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Implement a logging system demo with Fluent-Bit and Elasticsearch/Kibana/OpenSearch. Trace demo by OpenTelemetry is included as well. The origin article is on Medium.


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Logging System Demo

This repo is a demo to implement a logging system.

The origin article is on Medium: Implementing a Centralized Logging System: A Journey at Gogoout.


This demo is to show how to implement a logging system.

  • Demo1: Fluent Bit simply collects loggings and output to stdout
  • Demo2: Fluent Bit collects loggings and output to Elasticsearch and Kibana
  • Demo3: Fluent Bit collects loggings and output to AWS OpenSearch
  • Trace Analytics: traces demo and append trace-id and span-id to loggings by OpenTelemetry.
  • Frontend Logging: Demo showing the logging process Frontend -> Nginx -> Fluent Bit

Demo1 (stdout)

  • test-app-stdout prints log on docker logs
  • fluent-bit collects logs and prints on stdout

Run on Docker

# Deploy container (Ctrl-C to exit)
docker compose up

# Test for frontend log
curl -d '{"log_name": "myapp-click","click_text": "action.goBack","uid": "1", "time": "2023-04-07T06:58:28.123456"}' -XPOST -H "content-type: application/json" http://localhost:9880/frontendTag



# Delete all containers and relevant images
docker compose down --rmi all

Demo2 (elasticsearch)

  • test-app-stdout prints log on docker logs
  • fluent-bit collects logs and sends to elasticsearch

Run on Docker

# Deploy container (Ctrl-C to exit)
docker compose -f docker-compose-es.yaml up

# Test for frontend log
curl -d '{"log_name": "myapp-click","click_text": "action.goBack","uid": "1", "time": "2023-04-07T06:58:28.123456"}' -XPOST -H "content-type: application/json" http://localhost:9880/frontendTag

Create Index Patterns

# pattern: 'myapp-order-*'
curl -X POST "localhost:5601/api/index_patterns/index_pattern" -H 'kbn-xsrf: true' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  "index_pattern": {
     "title": "myapp-order-*",
     "timeFieldName": "@timestamp"

# pattern: 'myapp-login-*'
curl -X POST "localhost:5601/api/index_patterns/index_pattern" -H 'kbn-xsrf: true' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  "index_pattern": {
     "title": "myapp-login-*",
     "timeFieldName": "@timestamp"

# pattern: 'myapp-click-*'
curl -X POST "localhost:5601/api/index_patterns/index_pattern" -H 'kbn-xsrf: true' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  "index_pattern": {
     "title": "myapp-click-*",
     "timeFieldName": "@timestamp"

Discover Data


# Delete all containers and relevant images
docker compose -f docker-compose-es.yaml down --rmi all

Demo 3 (AWS OpenSearch)

  • test-app-stdout prints log on docker logs
  • fluent-bit collects logs and sends to AWS OpenSearch




# Terraform (AWS OpenSearch)
cd tf
cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
terraform init


  • Manually configure terraform.tfvars:
    • cognito_master_email: As a default master user, with full access permission in OpenSearch.
    • cognito_limited_email: As a default limited user, with only dashboard and readall permission in OpenSearch.
      • You will receive password via email.
      • Use email and password to login OpenSearch Dashboard when instance is ready.
  • Setup AWS env variables
    cat <<EOF >> ~/.zshrc
    # AWS variables for Terraform and aws-cli
    export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-west-1"
    export TF_VAR_access_key=${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}
    export TF_VAR_secret_key=${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}
    export TF_VAR_region=${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}
    source ~/.zshrc
  • Apply Terraform
    # If there is an error related to service_linked_role, just comment all "aws_iam_service_linked_role" in `tf/`.
    # Note: It takes about 30 minutes to complete
    terraform apply -auto-approve
    # Config for fluent-bit (only for demo)
    terraform output > tf_output.log
    cd ..
    • If you face an error Domain already associated with another user pool, which means someone has already used this cognito custom domain as his authentication domain. This domain needs to be globally unique, as the pattern is https://{domain}.auth.{region}
    • To address this issues, either one of options is available:
      • Set another OpenSearch domain:
        • Modify your domain in terraform.tfvars to use another domain name. (in our terraform, cognito custom domain is the same as your OpenSearch domain)
        • If so, remember to edit log_name prefix in all logs, including test-app-stdout/, and curl in the next section.
          • e.g. "log_name": "myapp-click" -> "log_name": "YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME-click"
      • Set another user pool domain:


# Deploy container (Ctrl-C to exit)
docker compose -f docker-compose-aws.yaml --env-file ./tf/tf_output.log up

# Test for frontend log
curl -d '{"log_name": "myapp-click","click_text": "action.goBack","uid": "1", "time": "2023-04-07T06:58:28.123456"}' -XPOST -H "content-type: application/json" http://localhost:9880/frontendTag

Discover Data

  1. Go to AWS OpenSearch Dashboard (two options).
    • URL
      • cat ./tf/tf_output.log
      • check AWS_OPENSEARCH_DASHBOARD value, visit as a url (with https:// prefix)
    • AWS Console
      • AWS OpenSearch -> YOUR_OPENSEARCH_DOMAIN_NAME -> OpenSearch Dashboards URL
  2. Login with either master or limited email and password (password is sent to the email).
  3. Go to Discover to view the results.
  • New cognito user without a user group has no permissions to enter the dashboard.

Check Permissions

Master User

  1. Go to AWS OpenSearch Dashboard (See Discover Data).
  2. Login with master email and password (password is sent to the email).
  3. Check out permissions (upper-right icon -> View roles and identities).

Limited User

  1. Go to AWS OpenSearch Dashboard (See Discover Data).
  2. Login with limited email and password (password is sent to the email).
  3. Check out permissions (upper-right icon -> View roles and identities).


# Delete all containers and relevant images
docker compose -f docker-compose-aws.yaml --env-file ./tf/tf_output.log down --rmi all
# Delete AWS resources
## Note: It takes about 30 minutes to complete
cd tf
terraform destroy -auto-approve

Trace Analytics

See trace-analytics

Frontend Logging

See frontend-logging


Implement a logging system demo with Fluent-Bit and Elasticsearch/Kibana/OpenSearch. Trace demo by OpenTelemetry is included as well. The origin article is on Medium.





