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cubuild is a build script for simplifying the sometimes complex toolchain setup and interaction between NVCC, the NVIDIA CUDA C compiler, and the system compilers on Linux, gcc and g++.

It's written entirely in Lua, but compiles down to a single executable program (that compiles with just gcc) that will run on any system, regardless of whether Lua is installed using some nifty embedded Lua tomfoolery.

cubuild was written by Bob Somers for Dr. Lupo's Applied Parallel Computing course, CPE 458, at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.

It is released under the Beerware License.


You can think of cubuild as a general build tool like make, only it's quite a bit smarter about finding your source files automatically and handling the command line flags for you. The downside is that, at this point in time, it's not particularly smart about not recompiling things that haven't changed. It errs on the safe side and always produces a correct build.

Just like make has a Makefile which tells it what to do, cubuild has a file called blueprint.lua. (Blueprints tell you how to build things... get it?) Since cubuild itself is written in Lua, the blueprint is just a Lua source file with some syntactic sugar to make defining build configurations easier.

cubuild will automatically find all your source files for you, so there's no need to constantly update your blueprint as you add and remove files from your project. The blueprint tells cubuild how to build, not what to build. The what is defined implicitly. cubuild will compile and link everything in your current directory and all subdirectories (recursively) that has the following file extension:

  • *.c (C)
  • *.cpp (C++)
  • *.cc (C++)
  • *.cxx (C++)
  • *.cu (CUDA)

On the backend, NVCC handles forwarding these files to the proper compiler and stripping out any CUDA code for compilation by their driver. Therefore, any file that contains CUDA kernels (__global__ functions) or kernel launches (like mycode<<<1, 1>>>) needs to have the *.cu extension.

In terms of directory structure, your blueprint should live at the top level (along with cubuild if it's not in your PATH somewhere), and your source files should all be there or in subdirectories. In other words, it should look something like this:

  • blueprint.lua
  • cubuild
  • somefile.c
  • otherfile.c
  • cool_directory/
    • another_dir/

First Things First

Make sure you have your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH set up correctly for the CUDA tools. This is dependent on which shell you use and where the tools are installed on your machine. If you use bash on the lab machines, your ~/.bashrc (or your ~/.mybashrc if it tells you to put your changes there) should have these lines:

# CUDA 4.0-RC tools and libraries
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/cuda/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/cuda/lib64:/opt/cuda/lib

If you can invoke nvcc -V from the command line and get version information, you should be all set.

Running cubuild

Invoking cubuild will start the build process. You should invoke it from the same directory your blueprint.lua file is in (similar to make and its Makefile).

For example, this is the output when running cubuild on the included example:

[bsomers@tyrol] > ./cubuild
Starting build: release
Compiling example/
ptxas info    : Compiling entry function '_Z3addiiPi' for 'sm_20'
ptxas info    : Used 4 registers, 48 bytes cmem[0]
Compiling example/main.cpp
Compiling example/c_code.c
Linking build-release
[bsomers@tyrol] >

This compiled 3 source files (a C file, a C++ file, and a CUDA file) into a single executable called build-release. In particular, you'll notice that when it compiled the add() CUDA kernel, it printed some information about register and constant/shared memory usage. This will be helpful later when playing with your thread/block launch sizes.

There are currently 2 command line options, -version and -verbose. The version flag will print information not only about the version of cubuild, but about the versions of NVCC, gcc, and g++ that you're using as well. The verbose option replaces the friendly "Compiling x.c" text with the actual commands being invoked in the background:

[bsomers@tyrol] > ./cubuild -verbose
Starting build: release
nvcc -c -O2 -Xptxas -v -arch=compute_20 -code=sm_20 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE -I/opt/nvidia/3.2/gpusdk/C/common/inc -Xcompiler -Wall -Xcompiler -ffast-math -o /home/bsomers/cubuild-0.1/example/cuda_code.o /home/bsomers/cubuild-0.1/example/
ptxas info    : Compiling entry function '_Z3addiiPi' for 'sm_20'
ptxas info    : Used 4 registers, 48 bytes cmem[0]
nvcc -c -O2 -Xptxas -v -arch=compute_20 -code=sm_20 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE -I/opt/nvidia/3.2/gpusdk/C/common/inc -Xcompiler -Wall -Xcompiler -ffast-math -o /home/bsomers/cubuild-0.1/example/main.o /home/bsomers/cubuild-0.1/example/main.cpp
nvcc -c -O2 -Xptxas -v -arch=compute_20 -code=sm_20 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE -I/opt/nvidia/3.2/gpusdk/C/common/inc -Xcompiler -Wall -Xcompiler -ffast-math -o /home/bsomers/cubuild-0.1/example/c_code.o /home/bsomers/cubuild-0.1/example/c_code.c
nvcc -lm -o build-release /home/bsomers/cubuild-0.1/example/cuda_code.o /home/bsomers/cubuild-0.1/example/main.o /home/bsomers/cubuild-0.1/example/c_code.o
[bsomers@tyrol] >

If you suspect cubuild may be doing something wrong or that things aren't being compiled correctly, have a look at the verbose output.

As expected, you can invoke cubuild clean to remove any generated files. It's rather conservative, since it doesn't want to accidentally delete anything you might want to have around. For example, it won't delete all *.o files, just the ones that that would be generated by your current source files.

[bsomers@tyrol] > ./cubuild clean
Starting clean
Removing object files
Removing output binaries
[bsomers@tyrol] >

A Simple Blueprint

Blueprints are just Lua source files, but you don't need to know Lua to write them. They're very straightforward. Let's look at an example of the simplest blueprint.lua you can write:

-- path to the gpu computing sdk
gpu_sdk_path "/opt/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK"
config "main"

Comments in Lua start with double dashes, so the first line is just a comment. The second line tells cubuild where the GPU Computing SDK is installed, so it knows where to find helper includes and libraries you might use. Lastly, we define one build configuration named "main". There's nothing special about the name "main", we could have named it anything we want (except for "default" or "clean", those are reserved). We'll talk about build configs more in a bit.

We can run cubuild with this blueprint like so:

[bsomers@tyrol] > ./cubuild main
Starting build: main
Compiling example/main.cpp
Compiling example/c_code.c
Compiling example/
ptxas info    : Compiling entry function '_Z3addiiPi' for 'sm_10'
ptxas info    : Used 2 registers, 16+16 bytes smem
Linking a.out
[bsomers@tyrol] >

If we run this cubuild with this blueprint, cubuild will use a set of reasonable defaults to compile our program and produce an executable with the name a.out, just like gcc.

We can also define a default build config if we don't want to always type the name along with the cubuild command. Let's add one more line to our simple blueprint.lua file:

-- path to the gpu computing sdk
gpu_sdk_path "/opt/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK"
default "main"
config "main"

This tells cubuild that, when we don't give it an explicit build config on the command line, it should build the config named "main" by default.

Build Configurations

cubuild has the notion of a build configuration, similar to some IDEs like Visual Studio or Eclipse. The idea behind a build configuration is that you may have several different ways you want your program to be compiled, and it would be nice to easily switch between them. In particular, in CPE 458 we'd like to compile our programs in a debuggable state, setup for profiling, and a final release build with everything stripped out and the optimizer cranked up.

You can invoke different configurations in your blueprint.lua by passing them along at the command line, just like invoking a specific target with make:

[bsomers@tyrol] > ./cubuild debug
Starting build: debug
Compiling example/
ptxas info    : Compiling entry function '_Z3addiiPi' for 'sm_20'
ptxas info    : Used 6 registers, 48 bytes cmem[0]
Compiling example/main.cpp
Compiling example/c_code.c
Linking build-debug
[bsomers@tyrol] >

As you can tell from the first line of cubuild output, we're building the "debug" configuration from our blueprint.

Let's make a simple blueprint that has the three configurations we mentioned above, one for debugging, one for profiling, and one for final release.

gpu_sdk_path "/opt/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK"

default "debug"

config "debug"
    output "my_prog-debug"
    debugging "on"

config "profile"
    output "my_prog-profile"
    debugging "on"
    profiling "on"

config "release"
    output "my_prog-release"
    optimizing "on"

You can see we've defined three configs, named "debug", "profile", and "release". We've also given their output executables different names as well so there's never any confusion. Lastly, you can see that we didn't have to fuss with any pesky command line options to build things correctly. Just turn on debugging, profiling, or optimizing and cubuild will handle the details.

Note that we also turned on debugging in our profiling build so we export the debugging symbols like function and variable names. This is important for getting meaningful results when you profile your code.

That's All Folks!

Using cubuild is really as simple as that. If you have any questions, feel free to send them my way, or preferably send them to the class mailing list so everyone gets the benefit of your question being answered.

Is cubuild missing a feature that you need or want? Send it out to the mailing list and if I have some free time I'm happy to try to add whatever missing features you like. And since cubuild is open source under the Beerware License, if you hate everything I've done feel free to fork the project and send patches my way!

The Kitchen Sink

There are several additional features supported by cubuild that we didn't mention here. This is a full listing of everything supported as of the most recent release.

Command Line Options

  • -verbose
    Show the actual commands cubuild is running rather than the user friendly versions.
  • -version
    Displays information about the versions of cubuild, nvcc, gcc, and g++ on your system.

Global Blueprint Options

  • gpu_sdk_path "/opt/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK"
    The path to wherever you have the GPU Computing SDK installed. On the lab machines it's at the path listed here.
  • default "some_config"
    The default config to build if you don't specify a config explicitly on the command line when you run cubuild.
  • config "my_config"
    Defines a new build config named my_config. All config-specific options from here out apply to this config until either you switch to a different config or the end of the blueprint is reached.

Build Config Blueprint Options

  • output "my_executable"
    The name of the executable generated by cubuild.
  • debugging "on"
    Export debugging symbols for both CPU host code and GPU device code.
  • profiling "on"
    Turn on compiler options to generate profiling code for use with gprof.
  • optimizing "on"
    Turns on compiler optimizations. For host code this puts this optimizer at level 2 and uses fast math for both host and device code.
  • defines {"MY", "PREPROCESSOR", "DEFINES"}
    A comma separated list of strings that will be defined by the compiler, enclosed in curly brackets. These would normally be defined using gcc with something like gcc -DMY -DPREPROCESSOR -DDEFINES.
  • includes {"/path/to/incs", "/more/incs"}
    A comma separated list of paths that will be searched by the compiler for #include'd files, enclosed in curly brackets. These would normally be set using gcc with something like gcc -I/path/to/incs -I/more/incs.
  • cflags {"-Wall", "-Werror"}
    A comma seperated list of command line flags you want passed through nvcc to the system compiler, enclosed in curly brackets. Typically these are flags like -Wall.
  • libdirs {"/path/to/libs", "/more/libs"}
    A comma seperated list of paths that will be searched by the linker for libraries, enclosed in curly brackets. These would normally be set using gcc with something like gcc -L/path/to/libs -L/more/libs.
  • libs {"m", "boost_regex"}
    A comma seperated list of libraries to link with, enclosed in curly brackets. These would normally be set using gcc with something like gcc -lm -lboost_regex.
  • lflags {"-m64"}
    A comma seperated list of command line flags you want passed through nvcc to the system linker, enclosed in curly brackets.
  • compute_capability "2.0"
    Sets the target compute capability for the CUDA compiler. Compute capability is defined by the hardware you're going to run on. The machines in the lab (and tesla) have compute capability 2.0, but older NVIDIA hardware may have compute capabilities 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3. Compiling for a lower compute capability will increase the portability of your kernel, but reduce the CUDA features you can use and prevent the CUDA compiler from doing some more aggressive optimization.
  • max_registers "10"
    CUDA kernels are allocated registers from a global register pool on the device. By default, the CUDA compiler will use as many registers as possible to ramp up individual thread performance. However, if your kernel uses a lot of registers (or shared/constant memory), you may not be able to launch larger thread sizes because there aren't enough registers on the hardware. This option lets you manually restrict the maximum number of registers used in your kernels. That decreases the performance of individual threads, but allows you to launch with more threads to increase your thread-level parallelism. It's a tradeoff you have to experiment with to find the right balance. This is why cubuild prints information about register and shared/constant memory usage when it compiles your kernels. For more information about this, see the CUDA Occupancy Calculator spreadsheet and post on NVIDIA's forums.


Build script to manage compiler options for CUDA lab projects.






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