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Bloxstrap v1.6.0

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@github-actions github-actions released this 31 Dec 22:05
· 1165 commits to main since this release
  • Disabling the desktop app is now back! (#40 - thanks to @1011025m for finding a fix)
  • Improved DPI scaling support for the Progress dialog style, though other parts of Bloxstrap are still a bit untuned.
  • Windows Installer-like functionality has been added, allowing you to do silent/unattended installs (#47)
  • Unchecking the "Allow people to join" box no longer hides the game details button on Rich Presence (#48)
  • Releases are now published directly by GitHub, ensuring that the code that's here is exactly what you download. (#49 - @sitiom)
  • Channel version fetching has been fixed (#51 - @bluepilledgreat)
  • Channels list has been abstracted further to remove any outdated channels (#52 - @bluepilledgreat)
  • Fixed problems with ratelimits on the GitHub API causing Bloxstrap to crash (#57)
  • Oh, and happy new year!