Releases: blackjax-devs/blackjax
Releases Β· blackjax-devs/blackjax
What's Changed
- Partial posteriors SMC and refactor to decouple tempering from SMC construction by @ciguaran in #729
- Add pre-conditioning matrix to Barker proposal by @ismael-mendoza in #731
- Add logjac to logdensity_fn by @junpenglao in #751
- Adjusted MCLMC by @reubenharry in #675
- SMC Pretuning by @ciguaran in #765
- Remove meeting scheduling by @junpenglao in #768
- Adjusted MCLMC by @reubenharry in #771
- Test SMC Pretuning with adaptive tempering by @ciguaran in #772
New Contributors
- @ismael-mendoza made their first contribution in #731
Full Changelog: 1.2.4...1.2.5
What's Changed
- Simplify
by @reubenharry in #714 - Bug: Harmonize doc and README code examples by @gil2rok in #717
- Fix README example by @gil2rok in #719
- Bug fix by @reubenharry in #724
- Waste Free SMC available for adaptive tempered and tempered SMC. by @ciguaran in #721
- NaN Handling by @reubenharry in #727
- Implement metric scaling by @AdrienCorenflos in #733
- Speed up Schrodinger Follmer test by @AdrienCorenflos in #741
Full Changelog: 1.2.3...1.2.4
What's Changed
- Fixing typo in example on index page - leading to 30x faster runtime. by @johannahaffner in #711
- Enable progress bar under pmap by @andrewdipper in #712
- wrapper for progress _bar_scan by @andrewdipper in #716
New Contributors
- @johannahaffner made their first contribution in #711
Full Changelog: 1.2.2...1.2.3
What's Changed
- Make tests pass on
by @albcab in #671 - Enable fitlering of AdaptationInfo by @andrewdipper in #674
- Update
to splitinitial_position
by @reubenharry in #672 - Preconditioned mclmc by @reubenharry in #673
- New integrator, and add some metadata to by @reubenharry in #681
- Minor formatting by @junpenglao in #685
- Make Window Adaptation Take Integrator As Argument by @reubenharry in #687
- FIX KWARG BUG by @reubenharry in #686
- Change isokinetic_integrator generation API by @junpenglao in #689
- Apply function on pytree directly. by @junpenglao in #692
- Fix sampling test. by @junpenglao in #693
- Enable shared mcmc parameters with tempered smc by @andrewdipper in #694
- Convert explicit looping to bit twiddling for iterative_uturn calculations by @andrewdipper in #696
- Remove nightly release by @junpenglao in #699
- Fix doc mistakes by @gil2rok in #701
New Contributors
- @andrewdipper made their first contribution in #674
- @gil2rok made their first contribution in #701
Full Changelog: 1.2.1...1.2.2
What's Changed
- Fix deprecated call to jnp.clip by @GaetanLepage in #664
- Update jax version requirements by @junpenglao in #666
New Contributors
- @GaetanLepage made their first contribution in #664
Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.2.1
Blackjax v1.2.0
Mostly internal change, a major one being a different implementation for top level api (#657)
What's Changed
- Indexing the notebook showing how to reproduce the GIF. by @AdrienCorenflos in #640
- Bump python version by @junpenglao in #645
- SMC: allow each mutation kernel to have different parameters. by @ciguaran in #649
- Migrate from deprecated
by @junpenglao in #651 - Fix MALA transition energy by @ksnxr in #653
- Change variable names by @ksnxr in #654
- Replace iterative RNG split and carry with
by @junpenglao in #656 - Removal of Algorithm classes. by @ciguaran in #657
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 1.1.1...1.2.0
What's Changed
- minor clean up by @junpenglao in #635
- Example showing how to use BlackJAX to sample from the word "BlackJAX" by @AdrienCorenflos in #637
- Update by @AdrienCorenflos in #638
Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.1.1
Blackjax v1.1.0
New Features Highlights
- MCLMC sampler
- Riemannian Manifold HMC sampler
What's Changed
- Add Governance and Code of Conduct by @junpenglao in #570
- bump github action version by @junpenglao in #573
- Documentation clean up by @junpenglao in #572
- Check only for negative divergences by @jdehning in #574
- Update requirements-doc.txt by @junpenglao in #578
- Refactor divergence check to each sampler by @junpenglao in #579
- Dynamic HMC by @albcab in #580
- Adjusts for the fact that IRMH proposal might not be symmetric by @ciguaran in #581
- Document how particles should be represented in SMC by @ciguaran in #582
- Add adaptation on HMC trajectory length to increase the expected Change in the Estimator of the Expected Square (ChEES-HMC) by @albcab in #421
- Update by @junpenglao in #583
- ghmc dev by @williwilliams3 in #585
- EuclideanIntegrator -> Integrator by @albcab in #588
- Refactor to make it more general. by @junpenglao in #589
- Allow passing line search algorithm to pathfinder. by @ColCarroll in #592
- Name arguments consistently across adaptation classes. by @ColCarroll in #593
- Improve typing and doc of proposal generation by @junpenglao in #594
- Implements Barker's proposal. by @AdrienCorenflos in #596
- Add Barker's proposal reference by @AdrienCorenflos in #600
- Implements the SchrΓΆdinger-FΓΆllmer algorithm. by @AdrienCorenflos in #602
- Refactor by @junpenglao in #603
- Add MCLMC sampler by @reubenharry in #586
- Losen the input requirement for ess computation. by @junpenglao in #609
- SMC Inner kernel tuning by @ciguaran in #595
- Resolve 'Functions to run kernels' by @PaulScemama in #598
- Minor clean up for SMC by @junpenglao in #611
- MInor docstring fix by @junpenglao in #612
- Docstring fix by @junpenglao in #613
- Resolve: Add progress bar to run_inference_algorithm by @PaulScemama in #614
- Add transform TO
by @reubenharry in #621 - Remove transform from MCLMC by @reubenharry in #623
- Refactor dynamic_hmc out of by @junpenglao in #622
- Clean up of
docstring. by @junpenglao in #624 - Update noneuclidean integrator by @junpenglao in #626
- Refactor mgrad_gaussian by @junpenglao in #628
- Extend function signature for InitFn by @junpenglao in #627
- Adding Riemannian Manifold HMC by @dfm in #538
- PREVENT 1D DISTRIBUTION by @reubenharry in #633
New Contributors
- @jdehning made their first contribution in #574
- @williwilliams3 made their first contribution in #585
- @ColCarroll made their first contribution in #592
- @reubenharry made their first contribution in #586
- @PaulScemama made their first contribution in #598
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.1.0
Blackjax v1.0.0
What's Changed
- Refactor the adaptation kernels by @rlouf in #276
- Update by @junpenglao in #373
- Remove
kwargs in favor ofjax.custom_vjp
by @rlouf in #342 - Fix benchmark by @junpenglao in #380
- Refactor the function for generating Gaussian noise by @junpenglao in #377
- Improve batch shape handling in MEADS and allow scaled step sizes in GHMC using
by @albcab in #381 - Modify linear regressions to parameters in R by @albcab in #388
- S/acceptance probability/acceptance ratio by @rlouf in #390
- Update the pathfinder API by @rlouf in #392
- Add the control variates gradient estimator by @rlouf in #299
- Make tests fail on uncaught warnings by @rlouf in #404
- Update the issue templates by @rlouf in #409
- Add the licence notice at the top of every file by @rlouf in #408
- Clean examples by @rlouf in #413
- Add linebreak between function params in API doc by @rlouf in #414
- Add support for nightly releases by @rlouf in #418
- Use NumPy style for linebreak at end of docstring by @rlouf in #419
- Use the new marginal sampler for latent gaussian models in the GP notebook by @juanitorduz in #398
- Fix import for
by @junpenglao in #426 - Fix pymc example by @zaxtax in #424
- Minor doc clean up by @junpenglao in #428
- s/logprob/logdensity by @junpenglao in #427
- Use
by @rlouf in #431 - Gitlint configuration by @valentynbez in #429
- Add Contour SGMCMC sampler. by @WayneDW in #396
- Automatically open an issue for Blackjax meetings by @rlouf in #440
- Add ReadTheDocs configuration file by @rlouf in #432
- Add Mean Field Variational Inference implementation by @xidulu in #433
- Fix small typos by @antotocar34 in #460
- Refactor the potential fun flip in HMC by @junpenglao in #463
- Move Contour SGLD example to the Sampling Book by @rlouf in #467
- Simplify the Oryx examples by @rlouf in #468
- Remove the hierarhical BNN example by @rlouf in #469
- Return adaptation extra information by @rlouf in #466
- Refactor the SMC kernels by @rlouf in #279
- Remove the sparse logistic regression example by @rlouf in #472
- Fixing TemperedSMC example by @ciguaran in #474
- Add documentation for how to implement Metropolis-within-Gibbs by @mlysy in #422
- Use github-action-benchmark for continous benchmarking by @rlouf in #476
- Fix the Introduction Example by @yayami3 in #477
- Remove unnecessary dependency by @yayami3 in #481
- Replace uses of internal JAX NumPy utils with public API functions. by @junpenglao in #487
- Adding folder structure to tests by @ciguaran in #483
- Remove the remaining examples by @rlouf in #489
- Update pre-commit dependencies by @rlouf in #490
- Use AutoAPI for the API documentation by @rlouf in #478
- Handle references using sphinxcontrib-bibtex with the BibTeX alpha style by @albcab in #494
- Use public JAX API for PRNGKeyArray by @junpenglao in #498
- Do not fail RTD build on warning by @rlouf in #502
- use chex for typing by @junpenglao in #503
- Exposing RMH and Random Walk as two different algorithms, generalizing RW to non-gaussian jumps by @ciguaran in #484
- Drop support of Python 3.7 and install latest developments of optax to avoid failing tests by @albcab in #519
- Pass
to the CSGLD kernel directly by @albcab in #518 - Fix SGLD and SGHMC docstrings by @albcab in #524
- Refactor MALA so that it uses the MH component in by @albcab in #523
- SMC-MCMC integration test, plus fixes. by @ciguaran in #522
- Use latest release of optax by @albcab in #528
- Revert "Change documentation background color" by @howsiyu in #527
- Proper splitting of PRNG key by @howsiyu in #526
- Consistent naming of low-level function by @albcab in #532
- Fix momentum samples for 2D inverse mass matrix by @junpenglao in #533
- Move kernel functions to their algorithm-class folder. by @albcab in #501
- Add SGNHT by @SamDuffield in #515
- Converting scan to fori_loop in static_integration in order to support a variable number of integration steps in HMC sampler by @dfm in #539
- Implement SVGD by @antotocar34 in #512
- Add utility function to demonstrate unflattening of arrays by @albcab in #535
- Unify SGMCMC init structure by @SamDuffield in #540
- Change Typing to follow Jax best practice by @junpenglao in #543
by @albcab in #542- Update by @junpenglao in #553
- Documentation clean up by @junpenglao in #552
- Bump to Py3.9 by @junpenglao in #554
- Update usage of soon-to-be deprecated Chex assertions by @junpenglao in #560
- Moving max_num_doublings of NUTS from build_kernel to kernel by @weiyaw in #566
- Update the Metropolis-within-Gibbs example by @twhentschel in #558
- Update dependencies and use new jax random key by @junpenglao in #569
New Contributors
- @juanitorduz made their first contribution in #398
- @valentynbez made their first contribution in #429
- @WayneDW made their first contribution in #396
- @xidulu made their first contribution in #433
- @antotocar34 made their first contribution in #460
- @mlysy made their first contribution in #422
- @yayami3 made their first contribution in #477
- @howsiyu made their first contribution in #527
- @SamDuffield made their first contribution in #515
- @dfm made their first contribution in #539
- @weiyaw made their first contribution in #566
- @twhentschel made their first contribution in #558
Full Changelog: 0.9.6...1.0.0