[My portfolio site]( {{ blakerach1.github.io }} )
{{ Add a short paragraph describing the features below. }}
- At least one profile picture
- Biography (at least 100 words)
- Functional Contact Form
- "Projects" section
- Links to external sites, e.g. GitHub and LinkedIn.
{{ Add a short paragraph describing the features below. }}
- At least 2 web pages.
- Version controlled with Git
- Deployed on GitHub pages.
- Implements responsive design principles.
- Uses semantic HTML.
{{ Add a short paragraph describing the features below, if you included any. }}
- Hamburger transforms from stacked bars to a cross when in active state.
- Navigavtion menu appears as a drop down list transitioning in from the left when hamburger is clicked.
- Navigation menu items appear grey when in hover state.
- JavaScript used to ensure navigation menu disappears when a navigation link is selected.
- JavaScript used to display a successful form submission message on submit button click.
- JavaScript used to clear the form after a short delay following the submit button click.
- JavaScript to warn user that they are about to navigate to an external site.
![ {{ Header section with nav bar and introduction in desktop view }} ]( {{ screenshots\header-desktop.PNG }} ) ![ {{ Header section with nav bar and introduction in mobile view }} ]( {{ screenshots\header-mobile.PNG }} ) ![ {{ about section with skill cards displaying in a row in desktop view/ }} ]( {{ screenshots\about-desktop.PNG }} ) ![ {{ about section in mobile view }} ]( {{ screenshots\about-mobile.PNG }} ) ![ {{ projects section in desktop view, project cards arranged in a row }} ]( {{ screenshots\projects-desktop.PNG }} ) ![ {{ projects section in mobile view, project cards arranged in a column }} ]( {{ screenshots\projects-mobile.PNG }} ) ![ {{ footer section in desktop view with maximum width applied to contact box }} ]( {{ screenshots\contact-footer-desktop.PNG }} ) ![ {{ footer section in mobile view }} ]( {{ screenshots\contact-footer-mobile.PNG }} )
![ {{ header section in desktop view }} ]( {{ screenshots\individual-project-header-desktop.PNG }} ) ![ {{ header section in mobile view }} ]( {{ screenshots\individual-project-header-mobile.PNG }} ) ![ {{ project screenshot in mobile view }} ]( {{ screenshots\portfolio-picture1-mobile.PNG }} ) ![ {{ project screenshot in desktop view }} ]( {{ screenshots\portfolio-picture1-desktop.PNG }} ) ![ {{ project screenshot in desktop view }} ]( {{ screenshots\portfolio-picture2-desktop.PNG }} ) ![ {{ project screenshot in mobile view }} ]( {{ screenshots\portfolio-picture2&3-mobile.PNG }} ) ![ {{ project screenshot in desktop view }} ]( {{ screenshots\portfolio-picture3-desktop.PNG }} ) ![ {{ project screenshot in desktop view}} ]( {{ screenshots\portfolio-picture4-desktop.PNG}} ) ![ {{ project screenshot in mobile view}} ]( {{ screenshots\portfolio-picture4&5-mobile.PNG }} ) ![ {{ project screenshot in desktop view }} ]( {{ screenshots\portfolio-picture5&6-desktop.PNG }} ) ![ {{ project screenshot in mobile view }} ]( {{ screenshots\portfolio-picture6-mobile.PNG }} )
![ {{ coming soon placeholder page in desktop view }} ]( {{ screenshots\coming-soon-desktop.PNG }} ) ![ {{ coming soon placeholder page in mobile view }} ]( {{ screenshots\coming-soon-mobile.PNG }} )