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Using the parser to walk a suite

Bryan Oakley edited this page Mar 8, 2016 · 1 revision

The suite object has a walk method with makes it easy to visit all of the objects in a suite.

The method takes zero or more arguments which are classes you want to visit. For example, to just visit test cases, you would supply Testcase. If you provide no arguments it will return all instances of the following classes: SuiteFile, ResourceFile, SuiteFolder, Testcase, Keyword.

Here's a quick example that shows how to print out all of the test case names, their starting line numbers, and their documentation.

from __future__ import print_function
from rflint import RobotFactory, Testcase, Keyword
import sys

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print("please provide the path to a robot suite as an argument")

suite = RobotFactory(sys.argv[1])
for testcase in suite.walk(Testcase):
    doc = ""
    for setting in testcase.settings:
        if setting[1].lower() == "[documentation]":
            doc = doc + " ".join(setting[2:]) + " "
    print("%4d :: %s :: %s" % (testcase.linenumber,'utf-8'), doc))