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rollynoel edited this page Jun 15, 2013 · 2 revisions

Added by dholton dholton

For example this code:

list = ("one", "two", "three")
newlist = [item.ToUpper() for item as string in list]

is transformed into this:

public final transient class TempModule(System.Object):

	private static def Main(argv as (System.String)) as System.Void:
		___locals = TempModule.___locals2()
		___locals.___list_0 = ('one', 'two', 'three')
		newlist = Boo.Lang.List(TempModule.___generator1(___locals))

	private def constructor():

	private final class ___generator1(Boo.Lang.AbstractGenerator):

		public virtual def GetEnumerator() as System.Collections.IEnumerator:
			return Enumerator(self._____locals4)

		internal _____locals4 as TempModule.___locals2

		public def constructor(_____locals4 as TempModule.___locals2):
			self._____locals4 = _____locals4

		class Enumerator(System.Object, System.Collections.IEnumerator, System.ICloneable):

			internal _____locals3 as TempModule.___locals2

			public def constructor(_____locals3 as TempModule.___locals2):
				self._____locals3 = _____locals3

			protected ____enumerator as System.Collections.IEnumerator

			protected ____current as System.Object

			public virtual def Reset() as System.Void:
				self.____enumerator = self._____locals3.___list_0.GetEnumerator()

			public Current as System.Object:
				public virtual get:
					return self.____current

			public virtual def MoveNext() as System.Boolean:
				if self.____enumerator.MoveNext():
					item = self.____enumerator.get_Current()
					self.____current = item.ToUpper()
					return true
				return false

			public virtual def Clone() as System.Object:
				return self.MemberwiseClone()

	class ___locals2(System.Object):

		internal ___list_0 as (System.String)

		public def constructor():

So, thank Rodrigo for saving you all that typing (smile)

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