This is a website for renting books. It is a project for the course "Web Programming" at the FPT University.
- Clone the project
git clone
- Install the dependencies
npm install -g yarn # if you don't have yarn installed
- Run the development server
yarn dev
- Use Conventional Commits for commit messages
- Use Prettier for code formatting
- Use ESLint for linting
- Refer to ShadcnUI for ui lib and Taxonomy for code implementation
branch is for productiondevelop
branch is for developmentfeature/<feature-name>
branch is for developing a new featurebugfix/<bug-name>
branch is for fixing a bughotfix/<hotfix-name>
branch is for fixing a bug in production
- Create a pull request from a feature/bugfix/hotfix branch to
branch - Create a pull request from
branch tomaster
branch when the development is done
. # root
├── .github # github actions
├── .vscode # vscode settings
├── components # react components
├──── ui # atomic components
├──── * # other components (form, nav, etc.)
├── pages # pages - page should only contain components and not nested
├── public # static files
├── styles # global styles
├── lib # functions for external use, one lib per file