extension for ReSwift
- 开发中常用工具 - 获取设备的唯一标识、UDID、UUID、keychain保存UUID、判断网络类型等
- 获取iOS设备唯一标识的演进UDID, MAC Address,UUID,IDFA,IDFV,OpenUDID
- keychain uuid
- iOS获取设备型号和App版本号等信息UTS stands for UNIX Timesharing System.
- mozilla-mobile/firefox-ios: Firefox for iOS
- brave/brave-ios: Brave iOS Browser
- PresearchOfficial/presearch-browser-ios基于brave-ios
- ChateSecure-iOSChatSecure is a free and open source encrypted chat client for iPhone and Android that supports OTR encryption over XMPP
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- 城觅WNXHuntForCity
- 爱鲜蜂By Swift2.0
- CatchChat/Yep
- kickstartermvvm ReactiveSwift
- GitBucket iOS App看名字就知道用的什么框架
- YouXianMing/YoCelsiusA weather app that uses animation to give you an at-a-glance look at the weather
- 21个高质量的Swift开源iOS App
- GitHub 上有哪些完整的 iOS-App 源码值得参考?
- wireapp/wire-ios: 📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
- relatedcode/Messenger: Open source alternative communication platform.
- relatedcode (Related Code)
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- arjunkomath/netdata-ios: Unofficial Netdata client for iOS, iPadOS & macOSA beautiful and minimal client for Netdata that allows you to monitor cloud infrastructure in real-time.
- badoo/ChattoA lightweight framework to build chat applications, made in Swift
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- Run Loop 记录与源码注释
- RunLoop系列之源码分析
- CFRunLoopPerformBlock vs dispatch_async
- 老司机出品——源码解析之RunLoop详解
- runloop源码 - CF
- 解密 Runloop - mrpeek 出品
- iOS刨根问底-深入理解RunLoop
- CFRunLoopPerformBlock vs dispatch_async
- RunLoop 总结:RunLoop的应用场景(一)保证线程长久存活
- RunLoop 总结:RunLoop的应用场景(二)让Timer正常运转
- RunLoop总结:RunLoop的应用场景(三)滚动视图流畅性优化
- RunLoop总结:RunLoop的应用场景(四)App卡顿监测
- 戴铭(iOS开发课)读书笔记:13章节-卡顿监控 - 简书kCFRunLoopBeforeSources和kCFRunLoopAfterWaiting状态的持续时间
- cruffenach/CRToastCRToast is a library that allows you to easily create notifications that appear on top of or by pushing out the status bar or navigation bar
- terryworona/TWMessageBarManagerAn iOS manager for presenting system-wide notifications via a dropdown message bar.
- relatedcode/ProgressHUD: ProgressHUD is a lightweight and easy-to-use HUD for iOS.
- nickoneill/PermissionScope包括通知等授权信息和设置的弹出框
- Orderella / PopupDialogA simple, customizable popup dialog for iOS written in Swift. Replaces UIAlertController alert style.
- adad184 / MMPopupViewPop-up based view(e.g. alert sheet), can easily customize.
- AMPopTip
- UIPopoverBackgroundView custom
- pop source view reposition
- 可拖拽 提示框
- popmenu
- FTPopOverMenu 带箭头的弹出menu 列表式
- QBPopupMenu 类似系统横向menu
- 官方文档告诉你UIPopoverPresentationController怎么用
- mkko/DrawerView: A drop-in view, to be used as a drawer anywhere in your app//多段上拉弹窗
- super-ultra/UltraDrawerView: 🐝 Super ultra drawer view//多段上拉弹窗
- andreamazz/AMPopTip: An animated popover that pops out a given frame, great for subtle UI tips and onboarding.//带箭头指示pop tip
- chrismiles/CMPopTipView: Custom UIView for iOS that pops up an animated "bubble" pointing at a button or other view. Useful for popup tips.
- qiyukf/QIYU_iOS_SDK_OpenSourceYSFPopTipView.h
- slackhq/PanModal: An elegant and highly customizable presentation API for constructing bottom sheet modals on iOS.类似系统下滑dismiss,推荐
- martinnormark/HalfModalPresentationController: Modal presentation that takes up half the screen. Swipe down to dismiss.
- ivanvorobei/SPStorkController: Now playing controller from Apple Music, Mail & Podcasts Apple's apps.类似系统下滑dismiss
- radianttap/CardPresentationController: Custom UIPresentationController which mimics the behavior of Apple Music UI类似系统下滑dismiss
- tattn/SwipeTransition: Allows trendy transitions using swipe gesture such as "swipe back anywhere".类似系统下滑dismiss,这个通过转场交互动画,加scrollview手势在滑动到顶部时禁用,这时开启转场动画
- ivanvorobei/SPAlert: Native alert from Apple Music & Feedback. Contains Done, Heart & Message and other presets. Support SwiftUI.
- iOS - 实现UINavigation全屏滑动返回(一)
- 一个丝滑的全屏滑动返回手势 - FDFullscreenPopGesture
- l1Dan/NXNavigationExtension: 🔥 NXNavigationExtension 是为 iOS 应用设计的一个轻量级的导航栏处理框架,同时支持 SwiftUI 和 UIKit。
- liwenDeng/BDNavigationBarTransition: Config NavigationBar Style when transition导航栏自定义样式,且滑动返回有动画
- XCode Tip: Color Palette xib 模板
- objective c - NSColorList for iOS, or some way to share colors between IB and code - Stack Overflow
- Parse color palette files by tomlokhorst · Pull Request #174 · mac-cain13/R.swift
- R.Swift - iOS高效资源引用框架探究 - 简书里面提到了clr
- [配色颜色网站]https://colorhunt.co/
- zhongguose - 传统颜色配色 来自在线配色 | 优窝导航
- SwiftTheme
- microsoft/FluentDarkModeKit: A library for backporting Dark Mode in iOS
- pujiaxin33/JXTheme: A powerful and lightweight and customization theme/skin library for iOS 9+ in swift. 主题、换肤、暗黑模式
- draveness/DKNightVersion: Manage Colors, Integrate Night/Multiple Themes. (Unmaintained)
- ViccAlexander/ChameleonTheme主题 dark/light
- tingxins/SakuraKit: 🤡SakuraKit, a lightweight and powerful library for application to switching themes or skins.
- lixiang1994/LEETheme: 优雅的主题管理库- 一行代码完成多样式切换
- ko1o/PYTheme: An easy way to change theme through NSObject's category for iOS.
- bizz84/SwiftyStoreKit: Lightweight In App Purchases Swift framework for iOS 8.0+, tvOS 9.0+ and macOS 10.10+ ⛺
- Error Handling (SKError, NSError, Error)内购错误码
- 苹果内购(IAP)从入门到精通(4)- 订阅、续订、退订、恢复订阅 - 掘金
- iOS内购(IAP)自动续订订阅类型总结 - 掘金
- 🚸 👩🏾🎓 ✌️ Implementation of promotional offers in iOS. How to earn on subscriptions more? 🎴 ⛽️ 💐 //促销优惠
- 苹果内购之推介促销优惠和订阅优惠 - 简书
- 在 App 中实施订阅优惠 - 简体中文文档 - Apple Developer
- 在 App 中实现推介促销优惠 - 简体中文文档 - Apple Developer
- 提供自动续期订阅 - App Store Connect 帮助 苹果官方自动续期设置优惠帮助文档
- Implementing Promotional Offers in Your App | Apple Developer Documentation//实现促销优惠
- 自动续期订阅 - App Store - Apple Developer 苹果官方自动续期订阅说明文档
- MQCCoder/XYIAPKit: 苹果内购组件,提供产品列表查询、添加购买、恢复购买、票据校验、自动续费订阅过期检测以及提供用户交易持久化等功能。
- saturngod/IAPHelper: No more maintenance for this repo. Please use the https://github.com/bizz84/SwiftyStoreKit
- 根治顽疾:Keep客户端 In-App Purchase 掉单踩坑指南
- iOS内购-防越狱刷单 - 简书
- iOS项目快速实现国际化
- 苹果官网国际化教程
- iOS国际化方案---看我就够 - 简书
- IOS应用国际化最全攻略 - 知乎用苹果自带的genstrings扫描代码文件,生成Localizable.strings
find ./ -name "*.m" -print0 | xargs -0 genstrings
- Swift — 為你的 APP 添加自定義字體. 讓我們一起看看如何在你的 APP 中添加新自定義的字體吧! | by Jeremy Xue | Jeremy Xue ‘s Blog | Medium
- UIImageViewAligned-图片对齐aspectfit and left or right,swift version - google search keywords (UIimageview left aspectfit)
- UIImageView aspect fit and center
- 读 SDWebImage 一 使用分析 | 似梦言生 -图片下载成功后处理剪切,添加蒙层
- 一次立竿见影的首页渲染时间优化 loading gif 首次加载过慢
- iOS端矢量图解决方案汇总(SVG篇) | 小猪的博客
- 利用 UIImageView 實現多張圖片連續播放的動畫. iOS App 無法直接播放… | by 彼得潘的 iOS App Neverland | 彼得潘的 Swift iOS App 開發問題解答集 | Medium//gif转png
- 图片动画(animationImage) - 简书//UIImage.images获取图片数组
- UIImageView 序列帧动画的实现以及内存的优化 - 掘金//key frame 图片动画,可以准确获取动画结束时间
- ios - How to animate the change of image in an UIImageView? - Stack Overflow uiimageview image 动画
- 相机和相册自定义ALCameraViewController
- gekitz/GKImagePicker: Enables a custom crop rect for UIImagePickerController编辑器自定义
- UIWebView长按保存图片和识别图片二维码的实现方案(使用缓存)
- SGQRCode
- 生成特色二维码 swift objc(https://github.com/z624821876/YSQRCode)
- Accessing a Bundle’s ContentsbundleWithIdentifierd的作用
- 建造者模式
- 代码集中初始化设置1swift版本
- YouXianMing/iOS-Design-Patterns
- iOS 开发中的 Self-Manager 模式
- 设计模式6大原则
- 易混淆的设计模式 - Yorek's
- 工厂模式和抽象工厂模式的区别
- 创建型模式
- How to implement boolean operations on bezier paths, Part 1
- swift bezierpath 相交
- 获取曲线上的点(https://www.jianshu.com/p/885c08466ed2)(https://github.com/erica/iOS-Drawing/blob/master/C07%20A%20-%20Mask:Blur/Quartz%20Book%20Pack/Bezier/UIBezierPath%2BElements.m)(https://codeday.me/bug/20171020/86556.html)
- UIBezierPath(roundedRect: baloonFrame, cornerRadius: radius)//这个方法有bug radius不能超过高度33%˙https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74623415/uibezierpath-bezierpathwithroundedrect-the-cornerradius-value-is-not-consistent UIBezierPath cornerRadii value is … | Apple Developer Forums
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- BeeHive 详解模块化
- [MLSProject Beehive运用]
- 在现有工程中实施基于CTMediator的组件化方案
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- 谈谈 MVX 中的 Controller
- iOS应用架构谈 组件化方案casa
- iOS重构实践 MVP
- iOS 基于MVVM + RAC + ViewModel-Based Navigation的微信开发
- MVVM With ReactiveCocoa
- git 上的mVVm项目 (https://github.com/SemiconlonWang/Test)
- 别人学习reactivecocoa整理的资料
- MVVM Tutorial 和 ReactiveCocoa Tutorial 翻译 南峰子
- clean swift
- iOS组件化方案 -mrPeak 说了市面上一些组件化方案弊端
- 译RxSwift + MVVM: 怎样搞定 ViewModels 附属demo
- ios - Best practice for an Xcode project groups structure? - Stack Overflow
- 项目 目录结构 project/folder structure(https://github.com/futurice/ios-good-practices)(https://www.jianshu.com/p/2fb4dd080aef)(https://limboy.me/tech/2013/09/23/build-ios-application.html)
- Project Structure for iOS App Development | by Vladyslav Semenchenko | Medium//目录结构
- Organizing an iOS Project | Credera//目录结构
- 7 Things you must absolutely do before writing an iOS app | by Nikant Vohra | iOS App Development | Medium
- Export your Medium posts to Markdown | by 🅼🅰🅲🆁🅾🅿🆄🆂 | Medium
- Medium 阅读限制解决检查-application-cookies-clearallcookies
- iOS 消息转发流程
- Objective-C 中的消息与消息转发 打印运行时方法
- NSProxy -同时讲了nsproxy 防止nstimer 内存泄漏
- 内存泄漏 iOS中的自释放
- NSTimer 防止内存泄漏几种方法
- YYWeakProxy 作用
- 深入理解iOS开发中的isa指针 - 简书
- 菜鸟教程
- Regular Expressions
- 介绍正则里面元字符、重复限定符、分组、转义、条件或、区间、零宽断言、捕获和非捕获、反向引用、贪婪和非贪婪、反义
- rename 批量修改文件名
- 零宽断言
- 在一段文本中用正则匹配是否有手机号码
- 【正则表达式系列】贪婪与非贪婪模式 | Dailc的个人主页
- sed -i命令怎么使用 - 开发技术 - 亿速云
- Linux >命令 | 菜鸟教程解释find命令默认查询多路径,必须加上-name查询文件名
find . -name "GIO*" | sed -e "p;s/GIO/ZYHM/" | xargs -n2 mv
批量修改文件名 find ./ -name 'ZYH*' -type f | sed -e "p;s/ZYH/GOC/" | xargs -n2 mv
find ./ -type d -maxdepth 1 -name 'Cocoa*' -exec ls -l {} \;
egrep -i '([^_: <k`\)\^\"\&\/\+\(\[])af' ./AFNetworking/ -r
- 查找文本替换文本
grep com.xxx.xxx -rl ./ | xargs -I{} sed -i '' -e 's/com.xxx.xxx/com.xxx1.xxx1/g' {}
注意sed -i '' 必须要用 macos 会把-i后面的参数当做修改时备份文件的后缀
- 引用计数带来的一次讨论 访问weak变量和autorelease的关系
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- xcode不支持当前iOS版本解决方案ln -s /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/10.2\ (14C5069c)/ /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport
- The code signature version is no longer supported go to the TARGETS -> select[your project name] -> General -> Frameworks,Libraries,and EmbeddedContent -> set the framework with [Do Not Embed]
- The Unofficial Guide to xcconfig files
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- Managing different Environments using XCode Build Schemes and Configurations | by Ali Akhtar | Medium xcconfig and info.plist
- iOS-Performance-Optimization关于iOS 性能优化梳理: 基本工具、业务优化、内存优化、卡顿优化、布局优化、电量优化、 安装包瘦身、启动优化、网络优化等
- 如何精确度量 iOS App 的启动时间 (http://www.mengyueping.com/2018/08/19/iOS_optimization_all/)
- iOS 瘦包常见方式梳理 介绍了一些工具 比如:未使用图片检测,未使用代码检测
- iOS应用UI线程卡顿监控
- iOS 实时卡顿监控
- OCLint在Xcode中的使用 tee xcodebuild.log
- iOS 性能监控方案 Wedjat( 下篇) - 掘金
iOS内存分析之Memory Graph - 掘金查看内存分配 call stack
Xcode Memory Debugger · YUI 的严肃文 命令行分析.MEMGRAPH文件
多线程的指令重排问题:as-if-serial语义,happens-before语义;volatile关键字,volatile和synchronized的区别 - Life_Goes_On - 博客园
#pragma pack(2) //2为对齐系数 结构体的整体对齐规则是按照内存占用最大的struct数据成员和对齐系数相比取最小值去对齐,数据成员对齐:第一个数据成员A放在偏移为 0 的地方,以后每个数据成员B的偏移为对齐系数与该数据成员(也就是 B)的自身长度中较小那个数的整数倍,不够整数倍的补齐
- google/promises: Promises is a modern framework that provides a synchronization construct for Swift and Objective-C.
- mxcl/PromiseKit: Promises for Swift & ObjC.
- malcommac/Hydra: ⚡️ Lightweight full-featured Promises, Async & Await Library in Swift
- GodEye
- Dotzu
- XtraceTrace Objective-C method calls by class or instance
- popular tool
- nm 命令查询可执行文件 动态库 静态库的符号
- iOS APP可执行文件的组成
- lldb 打印寄存器信息
- [2018-08-10更新]LLDB常用命令--飘云整理
- lldb 官方教程
- lldb llvm helper
- C - Data Types - Tutorialspoint c语言基础数据类型内存占用
- Memory (Debugging with GDB)lldb打印内存中的值、如何打印
- Output Formats (Debugging with GDB)lldb打印内存中的值、什么样的格式打印 p/x 打印变量指向的地址,x/1tb 以一个字节(b)为一组,用二进制的方式(t),打印一组(1)
- Linux下查看二进制文件_ghimi的博客-CSDN博客_linux查看二进制文件hexdump
- xcode - Watch points on memory address - Stack Overflowwatchpoint
- Tutorial — The LLDB Debugger
- 获取微信好友列表
- Generate and Validate Tokens | Apple Developer Documentationapple登录,client_secret
- Sign in With AppleID - 简书
- BlueMatthew/WechatExporter: Wechat Chat History Exporter 微信聊天记录导出备份程序//微信聊天数据导出
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- 京东App Swift 混编及组件化落地
- 从预编译的角度理解Swift与Objective-C及混编机制 - 美团技术团队
- error build: Cannot load underlying module for 'SwiftyStoreKit' 因为主工程 依赖 动态库 pod static library 依赖 SwiftyStoreKit,没有找到好的解决方法,直接在动态库中源码依赖SwiftyStoreKit 而不通过pod依赖
- Modular framework, creating and using them
- iOS - Umbrella Header在framework中的应用
- LLVM 的 Modules(http://clang.llvm.org/docs/Modules.html)
- Objective-C,Modules
- 在 Swift Framework 中使用 C 文件的过程探索 - 开发者头条-推荐-详细解释了产生错误:Include of non-modular header inside framework module的原因
- Modules — Clang 12 documentation
- Module System of Swift (简析 Swift 的模块系统) | 猫·仁波切
- 百度App iOS工程化实践: EasyBox破冰之旅
- 百度App Objective-C/Swift 组件化混编之路(三)- 实践篇
- Mac 上“终端”中的键盘快捷键 - Apple 支持 (中国)
- Terminal: Command + click 打开链接, Shift + Command + click 选中链接
- terminal 快捷键
- bash 快捷键
- bash keyboard shortcuts - Linux - SS64.com//bash 快捷键
- 打开字符检视器 Control-Command-Space,右键点击字符可以复制简介里面包含字符unicode编码和utf-8编码
- macos - What do I type to produce the command symbol (⌘) in Mac OS X? - Ask Different
- 在 Vim 中优雅地查找和替换 | Harttle Land
- 让你提升命令行效率的 Bash 快捷键 [完整版] · LinuxTOY
- Xcode: 选择一整行:光标移动到末尾ctrl+shift+a 或 shift+alt+⬆ , ctrl + e|a 移动光标到行尾|首
- xargs
- Linux—shell中$(( ))、$( )、``与${ }的区别 - chengd - 博客园
- Shell 中括号的特殊用法
- [][[]]区别
- source命令自动运行terminal的指令
- man 手册用法
- shell 当前工作目录的绝对路径
- sh命令_Linux sh 命令用法详解:shell命令解释器linux官网
- Linux / Unix: Bash Find Matching All Dot Files - nixCraft隐藏文件 Command + Shift + .
- 使用'find'命令获取文件的绝对路径
find ~+ -type f -name '.*'
- ~+的作用官方文档
- linux find -regex 使用正则表达式 - 江召伟 - 博客园
- bash keyboard shortcuts - Linux - SS64.combash快捷键
- bash - Output from ls has newlines but displays on a single line. Why? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
- xargs 命令教程 - 阮一峰的网络日志
- echo输出变量带有换行
echo $text # 111 222\n333
echo "$text" # 111[换行]222\n333
echo -e $text # 111 222[换行]333
echo -e "$text" # 111[换行]222[换行]333
- Running Multi-Line Shell Code at Once From Single Prompt | Baeldung on Linux//terminal 多行输入
- 为了方便我们调试脚本可以在脚本文件开头添加
#!/bin/sh -vx
好像是打印执行的脚本内容,-x比较有用可以打印脚本中执行的命令及结果 - Shell脚本深入教程:Bash变量 | 骏马金龙使用var=value cmd语法确保IFS仅在该cmd命令的持续时间内设置不同
- What does IFS= do in this bash loop:
cat file | while IFS= read -r line; do ... done
- Stack Overflow - bash - How to loop through file names returned by find? - Stack Overflow
- Linux shell 中$()
- How to get iPhone ECID from MacOS terminal - Ask Different
- Linux下的history命令其实很强大 - 知乎执行历史命令!num
- linux - How can I read documentation about built in zsh commands? - Stack Overflow查看zsh内建命令帮助文档 builtin
- 03. 判断两线段相交 - 知乎
- iphone - Intersection between two lines in coordinates - Stack Overflow
- How to calculate the point where two lines intersect - free Swift 5.1 example code and tips-Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications
- iOS使用fastlane一键打包审核
- app 审核 被拒
- 不允许中国以外IP访问的APP,如何上架App Store? - 知乎
- shell技巧5 - 全自动打包ipa xcodebuild -exportArchive
- 火掌柜 iOS 团队 GitLab CI 集成实践
- IPA托管
- 5.2 代码回滚:Reset、Checkout、Revert 的选择
- 查看某个文件在历史版本中的修改
- 查看remote tags
- git 常用命令(https://www.yiibai.com/v3.php?app=all)
- git下载单个文件夹 1,2
- git教程
- AI前端Git规范 | springleo's blog
- git分支规范 | JDC 前端代码规范
- my-git/git-workflow-tutorial.md at master · xirong/my-git · GitHub-gitflow
- A successful Git branching model » nvie.com-讲了hotfix时有release分支存在的情况
- Git-优雅地解决冲突:使用ours和theirs
- Git:如何在项目提交历史中找到已删除的文件?git log --all --full-history *filename* 这里是正则 或则 git log --diff-filter=AD --summary | grep filename
- 查看函数的修改历史git log -L:viewDidLoad:filePath
- 使用git操作svn仓库 | Tony Bai
- xcode - Can't ignore UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate - Stack Overflow删除已跟踪的文件,这样添加该文件到gitignore就再也不会被跟踪了
- 查看历史版本含有的文本内容只能查找添加删除
git log -G"正则" -p or git log -S"文本" -p
git rev-list --all | xargs git grep -F "[self startAFNetworkMonitoring]"
git log --pretty=format:"%h" -- xx/xx/xx.mm | xargs git grep -F "[self startAFNetworkMonitoring]"
- How to grep (search) committed code in the Git history - Stack Overflow
- macos - How can I Remove .DS_Store files from a Git repository? - Stack Overflow
- git log命令展示过滤技巧及打印格式 | 常兴 E 站
- 解密不成功,用的我自己生成公钥私钥,demo中的可以 · ideawu/Objective-C-RSA应该是来源于这篇文章Using an RSA public key generated by OpenSSL in iOS - Chris Luke
- cryptography - PKCS#1 and PKCS#8 format for RSA private key - Stack Overflow
- RSA加密解密中pkcs1与pkcs8格式私钥互相转换 - hongdada - 博客园
- Public Key OID
- iOS 生成 SecKeyRef 的正规方式 - 我的学习历程这篇文章确实有点sb
- iphone - How can I get SecKeyRef from DER/PEM file - Stack Overflow
- Signing and Verifying on iOS using RSA - Stack Overflow
- iOS安全相关 - iOS中使用RSA加密与解密 - 简书只有公钥的模n和公开幂e
- 为什么RSA公钥每次加密得到的结果都不一样?
- mac 下系统检查无法通过 · Issue #811 · guanzhi/GmSSLGMSSL编译报错解决
- GMSSL 国密iPhone端编译 - 代码先锋网模拟器及真机编译参数如下
make distclean
export CC=clang
export CROSS_COMPILE='/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/'
export CROSS_TOP="/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer"
export CROSS_SDK="iPhoneOS14.3.sdk"
./Configure ios64-cross no-shared // 如果是9eadfd4cb6eac17bff776b2a8c47de106c70e34a版本需要添加 no-asm 最新版添加-DGMSSL_NO_TURBO 因为调用私有getcontext方法的问题添加no-threads
otool -lv ./xxxx.a 查看支持的platform为macOS还是IOSSIMULATOR otool -l <path-to-library> | grep platform grep iphone macos
make distclean
export CC=clang
export CROSS_COMPILE='/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/'
export CROSS_TOP="/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer"
export CROSS_SDK="iPhoneSimulator.sdk"
./Configure iphoneos-cross no-shared // 如果是9eadfd4cb6eac17bff776b2a8c47de106c70e34a版本需要添加 no-asm 最新版添加-DGMSSL_NO_TURBO 因为调用私有getcontext方法的问题添加no-threads
- 编译与安装
- openssl官方文档
- openssl三方中文文档
- 在线RSA签名验签算法验证工具-在线工具
- RSA密钥格式解析
- 解读RSA公钥私钥储存格式
- o2space/O2SECCKit: iOS 椭圆曲线SM2加解密、签验及SM3摘要,不依赖第三方OpenSSLsm2
- 基于Gmssl的SM2加解密算法Demo SM2加解密算法(基于GMSSL的C代码实现) - 天天好运BN_bn2bin返回不为32问题解决
- sm2签名结果长度不一致 · Issue #491 · guanzhi/GmSSL在大数INTEGER做der编码时,如果首字节的第一个二进制位为1时,前面需要补00字节,所以导致der编码长度为多一个字节,这种情况下SM2签名值得编码长度最大会有两个字节的差距
- algorithmNation/SM2Factory.java at 84ea5bad61c956ec851884225d4e7c9532ae66c3 · xiaoshuaishuai319/algorithmNationandroid所用的库
- JSON Web Tokens - jwt.ioJWT官网
- iFindTA/PBGMService: 国密算法 sm2/sm3/sm4 Objc封装!作者观点:重点不是算法而是密钥安全性!
- 加密算法之PKCS填充pkcs1_oaep
- iOS-AES加解密各模式(ECB、CBC、CFB、OFB)的实现 - 掘金
- v4_CN_WebRTC · ossrs/srs Wiki
- kernelj/jswebrtc: JSWebrtc – 支持 SRS 的 Webrtc 播放器
- twcc简介TWCC全称是Transport wide Congestion Control
- ACK:Acknowledgement,它是一种正向反馈,接收方收到数据后回复消息告知发送方。
- NACK:Negative Acknowledgement,则是一种负向反馈,接收方只有在没有收到数据的时候才通知发送方。
- DTLS(Datagram Transport Layer Security)即数据包传输层安全性协议
传输层——报文段(segment)/数据报(datagram) (注:TCP叫TCP报文段,UDP叫UDP数据报,也有人叫UDP段) 网络层——分组、数据包(packet) 链路层——帧(frame) 物理层——P-PDU(bit)
- 50 iOS Interview Questions And Answers Part 5
- hit-alibaba.github.io
- 书栈网 · BookStack_程序员IT互联网开源编程书籍免费阅读,助您【码】力十足!
- awesome-ios-interview/English.md at master · dashvlas/awesome-ios-interview
- [使用App Store 推广数据来源统计方法]https://www.jianshu.com/p/66dd1e20df74
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- 动态库加载(https://nixwang.com/2015/11/09/ios-dynamic-update/)(http://foggry.com/blog/2014/06/12/wwdc2014zhi-iosshi-yong-dong-tai-ku/)
- Dynamic Library Programming Topics 苹果官网
- Frameworks and Weak Linking
- 使用 Xcode 制作 Framework 与 XCFramework - 简书
- xcode12 - Xcode 12.3: Building for iOS Simulator, but the linked and embedded framework was built for iOS + iOS Simulator - Stack Overflow设置VALIDATE_WORKSPACE为YES
- XCFramework 是用来干什么的
- 动态库位置其实用lldb命令 image list才可以看见库真正的位置/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/CoreGraphics
- Dynamic Library Design Guidelines动态库符号导出问题解决GMSSL链接进动态库带有getcontext等私有方法造成上传App Store被拒问题
- 通过EXPORTED_SYMBOLS_FILE指定导出符号后,其它符号类型由N_EXT变为N_PEXT,外部无法连接这些符号,Apple 操作系统可执行文件 Mach-O · 戴铭的博客 - 星光社有对符号类型介绍
通过nm查看符号表其中符号类型t代表 non-external text section symbol
Each symbol name is preceded by its value (blanks if undefined). Unless the -m
option is specified, this value is followed by one of the following characters,
representing the symbol type: U (undefined), A (absolute), T (text section symbol),
D (data section symbol), B (bss section symbol), C (common symbol), - (for debugger
symbol table entries; see -a below), S (symbol in a section other than those
above), or I (indirect symbol). If the symbol is local (non-external), the
symbol's type is instead represented by the corresponding lowercase letter. A
lower case u in a dynamic shared library indicates a undefined reference to a
private external in another module in the same library.
- 如何将多个.o合并为一个.o文件 - 胡桃夹子
- C++库符号冲突杂谈 - 简书讲述了Xcode符号冲突为什么不报错
- llvm-ld
- ld(1): GNU linker - Linux man page
- Linker Script初探 - GNU Linker Ld手冊略讀 - My code works, I don’t know why.
- OTHER_LIBTOOLFLAGS 打包静态库时如果要链接其它静态库配置该选项来链接不同版本比如:debug环境:"$(SRCROOT)/xxx/Vendor/xxxSDKAF3.1.0/GZQRCodeLib.framework/GZQRCodeLib" release环境:"$(SRCROOT)/xxx/Vendor/xxxSDKAF4.1.0/GZQRCodeLib.framework/GZQRCodeLib"
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- How to generate program dependence graph for C program? - Stack Overflow
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- Doxygen with Graphviz to generate call graph on Mac_smilejiasmile的博客-CSDN博客用此方法生成函数调用关系图及文档
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cd /Users/xxx/Documents/xxx/project
doxygen -g
doxygen Doxyfile
- Carthage/StaticFrameworks.md at a91d086ceaffef65c4a4a761108f3f32c519940c · Carthage/Carthage · GitHub使用XCODE_XCCONFIG_FILE xcconfig
- Carthage builds fail at xcrun lipo on Xcode 12 beta (3,4,5...) · Issue #3019 · Carthage/Carthage The armv7s architecture is deprecated问题解决
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- ARM汇编
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- adrp使用
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- 探秘Mach-O文件 里面包括一些寻址
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- 深入浅出iOS编译-黄文臣
- 1-iOS汇编教程:理解ARM2-iOS汇编精讲(上篇)黄文臣
- ARM64 Function Calling Conventions iOS-通过xcode断点函数调用查看对应的汇编代码了解传参
- 如何正确的hook方法objc_msgSend · jmpews
- arm64程序调用规则 - 掘金
- 运行时获取函数调用栈
- LLVM-插桩 - Helloted Blog
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- Assembly Language教程_w3cschoolw3cschool汇编教程 英特尔32处理器
- A-Profile Architectures | Exploration tools – Arm Developerarm汇编官网
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- Clang插件统计方法耗时 - Helloted Blog
- LLVM-插桩 - Helloted Blog
- LLVM编译过程 - Helloted Blog
- 二进制重排 - Helloted Blog
- How To Manage Plist Files With PlistBuddy - Marco Santa Dev
- App 多渠道打包及重签名方案
- [查看开发证书的Sha1值,命令行查看所有能签名证书]- security find-identity -v -p codesigning
- 从App中导出entitlements非provisionprofile文件中的entitlements key对应内容 codesign -d --entitlements - Example.app 来源objccn 墙裂推荐 linux - 号用途
- 导出provisionprofile中的entitlements key - /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -x -c "print :Entitlements " /dev/stdin <<< $(security cms -D -i XXXX.app/embedded.mobileprovision) > Entitlements.plist https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/685723
- [codesign -d --entitlements :file demo.app] 来源- ./fastlane-2.131.0/sigh/lib/assets/resign.sh
- How do I resign app with entitlements? 导出entitlements及用该entitlements重签名
When displaying a signature, extract any entitlement data from the signature and write it to the path given. Use "-" to write to standard output. By default, the binary "blob" header is returned intact; prefix the path with a colon ":" to automati- cally strip it off. If the signature has no entitlement data, nothing is written (this is not an error).
- 巧用符号表 - 探求 fishhook 原理(一) · GitBook
- Mach-O 与动态链接 | 张不坏的博客
- ios底层 mach-o文件分析 - 掘金
- [源码阅读] Mach-O 与 fishhook
- 探秘 Mach-O 文件 - Hawk 's blog
- Mach-O 学习小结(三) - 简书
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- iOS程序员的自我修养-MachO文件动态链接(四) - 掘金
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反汇编- iOS程序员的自我修养-MachO文件静态链接(三) - 掘金
- Mach-O 与动态链接 | 张不坏的博客
- Apple 操作系统可执行文件 Mach-O · 戴铭的博客 - 星光社
- _got __nl_symbol_ptr
- 图解 Mach-O 中的 got
- 一个iOS程序员的自我修养(一)编译和链接
- 利用强弱符号制作插件库 | 守望的个人博客
- iOS静态库开发中引入的第三方库可能与宿主APP中冲突的解决方案
- 论项目中静态库符号冲突的几种解决方式_yohunl的专栏-CSDN博客_静态库符号冲突
- White-White/mocha: Macho is yet another mach-o file viewer
- objdump -s -j __cstring MachO文件地址,打印段信息
- 通过FishHook了解MachO动态链接(二) - 知乎
- macOS 解决 Chrome NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID的问题 - 知乎--thisisunsafe
- ipa重签名最直接的教程 --如果工程使用了iCloud,遇到了CloudKit相关Crash,如果通过provisionprofile文件导出的entitlements.plist进行重签,应用使用CloudKit SDK相关方法时候会crash 所以建议从Xcode->View->Navigators->Show report Navigators控制面板中找到Xcode在build过程中为我们生成的临时entitlements文件(搜索sign,如果没找到建议clean后重新build再在对应build日志中搜索sign找到--entitlements之后的参数即临时entitlements路径)
- Enabling CloudKit in Your App
- iOSApp签名原理
- iOS证书及ipa包重签名探究
- Entitlements Troubleshooting -entitlements.plist文件对应字段
- 理论篇:iOS 应用重签名-这篇文章提到了xcode为我们生成的临时Entitlements文件,
- 细说iOS代码签名3- provisionprofile中保存的证书信息是base64格式保存的如何获得der格式的数据和证书的sha1可以看这篇文章
- iOS App 签名的原理
- [security cms -D -i embedded.mobileprovision] 打印provision profile 里面的信息
- 深度长文:细说iOS代码签名
- [iOS Tips]证书签名相关命令行
- Mac Security工具使用总结find-identity
SS-FS-58/outline-client: Outline clients, developed by Jigsaw. The Outline clients use the popular Shadowsocks protocol, and lean on the Cordova and Electron frameworks to support Windows, Android / ChromeOS, Linux, iOS and macOS.含有start_ss_local_server_with_callback函数
myhighland/ShadowCoel: ShadowCoel is a ss/ssr client based on Potatso
amnezia-vpn/desktop-client: Amnezia VPN Client (Desktop+Mobile) macos
Tutorial: Open Source on iOS (Part 2): Compiling libogg on iOS | iOS Developer Zoneautoconf automake 编译ios平台
Porting Mbed TLS to a new environment or OS — Mbed TLS documentation
关于Makefile,Makefile.in,Makefile.am,Configure功能及相互关系的问题 - lsgxeva - 博客园
书写命令 — 跟我一起写Makefile 1.0 文档makefile@符号说明
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chrisballinger/ProxyKit: SOCKS proxy server and socket client built upon GCDAsyncSocket. xrooters/xTorChat: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/xtorchat/id1403177943?mt=8
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cd ~/Documents/libsodium
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- hello-david/SwiftV2Ray: V2Ray-Core的iOS工具
- gitsrc/vmess-client: client for vmess protocol.【Low memory size, can be used in embedded devices (eg : IOS) 】
- Tai7sy/v2ray_mobile_lib: v2ray mobile library for Android/iOS
- WireGuard/wireguard-apple: Mirror only. Official repository is at https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-apple iOS mac客户端代码 WireGuard是由Jason A. Donenfeld开发的开放源代码VPN程序及协议[2],基于Linux内核实现,利用Curve25519进行密钥交换,ChaCha20用于加密,Poly1305用于数据认证,BLAKE2用于散列函数运算[2],支持IPv4和IPv6的第3层。[3]WireGuard旨在获得比IPsec和OpenVPN更好的性能[4]。
- takecian/SwiftRater: A utility that reminds your iPhone app's users to review the app written in pure Swift.
- nicklockwood/iRate: [DEPRECATED]
- iOS应用内集成AppStore评分功能 - 简书
- iOS App “去评分” 功能的几种实现总结 | ZUBIN BLOG
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- linux - Bash 脚本中的 set -euxo pipefail - Python测试开发 - SegmentFault 思否
- SwiftUI app life cycle. In this journey, we will achieve the… | by Azhman Adam | Medium --- SwiftUI 应用生命周期
- carson-katri/awesome-result-builders: A list of cool DSLs made with Swift 5.4’s @resultBuilder
- Result builders in Swift explained with code examples - SwiftLee
- @ViewBuilder usage explained with code examples - SwiftLee
- SwiftUI 视图的生命周期研究 | 肘子的Swift记事本//豪杰推荐的swiftUI学习资料
- Advanced SwiftUI Transitions - The SwiftUI Lab
- How to Create Configurable Widgets With Static Options? - Swift Senpai//里面很多介绍Widget的文章
- PreferenceKey & Preference Modifier in SwiftUI
- Anchor preferences in SwiftUI | Swift with Majid
- advanced-swiftui-animations.swift
- pawello2222/WidgetExamples: A demo project showcasing different types of Widgets created with SwiftUI and WidgetKit.
- iOS clock animations on homescreen widget · Issue #1 · pawello2222/WidgetExamplesclock animation 私有方法
- 让小组件保持最新状态 - 简体中文文档 - Apple Developer
- WidgetKit | Apple Developer Documentation
- 网易云音乐 iOS 14 小组件实战手册 - 掘金
- 雪球 iOS Widget 从零到壹 - 知乎
- swift - iOS clock animations on homescreen widget - Stack Overflow
- WidgetKit: Advanced development - Part 1 | by Marco Guerrieri | Kin + Carta Created | Medium
- Littleor/iWidget: A open-source iOS Widget APP by WidgetKit for iOS14
- AnderGoig/github-contributions-ios: 🐙🐱 GitHub Contribution Widgets for iOS
- aaryankotharii/Corona-Widget: iOS 14 widget for stats on COVID -19.
- jtbandes/SpacePOD: Space! – an iOS widget displaying NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day
- ivanvorobei/SPPerspective: Widgets iOS 14 animation with 3D and dynamic shadow. Customisable transform and duration.像widget添加时的卡片动画
- anchorWJ/swiftUI_iOS14_DesignCode: An iOS and macOS app written on SwiftUI which has awesome animations and widget.有一点把边
- liudhzhyym/WidgetAnimationSample: Using fonts to implement animations that refresh widgets by second
- ios - Animations on iOS16 WidgetKit - Stack Overflow
- everettjf/Xcode13ClockHandRotationEffectModifier
- Xcode IDE | Blog by Frank有提到_clockHandRotationEffect
- octree (octree) / Repositoriestop widgets 开发
- How to Update or Refresh a Widget? - Swift Senpai
- TopWidgets/SwingAnimation: 小组件平移动画 三个旋转动画控制旋转方向和时间实现平移动画
- Package — Swift Package Managerpackage.swift语法介绍
- 解决swift package manager fetch慢的问题 - 简书xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies -scmProvider system 再DriverData SourcePackages 拷贝,
- Building Swift Packages or Apps that Use Them in Continuous Integration Workflows | Apple Developer DocumentationscmProvider解释有system和xcode两个选项,system即代表用系统git配置
- 如何让swift package manager走代理 - 掘金--Software configuration management
- lkzhao/UIComponent: Write UI in crazy speed, with great perf & no limitations.//use like use swiftUI for collection stack
- SoySauceLab/CollectionKit: Reimagining UICollectionView
- winddpan/CodableWrapper: @Codec("encoder", "decoder") var cool: Bool = true
- marksands/BetterCodable: Better Codable through Property Wrappers
- swiftui - What is the "some" keyword in Swift(UI)? - Stack Overflow讲了some带来的好处
- Opaque Types — The Swift Programming Language (Swift 5.7)
- 模式匹配第一弹: switch, enums & where 子句
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- LAZY 修饰符和 LAZY 方法
- 模式匹配Pattern Matching, Part 3: Custom pattern matching & syntactic sugar
- 理解 Swift 中的元类型:.Type 与 .self - 掘金
- ASwiftTour/Presentation/ObjC-Swift 混编在模块化:组件化项目中的实践 at master · ShannonChenCHN/ASwiftTour 混编各种场景
- Swift Objective C interoperability, Static Libraries, Modulemap etc… | by Ashis Laha | Medium 这篇文章英文比上一篇更好的各种混编场景
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- 使用 Swift 实现基于堆的优先级队列 | 使用 Swift 实现基于堆的优先级队列
- @dynamic/dynamic/@NSManaged — CoreAnimation Properties in Swift | by Jonathan Cardasis | Medium
- swift - Use
as a default parameter - Stack Overflow - 在extension中声明自己的构造函数不会覆盖struct默认构造函数
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- ObuchiYuki/DevToysMac: DevToys For mac alfred类似工具软件
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- [快捷打开文件或文件夹 finder/terminal]
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I wonder how could I prevent the default behavior "the inner scroll view scrolls until it can't scroll any more, at which point the outer scroll view scrolls"? I wish when the user scrolls the inner view, the outer view could stay, even if the inner view has scrolled to the end.
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