- >= PHP 7.4
- >= MySQL 8 or >= MariaDB 10.6
Registry | Image |
Docker Hub | blueprintue/blueprintue-self-hosted-edition |
GitHub Container Registry | ghcr.io/blueprintue/blueprintue-self-hosted-edition |
Read docker-examples about documentation and docker-compose file example.
Download zip file from last release or run a composer install
to have vendor
- copy folders
and paste outside of the public folder of your server - copy folder content
and paste inside the public folder of your server - copy
and paste file in your database - copy
and paste file outside of the public folder of your server - fill values in
file with what you need (database and email) - rename
(see Configuration explanations) - done
The public folder
means what your http server can show you, usually it is called is www
or public_html
Don't forget to add PHP permissions to read/write in folders storage
, www/medias
and where you have .env
file for cache.
You can disable cache for .env
by removing line $env->enableCache();
in www/index.php
blueprintUE self-hosted edition is like blueprintUE but without
- "What is it?" section on the homepage
- blog and tools section
- OAuth for Facebook, Google and Twitter
- metadatas for OpenGraph and Twitter card
- external links in footer
- page "conditions générales d’utilisation"
- blueprintUE logo replaced with an image
- background images and fonts
- OEmbed
Because GDPR you will need to:
- fill contact email (in .env file)
- fill page privacy policy (in /app/views/www/pages/privacy_policy.php)
- fill page terms of service (in /app/views/www/pages/terms_of_service.php)
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default value | Specific values | Description |
DATABASE_DRIVER | YES | string | mysql | pgsqlite | sqlite | database engine used | |
DATABASE_HOST | YES | string | host | ||
DATABASE_USER | YES | string | user | ||
DATABASE_PASSWORD | YES | string | password | ||
DATABASE_NAME | YES | string | database name | ||
DATABASE_PERSISTENT_CONNECTION | NO | bool | false | use persistent connection for database, only for e2e tests |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default value | Specific values | Description |
SESSION_DRIVER | NO | string | default | default | database | session driver used |
SESSION_ENCRYPT_KEY | NO | string | if empty there is no encryption | ||
SESSION_GC_MAXLIFETIME | NO | int | 3600 * 24 | session's lifetime before deletion by garbage collector | |
SESSION_LIFETIME | NO | int | 0 | cookie's lifetime for session | |
SESSION_PATH | NO | string | / | cookie's path for session | |
SESSION_HTTPS | NO | bool | true | session cookie will be only accessible on https | |
SESSION_SAMESITE | NO | string | Strict | None | Lax | Strict | security policies on how cookies are shared, Lax is mandatory for Twitter OAuth |
SESSION_REMEMBER_NAME | NO | string | remember_token | cookie's name for remember login | |
SESSION_REMEMBER_LIFETIME | NO | int | 3600 * 24 * 30 | cookie's lifetime for remember login | |
SESSION_REMEMBER_PATH | NO | string | / | cookie's path for remember login | |
SESSION_REMEMBER_HTTPS | NO | bool | true | remember cookie will be only accessible on https | |
SESSION_REMEMBER_SAMESITE | NO | string | Strict | None | Lax | Strict | security policies on how cookies are shared, Lax is mandatory for Twitter OAuth |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default value | Specific values | Description |
HOST | YES | string | hostname (e.g. blueprintue-self-hosted-edition.test) | ||
HTTPS | YES | bool | use for detect scheme (http or https) |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default value | Specific values | Description |
SITE_NAME | YES | string | blueprintUE self-hosted edition | name of the site, used for email/description (e.g. blueprintUE self-hosted edition) | |
SITE_BASE_TITLE | NO | string | use for complete the title tag | ||
SITE_DESCRIPTION | NO | string | use for description tag in home page |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default value | Specific values | Description |
ANONYMOUS_ID | NO | int | user_id for all anonymous blueprints pasted |
PHPMailer is used as library for sending mails.
You can use msmtp as service docker for smtp relay and set smtp authentication inside.
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default value | Specific values | Description |
MAIL_USE_SMTP | NO | bool | false | set PHPMailer to use SMTP | |
MAIL_SMTP_HOST | NO | string | localhost | SMTP host | |
MAIL_SMTP_PORT | NO | int | 25 | SMTP port | |
MAIL_USE_SMTP_AUTH | NO | bool | false | for SMTP authentication | |
MAIL_USE_SMTP_TLS | NO | bool | false | set to true if you need TLS like Gmail or any mail provider | |
MAIL_SMTP_USER | NO | string | user for SMTP authentication | ||
MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD | NO | string | password for SMTP authentication | ||
MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS | YES | string | email display for sending emails (register and reset password) | ||
MAIL_FROM_NAME | NO | string | name display for sendings emails (register and reset password) | ||
MAIL_CONTACT_TO | YES | string | email receiver for the contact page | ||
MAIL_HEADER_LOGO_PATH | YES | string | blueprintue-self-hosted-edition_logo-full.png | header image in emails (complete by HOST parameter) |
: remove old sessions in database (if using sessions database) - GET
: remove users that didn't confirmed their accounts registration after 30 days - GET
: remove expired blueprints - GET
: set soft delete for anonymous private blueprints
It's not recommended but this how to skip email confirmation.
In app/services/www/UserService.php
replace function generateAndSendConfirmAccountEmail
public static function generateAndSendConfirmAccountEmail(int $userID, string $from): bool
return true;
In app/services/www/UserService.php
replace function createMemberUser
public static function createMemberUser(string $username, string $email, string $password): array
$errorCode = '#100';
$userModel = (new UserModel(Application::getDatabase()));
$userInfosModel = (new UserInfosModel(Application::getDatabase()));
$forceRollback = false;
$userID = 0;
try {
/* @noinspection NullPointerExceptionInspection */
$errorCode = '#200';
$userID = $userModel->create(
'username' => $username,
'slug' => static::slugify($username),
'email' => $email,
'grade' => 'member',
'password' => $password,
'created_at' => Helper::getNowUTCFormatted(),
'confirmed_at' => Helper::getNowUTCFormatted()
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
* In end 2 end testing we can't arrive here because user requirements has been done before
* For covering we have to test the function outside
if ($userID === 0) {
throw new \Exception('User ID is nil');
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
$errorCode = '#300';
$userInfosModel->create(['id_user' => $userID]);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
$forceRollback = true;
* In end 2 end testing we can't arrive here because user requirements has been done before
* For covering we have to test the function outside
return [null, $errorCode];
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
} finally {
if ($forceRollback) {
/* @noinspection NullPointerExceptionInspection */
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
* In end 2 end testing we can't arrive here because user requirements has been done before
* For covering we have to mock the database
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
} else {
/* @noinspection NullPointerExceptionInspection */
return [$userID, null];
In www/index.php
file after the } catch (\Throwable $t) {
you can add this line
$file = $rootDir . $ds . '500-' . gmdate("Y-m-d", time()) . '.txt';
@file_put_contents($file, gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()) . "\t" . $request->getMethod() . "\t" . $request->getUri() . "\t" . $t->getMessage() . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
It will append errors in file to avoid showing it.
But if you really want to show it instead you can use:
var_dump(gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()) . "\t" . $request->getMethod() . "\t" . $request->getUri() . "\t" . $t->getMessage() . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
You have to update your hosts
file those values
# website blueprintue-self-hosted-edition.test
# adminer (database management) adminer.blueprintue-self-hosted-edition.test
# maildev (local smtp) maildev.blueprintue-self-hosted-edition.test
All the env variables are in .dev/docker-compose.yml
After you can launch dev environment
cd .dev
touch .env
docker compose up -d --build --force-recreate
You have to update your hosts
file those values
# website blueprintue-self-hosted-edition.test
Follow How to install.