QIIME 2 plugin for assessing the quality of (meta)genomes using CheckM.
You can install q2-checkm in an existing QIIME 2 environment or create a new environment by following the instructions for the tiny distribution.
is only available through conda for Linux - you can use our script to fetch the binary directly:
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bokulich-lab/q2-checkm/main/install-pplacer.sh | bash
mamba install -c bioconda -c conda-forge -c qiime2 -c defaults \
dendropy "altair<5.0.0" hmmer prodigal pysam matplotlib numpy q2templates
pip install checkm-genome git+https://github.com/bokulich-lab/q2-checkm.git
qiime dev refresh-cache
CheckM version currently used by q2-checkm is pinned to a specific commit: https://github.com/Ecogenomics/CheckM.git@8b42a8ca13dda3a967e2247efe6032f9df1bd434. We are not using the corresponding version available through conda, as it has pplacer as a pinned dependency (and this dependency cannot be resolved on some systems). Instead, we are manually taking care of checkm's dependencies and just installing it through pip.
Installing q2-checkm in an existing QIIME 2 environment by following the instructions above may case Altair to be downgraded to version <5. Proceed with caution!