Releases: bmarandel/mcafee-epo-policies
Add a new FWPolicy method "get_sequences()" to get a full dictionary (JSON) that contains the full policy.
Completed On Demand Scan Policy from Endpoint Security Threat Prevention module. (100% done)
You can edit Location List for Full/Quick scan and you can edit and Exclusion List for Full/Quick/Right-click Scan.
Completed On Access Scan Policy from Endpoint Security Threat Prevention module. (100% done)
Now you can edit ProcessList, Exclusion List and URL List.
This release contains also a draft of what could be the Firewall module.
TODO: For the next release I need to cover settings for the On Demand Policy
Added more coverage of the On Access Scan Policy from Endpoint Security Threat Prevention module. (90% done)
Now you can edit ProcessList and Exclusion List.
TODO: For the next release I need to cover settings for
- High Risk and Low Risk process.
- ScriptScan URL exclusions.
Initial Alpha release.