jUART, Cross platform browser plugin for serial port communication from JavaScript
##Supported Platforms:
Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE(IE version is not released yet)
OS: Windows, Linux and Mac
##Install Plugin
###Windows: Copy the /bin/Windows/npjUART.dll into your browser's plugin directory.
Take FireFox for example:
Copy /bin/Windows/npjUART.dll
to C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\plugins
###Linux: Copy the ./bin/Linux/npjUART.so into your browser's plugin directory.
Take FireFox for example:
sudo cp npjUART.so ~/.mozilla/plugins/
###Mac: Mac version is not released yet, I don't have a Mac to build and test the project. Sorry :-(
var ser = plugin().Serial;
Get a Serial object -
Open a port -
ser.set_option(baud, parity, csize, flow, stop);
Set port options -
- baud: Baud rate
- parity: 0->none, 1->odd, 2->even
- csize: 5 6 7 8
- flow: 0->none, 1->software, 2->hardware
- stop: 0->one, 1->onepointfive, 2->two
Bind callback function for recieve data. -
- 'recv' is a function in JavaScript,
function recv(bytes, size)
- 'recv' is a function in JavaScript,
- 'bytes' are the data recieved, 'size' is the size of the bytes recieved
Send a byte to serial port
Here is an echo test example, which is contained in the /example directory.
<title>test page for object fbcontrol</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var ser;
function plugin0()
return document.getElementById('plugin0');
plugin = plugin0;
function recv(bytes, size)
for(var i=0;i<size;++i)
function pluginLoaded()
ser = plugin().Serial;// Get a Serial object
ser.open("COMA");// Open a port
ser.set_option(115200,0,8,0,0);// Set port options
ser.recv_callback(recv); // Callback function for recieve data
function pluginValid()
alert(plugin().echo("This plugin seems to be working!"));
} else {
alert("Plugin is not working :(");
<body onload="load()">
<object id="plugin0" type="application/x-juart" width="0" height="0" >
<param name="onload" value="pluginLoaded" />
<h1>jUART Serial Port Echo Test</h1><br/>
This test will echo the data you sent through serial port.
##To Build
- Install FireBreath
- Run
python fbgen.py
in firebreath-dev, please set "Plugin Name" to jUART
- Run
- Goto firebreath-dev/projects, delete the jUART directory
- Same in firebreath-dev/projects, run
git clone [email protected]:billhsu/jUART.git
- Same in firebreath-dev/projects, run
- Windows:
if you have VS2005/2010) Linux:./prepmake.sh
- Windows:
- Windows: open build/Firebreath.xxx Linux:
cd build/
- Windows: open build/Firebreath.xxx Linux:
##Author Bill Hsu