The ADAPT Framework requires the .NET Core 2.x SDK and the .NET 4.5.1 SDK to be built correctly. It is possible to build the projects with just the .NET Core 2.x SDK if you use the .NET CLI and use the -Framework flag.
The ADAPT Framework has it's tests run every time any code changes through a Travis CI job.
The ADAPT Framework is built by creating a GitHub Release that triggers a Travis CI job. The release tag version should conform to the pattern vX.X.X-alphaX for an alpha release, vX.X.X-betaX for a beta release, vX.X.X-rcX for a release candidate release and vX.X.X for a production release. The job takes the release tag version and publishes a NuGet package using that.
An example would be that the release tag version v1.2.3-beta2 will create a NuGet package with the version 1.2.3-beta2 and the assemblies would have the file version 1.2.3.N where N is the Travis CI build number.
The ADAPT Framework can be built locally on a developer machine if the repository is cloned.
- Open the repository directory with Visual Studio Code
- Run the Build or Test task
- Open ADAPT.sln in the repository directory with Visual Studio 2017
- Run the Build > Rebuild Solution command
- Navigate to the repository directory in a shell
- Run
dotnet build ./ADAPT.sln -c Debug
for a debug build - Run
dotnet build ./ADAPT.sln -c Release
for a release build (with the addition argument/p:Version=<VERSION>
if you want a version other than 0.0.0)
- Make sure that the code has been build for the Release configuration
- Navigate to the repository directory in a shell
- Run
nuget pack ./AgGatewayADAPTFramework.nuspec -outputdirectory ./dist
(with the addition argument-version <VERSION>
if you want a package version other than 0.0.0)