Abstract: This repository will allow the user to mix and match div. blocks to build a quick website similar to an Adobe Spark. https://spark.adobe.com, but with an electrate twist...
Hello, maker! Welcome to my Electrate Fuego web design tutorial. I'm glad you found it – for this might be a real intersection on your way to becoming. I (S.J. Quigley) use this document in my Technical Communications classes at the University of Pittsburgh to teach my students a little bit about computer science and something called "electracy." Just follow along with comments like this one, and you'll make a really cool web documemt that not only introduces you to the other people in our classes, but will help you process how different discourse communities in your life have contributed to your arrival in this space, virtual and actual, and also contribute to where you might be going.
In this doc, you will work through Gregory Ulmer's discourses of career, family, entertainment, community, and schooling (Internet Invention From Literacy to Electracy, 2002.) In Ulmer's text, he elides community and schooling into one category, but for our puposes I have separated them. Ulmer's theory of electracy helps makes sense of how we find/construct meaning and connect with others rhetorically in a media rich ecology. Ulmer uses analogy to define electracy, explaining that "electracy is to digital media what literacy is to print."
You could make this document the easy way--like I once did by using a program called Adobe Spark: https://spark.adobe.com/page/umUY5ROHgANCl/, or you can do a little more work to unconceal, opening up these tools that you use every day, but might not know how they function, yet prove so necessary to how you (re)present yourself and connect with others in virtual spaces. And this last bit is an important point! If we really want to be makers, if we really want to be creative, then we need to understand what our digital tools do, how they work, and consider the implications of their use. Through this process you will alos learn a little bit about computer literacy and computer science. Enough to allow you to build web texts and understand file management.
So let's cut this thing open – using "tmesis" as the Ancient Greeks would call it – lets "cut" and arrange, tweak, take away and augment...that's how we create! I hope you're excited to use this tool to create a document that will simultaneously help you process your journey and help orient you along the path on which you are headed in your becoming. Before we get going I would like to give a shout-out to my research buddy Shauna Chung, who helped me develop the original Ulmerian framework we will be following in this document. Are you ready to get started?-->
Video: : https://sjquigley.github.io/Steve-Electrate-Fuego/
Sample: https://sjquigley.github.io/Steve-Electrate-Fuego/
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