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link plugin for ckeditor, based on django modelforms/modeladmin, allowing direct linking to your models, or whatever


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link plugin for ckeditor, based on django modelforms/modeladmin, allowing direct linking to your models, or to whatever your want.

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To get the latest stable release from PyPi

pip install django-ckeditor-link

Add ckeditor_link to your INSTALLED_APPS


ckeditor_link does not need it's own database tables, so no need to migrate.

If you want an out of the box solution for linking, you can add ckeditor_link.link_model to your INSTALLED_APPS. Warning, EXPERIMENTAL feature.

Usage / Examples

Have a look at ckeditor_link/tests/test_app/ for a complete example.

Following steps are needed.

  1. Define a link model. Proposed way: Create an abstract base model, that you can extend from for example when having a teaser model. And a CKLink model, whose purpose is only to provide a modelform and validation. No data is ever written to that table, if used with DjangoLinkAdmin.

    # your_app/
    class LinkModelBase(models.Model):
        target = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, default='', )
        external_url = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, default='',)
        email = models.EmailField(blank=True, default='',)
        testmodel = models.ForeignKey(TestModel, null=True, default=None, blank=True)
        class Meta:
            abstract = True
        def __str__(self):
            # do it better
            return "LINK! %s" %
        def get_link(self):
            # return link value, based on fields.
            return ""
    class LinkModel(LinkModelBase):
    class Teaser(LinkModelBase):
        image = models.ImageField()
        title = models.CharField()
        text = models.TextField()

    For your convinience, we provide a basic abstract link model, and a django-cms / django-filer compatible version, under ckeditor_link.link_model.models. They are named LinkBase and CMSFilerLinkBase, and thought to inherit from. To use them, you would need to add ckeditor_link.link_model to INSTALLED_APPS in your settings. To use the cms / filer version, you'll need to set CKEDITOR_LINK_USE_CMS_FILER to True in your settings. You can provide your own LINK_TYPE_CHOICES, if you add some more fields, with settings.CKEDITOR_LINK_TYPE_CHOICES.

  2. Register your model with DjangoLinkAdmin.

    # your_app/
    from ckeditor_link.admin import DjangoLinkAdmin
    class LinkModelAdmin(DjangoLinkAdmin):
        pass, LinkModelAdmin)
  3. Configure your django-ckeditor (or whatever ck you use).

    # config for django-ckeditor
    CKEDITOR_LINK_MODEL = 'my_app.models.LinkModel'
    CKEDITOR_LINK_IFRAME_URL = reverse_lazy('admin:my_app_linkmodel_add')
    CKEDITOR_LINK_VERIFY_URL = reverse_lazy('admin:my_app_linkmodel_verify')
        'default': {
            'djangolinkIframeURL': CKEDITOR_LINK_IFRAME_URL,
            'djangolinkVerifyURL': CKEDITOR_LINK_VERIFY_URL,
            'djangolinkFallbackField': 'external',
            'extraPlugins': ','.join(
                    # your extra plugins here
            'toolbar': 'Custom',
            'toolbar_Custom': [
                ['Bold', 'Underline'],
                ['DjangoLink', 'Unlink'],

    If you have existing content with normal <a href=""> style links, you can migrate them into ckeditor-link mode: In the ckeditor configs, specify your model field as djangolinkFallbackField (see above), existing href values will show up in that field (and stay there).

  4. In your template, use the django-ckeditor-link templatetag. This adds lxml and cssselect as dependencies - you must install those yourself.

    {% load ckeditor_link_tags %}
    {% object.html_field|ckeditor_link_add_link %}

If your linkmodel has a multi widget (as the django-cms's PageField), you can use the CKEDITOR_LINK_ATTR_MODIFIERS setting, to modify attributes as you like. Example:

# a default, working with the provided contrib link_model and django-cms
        'cms_page': '{cms_page_2}'

The actual value of cms_page will be formatted with the python format(**kwargs) function, where kwargs are the link's data attributes and it's values (without data-).



# needed when using the ckeditor_link_add_links template filter, otherwise not
CKEDITOR_LINK_MODEL = 'my_app.models.LinkModel'

CKEDITOR_LINK_USE_CMS_FILER (default: True if django-cms and django-filer in INSTALLED_APPS)

# when using the ckeditor_link.link_model app, enable cms and filer integration


# when using filer integration, use django-filer-addons.filer_gui admin field

CKEDITOR_LINK_ATTR_MODIFIERS (default: {'cms_page': '{cms_page_2}'})

# needed when using the ckeditor_link_add_links template filter
# used to combine multi widgets values, to be in a valid form. 
# django-cms own "PageField" needs this
    'multi_widget_field': '{multi_widget_field_1}--{multi_widget_field_whatever}'
    'cms_page': '{cms_page_2}'

Django Compatibility

Please refer to the CHANGELOG.txt for current supported django versions.


Fork and code. Quickstart:

    pip install -r test_requirements.txt
    ./ migrate  # create local sqlite db
    ./ createsuperuser  # you want that
    ./ loaddata test_app  # same data that is used for running tests
    ./ runserver  # goto localhost:8000/admin/ or localhost:8000/testmodel/2/


Either run tox for complete tests, or `python test

geckodriver install

  • visit
  • download the latest version of "geckodriver-vX.XX.X-linux64.tar.gz"
  • unarchive the tarball (tar -xvzf geckodriver-vX.XX.X-linux64.tar.gz)
  • give executable permissions to geckodriver (chmod +x geckodriver)
  • move the geckodriver binary to /usr/local/bin or any location on your system PATH.


link plugin for ckeditor, based on django modelforms/modeladmin, allowing direct linking to your models, or whatever








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